17 research outputs found

    Strategies to Enhance The Resilience and Service Performance of Frontline Employees of PT Bank XYZ Makassar Regional Office

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many changes to the business world and the Indonesian economy. Corporate resilience is essential for business continuity and recovery amid such a crisis. This study aims to analyze the effect of a high-performance work system (HPWS) on employee resilience and service performance at Bank XYZ Makassar Regional Office and determine the right strategy to improve employee resilience and service performance. An online survey was conducted among 336 frontline employees of Bank XYZ Makassar Regional Office, and the data were processed using the SEM-PLS method to determine the effect between variables. The results showed that the HPWS variable had a positive and significant effect on Employee Resilience. Employee Resilience has a positive and significant effect on Employee Service Performance. HPWS directly or indirectly has a positive and significant effect on the variables of Employee Resilience and Employee Service Performance. To improve Employee resilience and Service Performance, the company's employees must re-planning the HR planning system and re-designing the workflow of frontline employees. Keywords: bank, employee resilience, employee service performance, frontliner, high-performance work system (HPWS

    Influence of Leader Communication on Employee Motivation

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    Ineffective communication is a chief contributor to business leaders\u27 ineffective leadership. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the communication strategies that 4 business leaders in the retail industry used to improve employee motivation. The business leaders, including owners and senior leadership from 3 organizations in the retail industry in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area, were purposefully selected for study participation. Transformational leadership theory shaped the conceptual framework of this study. Transformational leaders use effective communication to influence employee motivation positively. Data were collected from semistructured interviews with the business leaders, public reports, organization documents, and text message correspondences. Data analysis involved identifying reoccurring phenomena and coding meaningful and common keywords, phrases, and statements to form themes. Data analysis also involved triangulating information. Through data analysis, 5 themes emerged, including the following: respectful communication, 2-way communication, and charismatic communication. Business leaders\u27 practice of effective communication strategies could contribute to social change by enhancing the well-being of employees, which might promote the improvement of economic conditions of individuals, families, and communities

    The Moderating Impact of Yoga on the Relationship Between Employee Job Satisfaction and Trust in Management

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    Employees with low job satisfaction are less likely than employees with average or high job satisfaction to achieve organizational productivity objectives. Owners of U. S. companies lose an estimated $605 billion each year in productivity due to low employee job satisfaction. Grounded in the leader-member exchange theory, the purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the moderating impact of yoga on the relationship between employee trust in leadership and employee job satisfaction. Using LinkedIn and Facebook, participants were 80 full-time professionals living in the Baltimore County or Baltimore City vicinities who varied in their participation in yoga as part of a weekly routine. Participants completed two surveys, the Trust and Employee Satisfaction Survey and the Job Satisfaction Scale, on SurveyMonkey. The results of the standard multiple linear regression were statistically significant, F(3, 77) = 64.950, p \u3c .001, R2 = .717. However, trust was the only statistically significant predictor (t = 13.85, p \u3c .001). A key recommendation is for business leaders to develop safe and ethical workplace programs that encourage employees to trust their leaders. The implications for positive social change include the potential for employees to feel empowered to transform and create positive change within themselves, their households, and their communities

    The Impact of Small Business Leadership on Employee Turnover

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    Employee turnover creates a skill loss and negatively affects productivity, reducing organizational effectiveness as well as increasing costs for recruitment and training of new employees. This important to business owners who want to sustain employees, prevent loss of profit, and productivity. Herzberg’s two-factor theory was the conceptual lens for this qualitative multiple case study which explored hair salon owners’ strategies to reduce employee turnover. The participants were 5 hair salon owners in the state of South Carolina. Data were collected through semistructured interviews and an analysis of company documents. Data were analyzed using Yin’s 5 phase process to identify patterns and themes. Member checking was completed to ensure accuracy and credibility. Three themes emerged: employee support, communication, and employee training. Investing in employees’ ideas and growth was a fundamental aspect of employee support. Having open lines of communication and creating and promoting employee training opportunities were essential in fostering employee retention. A key recommendation includes having opportunities for employees to communicate with owners. By improving their communication with employees, small business hair salon owners may reduce turnover and promote job sustainability. The implications for positive social change include the potential for salon owners to create jobs, retain employees, and support economic development in their communities

    Strategies Used by Healthcare Supervisors for Employee Retention

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    Healthcare supervisors who lack effective employee retention strategies could negatively affect patient well-being, employee performance, and organizational functions. The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies that healthcare supervisors used to improve employee retention in 1 health care organization in southeast Georgia. Vroom expectancy theory was the conceptual framework for the study. Data were collected from semistructured interviews with 5 healthcare supervisors in a medium-sized healthcare organization who had hiring responsibilities and a history of implementing successful strategies to improve employee retention. Data were analyzed using coding and word frequency to discern patterns. Three significant themes emerged from analysis of the data: communication, job satisfaction, and compensation. The results of this study might contribute to social change by increasing healthcare supervisors\u27 understanding of employee retention strategies that can improve human and social conditions by maintaining productive healthcare organizations

    Transformational Leadership Strategies for Addressing Voluntary Employee Turnover

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    For every standard deviation of increase in employee turnover, organizations could suffer a roughly 27% decline in financial performance. Current voluntary employee turnover rates hover between 15% - 40% and the associated unquantifiable indirect costs affecting customer loyalty and creating reputational risks for business leaders. Furthermore, when employees leave an organization for another, a minimum of 95% leave with trade secrets, strategic skills, and acquired knowledge. As a result, turnover has evolved into a significant concern for organizational leaders. Using the transformational leadership concept, the purpose of this single case study was to explore the leadership strategies that bank leaders in southwestern Nigeria use to reduce voluntary employee turnover. The participants included bank leaders in southwestern Nigeria who had demonstrated experience in developing and implementing strategies for reducing voluntary employee turnover. The data collection was through person-to-person interviews with 10 bank leaders and review of the company\u27s documents on employee turnover. The process for analyzing data was supported by word frequency analysis, coding of related phrases, and creating of themes around the codes. The themes from the study revealed that transformational leaders use the following to reduce voluntary employee turnover: remunerations and benefits, career growth and development opportunities, and roles of leadership. Reduction in voluntary employee turnover may contribute to social change by empowering business leaders with requisite strategies for employee engagement and business profitability, enhancing job creation opportunities, and improving the social and general wellbeing of families and communities

    An Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction Dimensions in the Ghanaian Banking Industry

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    The banking industry in Ghana has seen tremendous growth in recent times. This exponential growth has led to high levels of competition and necessitated that all banks devise strategies to improve customer satisfaction to gain competitive advantage. The growing demands of customers have a significant impact on bank management\u27s ability to attract and retain them. The ability to retain customers depends on the strategy in place to exceed customer expectations and satisfaction. Grounded in relationship marketing theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies banking leaders use to increase customer satisfaction. Data were collected through semistructured interviews from 6 bank leaders in 3 banks in Accra. Member checking confirmed the interpretation of participant data. Three themes emerged from the data analysis. The themes were customer centricity, customer relationship management, and service quality standards. Adopting customer-centric strategies, building strong relations with customers, and implementing quality service standards might increase customer satisfaction, retention, and profitability. The social change outcomes include the opportunity for the banks to give back to the community through corporate social responsibility and extending credit to improve the quality and standards of living of the people. Improved standards of living could result in the people in the Ghanaian community doing more business with banks, resulting in a ripple effect of profitability and giving back to society

    Employee Retention Strategies in Small and Medium Sized Companies

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    High voluntary turnover negatively affects business profitability because of additional recruitment, training, and overtime expenses and the risk of low productivity of newly hired employees. Business leaders of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who fail to retain talented and skilled employees witness an increase in their organizations’ costs and employees’ performance reduction. Grounded in McClelland’s three needs theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies business leaders of SMEs use to retain employees. Participants were five business leaders from SMEs in Islamabad, Pakistan, who successfully used strategies to retain employees. Data were collected via semistructured interviews and reviews of company documents. Five themes emerged after using Yin’s five-step data analysis process: leadership role in terms of fostering a sense of open and transparent communication; positive and friendly working environment; provision of monetary and nonmonetary benefits; talent management by structured hiring, developing, and retaining high potential employees; and investment in people development. A key recommendation for SMEs is to create a culture of trust, respect, and cooperation across organizations by fair and transparent communication. Implications for positive social change include the potential to generate more taxes from sustainable businesses and stable jobs to fund local community public infrastructure and welfare projects

    Associate Engagement, Customer Satisfaction, and the Impact on the Shopping Experience

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    This qualitative case study focuses on levels of associate engagement, customer satisfaction and the customer shopping experience. The qualitative research presents a case study design that looks to develop an understanding of how the different levels of associate engagement and customer satisfaction will impact the shopping experience, which could result in a loss of future revenue through reduced future visits and decreased spending. It addresses the general problem of low levels of associate engagement, customer satisfaction and the impact on the customer shopping experience. This research looks to question how important customers perceive levels of associate engagement when they are shopping in Walmart. A survey for Walmart customers and associates and one-on-one interviews were used to ask questions that would answer the issue. This researcher used NVivo software to code the data that was collected and also used preexisting literature to substantiate the findings. The results of this study show that the levels of associate engagement are a driving factor in customer satisfaction and in creating a positive shopping experience. Customers want to feel valued and welcome when they shop, and they look to associates to provide that through engagement. It was found that often it is more important to a customer to be acknowledged then quality of product received. Customers were willing to overlook lack of selection and lower quality if they received engagement and acknowledgement from store associates

    Manufacturing Business Managers\u27 Strategies to Increase Employee Engagement

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    AbstractEmployee engagement is critical for manufacturing businesses to achieve higher productivity, competitive advantage, and sustainability. Manufacturing business managers who implement effective strategies can potentially enhance employee job satisfaction to increase employee engagement. Grounded in Kahn’s personal engagement theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple-case study was to explore strategies manufacturing business managers use to increase employee engagement. The participants were four manufacturing business managers from two manufacturing businesses in the southeastern region of Jamaica who successfully implemented strategies to increase employee engagement. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and company documents. Yin’s five-phase process was used to analyze data. Three themes emerged: use effective communication techniques to increase employee engagement, develop quality training and development programs, and create attractive rewards and recognition programs. A key recommendation is that manufacturing business managers prioritize training and development programs for all employees to increase employee engagement. Doing so may promote a sustainable workforce. The implications for positive social change include the potential for manufacturing business managers to provide employment opportunities and thereby raise the standard of living and social well-being of local community residents