88 research outputs found

    Persepsi Efektivitas Pengajaran Bermedia Virtual Reality (VR)

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    The Role of Virtual Reality in Enhancing Students’ Learning

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    The globalization, innovation, and rapid spread of advanced technologies in different fields, including education, are a recent trend. Virtual reality (VR) is one emerging technology that has been used in recent years in medical training, military training, and other fields. It also presents several opportunities in the educational sector to support teaching and learning processes and thus deserves greater attention from educators and policy makers. The present paper reviews the huge role of Virtual Reality in supporting and enhancing students’ learning in four main areas: collaborative/cooperative learning, creative learning, problem-based learning, and role playing. Different types and categories of VR are also explored. Finally, some of the limitations associated with the implementation of VR, including its high cost, and possible solutions are discussed. Overall, VR presents several unique opportunities for enhancing teaching and students’ learning

    Does use of touch screen computer technology improve classroom engagement in children?

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    Many studies have shown that the use of technology in the classroom may influence pupil engagement. Despite the recent widespread use of tablet technology, however, very little research has been carried out into their use in a primary school setting. We investigated the use of tablet computers, specifically Apple’s ‘iPad’, in an upper primary school setting with regard to children’s engagement. Cognitive, emotional and general engagement was higher in lessons based on iPads than those which were not. There was no difference in behavioral engagement. Of particular significance was the increase in engagement seen in boys, which resulted in their engagement levels increasing to levels comparable to those seen in girls. These findings suggest that tablet technology has potential as a tool in the classroom setting

    How Affordances of Immersive Visualization Systems Affect Learning Outcomes through Aesthetic Experience

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    Virtual reality has received attention as an environment for learning, yet little is known about the effectiveness of bringing the immersive visualization systems into the university classrooms. Building upon prior literature on immersive technology and the theory of affordance, we develop a model investigating how the features afforded by an immersive visualization system escalate users’ engagement, which in turn increases their learning outcomes. We will test the model with undergraduate students who have experienced with an immersive visualization system in the classroom setting. We believe that our work will enrich the existing literature on virtual reality in education and provide insight into the design of immersive representations and the structure of immersive learning paradigm

    Development and Evaluation of a Desktop VR System for Electrical Services Engineers

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    This paper presents a prototype desktop virtual reality model, developed to enhance electrical safety and design in the built environment. The model presented has the potential to be used as an educational tool for third level students, an industry design tool or as a virtual electrical safety manual for the general public. A description of the development of the virtual reality model is presented along with the applications that were developed within the model. Subsequently, a case study is carried out to evaluate the users’ attitudes toward VR learning environments and also the usability of the prototype model developed. Based on the development of this prototype model, it appears from the completed case study that the users perceive the prototype to be a useful tool and were receptive to using VR as a learning and design tool

    Mirror..mirror on the Wall Are We Real in Reality? Virtual Reality Learning Application in Malaysian Education

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    Virtual reality has a lot of promise, and its use in education and industry has recently piqued the interest of many in academia. In Malaysian educational environments, there are presently just a few thorough studies on how academics and educationists use immersive virtual reality. Until far, Virtual Reality-based education in Malaysia has received little attention in the literature. This is a systematic literature review paper that follows closely the methodology of PRISMA that consists of rigid and vigorous literature search. Findings showed in virtual reality's use, including not taking into account the best practices for teaching and lack of evaluations Keywords:: Virtual Reality; Learning Environment; Systematic Literature Review eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

    Persepsi Efektivitas Pengajaran Bermedia Virtual Reality (VR)

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    ne"> Penelitian ini mendeskribsikan persepsi Pengajar (Dosen)terhadap media Virtual Reality (VR) dan penggunaannya dalampengajaran. Untuk mengetahui persepsi Pengajar terhadap media VR dan penggunaannya dalam pengajaran, contoh mediaVR diberikan untuk diuji coba. Wawancara dilakukan kepada responden terpilih dan model dibangun dengan membagikelompok yang akan diwawancarai. Kelompok A menilai kondisi pengajaran tanpa media VR dan kelompok B pengajarandengan media VR. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan (1) Pembelajaran merupakan aktivitas yang bertujuan untuk membantusiswa agar dapat memiliki kompetensi kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor seperti yang diinginkan. Untuk mencapaipembelajaran sukses dengan media VR, perlu perencanaan dan metode yang tepat. Pembelajaran konstruktivisme denganmenggunakan media VR bisa dikatakan efektif (“pembelajaran yang suksesâ€) jika telah memenuhi beberapa indikator yaituefektif, efisien (layak dan tidak membutuhkan usaha (effort) banyak), kinerja media baik (memiliki daya tarik). Efektivitaspengajaran dapat dicapai dengan program pembelajaran yang baik (desain media dan metode) yang dilakukan olehpengajar. Dengan strategi pengajaran bermedia VR dapat menciptakan kelas yang interaktif-aktif, efisiensi pengajaran dapatdicapai dan tingkat pencapaian materi yang terukur. (2) Penggunaan media VR dalam pengajaran sangat mendukung untukmateri yang syarat terhadap visualisasi, praktik dan keterbatasan sumberdaya. Keinginan dari responden cenderung sangattinggi (53,8%)terhadap penggunaan teknologi VR dalam pembelajaran. Saran yang diberikan untuk penelitian lebih lanjutyaitu perlu adanya mekanisme yang spesifik untuk mendesain VR dengan topik tertentu dan bagaimana implementasinya(efektivitas media VR).Kata kunci : Virtual Reality (VR), efektif, pengajaran, pembelajaran

    An investigation into the factors influencing consumers to use e-services of Indonesian airlines: The role of motivation

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    E-Services have been a popular area of research. This research explores what pushes consumers to use Indonesian airline e-Services. Specifically, this study investigates into how the ‘motivation’ factor can be combined in some traditional theoretical models, within which it studies the influence on intention of the customers to use e-Services as well as its usage. A positivist paradigm is referred to conduct the research using a two-stage sequential mixed method research approach comprising both field study and quantitative methods. The field study has been employed to refine the research model and quantitative data collected from questionnaire-based survey is analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS) based Structural Equation Model (SEM). The research model is validated by surveying 819 Indonesian consumers who have used Indonesian Airline e-Services. The results confirm behavioral intention to use is influenced by the effort expectancy, social influence, outcome expectancy, and motivation. The motivation itself is influenced by the effort expectancy, social influence, trustworthiness, and outcome expectancy. Findings indicate that the effort and outcome expectancy are both influenced by trustworthiness and facilitation conditions. The results also demonstrate that motivation drives e-Services usage directly or indirectly through the intention to use. Furthermore, the implications of the findings are highlighted
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