19 research outputs found

    How diverse is your team? Investigating gender and nationality diversity in GitHub teams

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    Open Access: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.Background Building an effective team of developers is a complex task faced by both software companies and open source communities. The problem of forming a “dream” team involves many variables, including consideration of human factors and it is not a dilemma solvable in a mathematical way. Empirical studies might provide interesting insights to explain which factors need to be taken into account in building a team of developers and which levers act to optimise productivity among developers. Aim In this paper, we present the results of an empirical study aimed at investigating the link between team diversity (i.e., gender, nationality) and productivity (issue fixing time). Method We consider issues solved from the GHTorrent dataset inferring gender and nationality of each team’s members. We also evaluate the politeness of all comments involved in issue resolution. Results Results show that higher gender diversity is linked with a lower team average issue fixing time (higher productivity), that nationality diversity is linked with lower team politeness and that gender diversity is linked with higher sentiment.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Consequences of Unhappiness While Developing Software

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    The growing literature on affect among software developers mostly reports on the linkage between happiness, software quality, and developer productivity. Understanding the positive side of happiness -- positive emotions and moods -- is an attractive and important endeavor. Scholars in industrial and organizational psychology have suggested that also studying the negative side -- unhappiness -- could lead to cost-effective ways of enhancing working conditions, job performance, and to limiting the occurrence of psychological disorders. Our comprehension of the consequences of (un)happiness among developers is still too shallow, and is mainly expressed in terms of development productivity and software quality. In this paper, we attempt to uncover the experienced consequences of unhappiness among software developers. Using qualitative data analysis of the responses given by 181 questionnaire participants, we identified 49 consequences of unhappiness while doing software development. We found detrimental consequences on developers' mental well-being, the software development process, and the produced artifacts. Our classification scheme, available as open data, will spawn new happiness research opportunities of cause-effect type, and it can act as a guideline for practitioners for identifying damaging effects of unhappiness and for fostering happiness on the job.Comment: 6 pages. To be presented at the Second International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering, colocated with the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'17). Extended version of arXiv:1701.02952v2 [cs.SE

    Medición de confianza interpersonal en equipos globales de desarrollo de software

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    El progreso alcanzado por las tecnologías de información y comunicación ha promovido fuertemente las relaciones o vinculaciones entre personas de distintos puntos geográficos del mundo. Bajo este novedoso contexto nuevas configuraciones de equipos de desarrollo de software surgen, conocidos como equipos virtuales. Un desafío en estos nuevos escenarios distribuidos es el entendimiento de los aspectos humanos y sociales involucrados en el proceso de desarrollo de software y su impacto en la efectividad del mismo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar y clasificar conocimiento reportado acerca de la medición de confianza interpersonal en contextos globales de desarrollo de software. Para alcanzar ese objetivo se aplica un estudio de mapeo sistemático de la literatura científica.Eje: Ingeniería de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Medición de confianza interpersonal en equipos globales de desarrollo de software

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    El progreso alcanzado por las tecnologías de información y comunicación ha promovido fuertemente las relaciones o vinculaciones entre personas de distintos puntos geográficos del mundo. Bajo este novedoso contexto nuevas configuraciones de equipos de desarrollo de software surgen, conocidos como equipos virtuales. Un desafío en estos nuevos escenarios distribuidos es el entendimiento de los aspectos humanos y sociales involucrados en el proceso de desarrollo de software y su impacto en la efectividad del mismo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar y clasificar conocimiento reportado acerca de la medición de confianza interpersonal en contextos globales de desarrollo de software. Para alcanzar ese objetivo se aplica un estudio de mapeo sistemático de la literatura científica.Eje: Ingeniería de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    The ICO Phenomenon and Its Relationships with Ethereum Smart Contract Environment

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    Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) are public offers of new cryptocurrencies in exchange of existing ones, aimed to finance projects in the blockchain development arena. In the last 8 months of 2017, the total amount gathered by ICOs exceeded 4 billion US$, and overcame the venture capital funnelled toward high tech initiatives in the same period. A high percentage of ICOS is managed through Smart Contracts running on Ethereum blockchain, and in particular to ERC-20 Token Standard Contract. In this work we examine 1388 ICOs, published on December 31, 2017 on icobench.com Web site, gathering information relevant to the assessment of their quality and software development management, including data on their development teams. We also study, at the same date, the financial data of 450 ICO tokens available on coinmarketcap.com Web site, among which 355 tokens are managed on Ethereum blochain. We define success criteria for the ICOs, based on the funds actually gathered, and on the behavior of the price of the related tokens, finding the factors that most likely influence the ICO success likeliness

    Female Librarians and Adoption of Open Source Software

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    Purpose: Open source software is used widely across different continents though its adoption in libraries depend upon varioius factors. Type of library, availability of staff, qualification and skill sets of the librarian and other staff, support of the management, library budget, time availability, independence to the librarian are just some of the factors that may determine adoption of open source software. This paper tries to understand if gender of the librarian also has any significant impact on adoption of open source software. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study is conducted in India focusing on libraries of the private management education institutions in the Noida and Ghaziabad of the Uttar Pradesh, a state of India. Data is collected using Google Forms. After normalization of data, analyis of the data is conducted using SPSS 18 version after conducting reliability analysis on the major vaiables for reliability of the data. The sample is chosen due to very large number and different types of educational institutions providing management education in this geographical area. Findings: This study confirms that more and more libraries are adopting open source software now however adoption rate of open source software among female libraries is lesser. It is evident from the study women are not lagging behind due to qualification or skill sets but their other responsibilities i.e. family responsibilities cause work-life imbalance and hence they do not take much risks and try to adjust in pre-defined boundaries. Survey results also indicate if employer provides risk free environment to female librarians then adoption of open source software may become faster. Originality/Value: This study is entirely original work of the authors and is based upon data collected using google forms after distribution among various libraries. Results of this study may help in employers and government to take up women-friendly measures that ensure work-life balance and provide a women-friendly environment so that they can use their knowledge and skills for betterment of their libraries

    Visibilidad de las mujeres en el ciclo de vida del desarrollo de software

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    The visibility of women in the labor context of software production is very weak, due to their low participation and socio-cultural difficulties to grow in the labor context. This article aims to show women's role and contribution in the whole life cycle of software development and thus promote gender equity and equality in this area. Methodologically, we have taken the systematic mapping technique to search in the technical literature as a basis. This allows us to obtain a comprehensive view of the work related to gender gaps women face in their work performance in software manufacturing. To complement this study, a form including closed questions was designed to obtain information about the role women play in software production and their expectations in terms of their professional contribution in this field. The main findings allow us to infer that there are biases when defining leaders and roles in software development. It is hoped that the findings of this study will provide inspiring information for women who wish to lead teams in the field of software development by showing the reduction of gender gaps and the possibility of successfully exercising leadership in this field.La visibilidad de las mujeres en el contexto laboral de la producción de software se observa muy débil, debido a su escasa participación y dificultades socioculturales para crecer en el contexto laboral. El propósito de este artículo es, evidenciar el rol y aporte de las mujeres en todo el ciclo de vida del desarrollo de Software y así contribuir a promover la equidad y la igualdad de género en esta área de fabricación de software. Metodológicamente se ha tomado como base la técnica de mapeo sistemático para búsqueda en la literatura técnica. Esto nos permite obtener una visión integral de los trabajos relacionados con las brechas de género que enfrentan las mujeres en su desempeño laboral en la fabricación de software. Para complementar este estudio, se diseñó un formulario que incluye preguntas cerradas para obtener información sobre el rol que desempeñan las mujeres en la producción de software y sus expectativas personales en términos de su contribución profesional en este campo. Los principales hallazgos nos permiten inferir que existe sesgos a la hora de definir líderes y roles en el desarrollo de software. Se espera que los hallazgos de este estudio proporcionen información inspiradora para las mujeres que anhelan liderar equipos de trabajo en el campo del Desarrollo de Software, al evidenciar la reducción de las brechas de género y la posibilidad de ejercer el liderazgo de manera exitosa en este ámbito.Facultad de Informátic

    Evaluación de confianza en equipos virtuales de desarrollo de software usando modelos de lenguajes basados en BERT

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    Nowadays, people from different geographical areas can be closely related thanks to advances in information and communication technologies. This has a greater impact in software development organizations where their members form virtual work teams. In these new co-located work scenarios, the construction of interpersonal trust is more complex and its impact is very relevant in the performance of software development teams. This paper presents the results of the performance evaluation of four pre-trained language models based on BERT applied to trust analysis tasks. For this work, a small dataset of 1453 comments obtained from software projects stored on Github was created. The evaluated language models achieved moderately good values, in the order of 0.84 for the F1-score metric, which augurs that with further research they could be significantly improved.Actualmente personas de distintas zonas geográficas pueden estar fuertemente relacionadas gracias a los avances en las tecnologías de información y comunicación. Esto tiene un impacto mayor en organizaciones de desarrollo de software en donde sus miembros conforman equipos virtuales de trabajo. En estos nuevos escenarios colocalizados de trabajo la construcción de confianza interpersonal es más compleja y su impacto es muy relevante en el desempeño de los equipos de desarrollo de software. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de la evaluación de desempeño de cuatro modelos de lenguaje pre-entrenados basados en BERT aplicados a tareas de análisis de trust. Para este trabajo se creó un pequeño dataset de 1453 comentarios obtenidos de proyectos de software almacenados en Github. Los modelos de lenguaje evaluados alcanzaron valores moderadamente buenos, del orden de 0.84 para la métrica F1-score, lo que augura que con una mayor investigación podrían mejorarse significativamente.Facultad de Informátic