11 research outputs found

    Think Eternally: Improved Algorithms for the Temp Secretary Problem and Extensions

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    The Temp Secretary Problem was recently introduced by [Fiat et al., ESA 2015]. It is a generalization of the Secretary Problem, in which commitments are temporary for a fixed duration. We present a simple online algorithm with improved performance guarantees for cases already considered by [Fiat et al., ESA 2015] and give competitive ratios for new generalizations of the problem. In the classical setting, where candidates have identical contract durations gamma << 1 and we are allowed to hire up to B candidates simultaneously, our algorithm is (1/2) - O(sqrt{gamma})-competitive. For large B, the bound improves to 1 - O(1/sqrt{B}) - O(sqrt{gamma}). Furthermore we generalize the problem from cardinality constraints towards general packing constraints. We achieve a competitive ratio of 1 - O(sqrt{(1+log(d) + log(B))/B}) - O(sqrt{gamma}), where d is the sparsity of the constraint matrix and B is generalized to the capacity ratio of linear constraints. Additionally we extend the problem towards arbitrary hiring durations. Our algorithmic approach is a relaxation that aggregates all temporal constraints into a non-temporal constraint. Then we apply a linear scaling algorithm that, on every arrival, computes a tentative solution on the input that is known up to this point. This tentative solution uses the non-temporal, relaxed constraints scaled down linearly by the amount of time that has already passed

    Think Eternally: Improved Algorithms for the Temp Secretary Problem and Extensions

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    The Temp Secretary Problem was recently introduced by [Fiat et al., ESA 2015]. It is a generalization of the Secretary Problem, in which commitments are temporary for a fixed duration. We present a simple online algorithm with improved performance guarantees for cases already considered by [Fiat et al., ESA 2015] and give competitive ratios for new generalizations of the problem. In the classical setting, where candidates have identical contract durations gamma << 1 and we are allowed to hire up to B candidates simultaneously, our algorithm is (1/2) - O(sqrt{gamma})-competitive. For large B, the bound improves to 1 - O(1/sqrt{B}) - O(sqrt{gamma}). Furthermore we generalize the problem from cardinality constraints towards general packing constraints. We achieve a competitive ratio of 1 - O(sqrt{(1+log(d) + log(B))/B}) - O(sqrt{gamma}), where d is the sparsity of the constraint matrix and B is generalized to the capacity ratio of linear constraints. Additionally we extend the problem towards arbitrary hiring durations. Our algorithmic approach is a relaxation that aggregates all temporal constraints into a non-temporal constraint. Then we apply a linear scaling algorithm that, on every arrival, computes a tentative solution on the input that is known up to this point. This tentative solution uses the non-temporal, relaxed constraints scaled down linearly by the amount of time that has already passed

    Constrained Online Two-stage Stochastic Optimization: Algorithm with (and without) Predictions

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    We consider an online two-stage stochastic optimization with long-term constraints over a finite horizon of TT periods. At each period, we take the first-stage action, observe a model parameter realization and then take the second-stage action from a feasible set that depends both on the first-stage decision and the model parameter. We aim to minimize the cumulative objective value while guaranteeing that the long-term average second-stage decision belongs to a set. We develop online algorithms for the online two-stage problem from adversarial learning algorithms. Also, the regret bound of our algorithm can be reduced to the regret bound of embedded adversarial learning algorithms. Based on this framework, we obtain new results under various settings. When the model parameters are drawn from unknown non-stationary distributions and we are given machine-learned predictions of the distributions, we develop a new algorithm from our framework with a regret O(WT+T)O(W_T+\sqrt{T}), where WTW_T measures the total inaccuracy of the machine-learned predictions. We then develop another algorithm that works when no machine-learned predictions are given and show the performances.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2302.0099

    A Field Guide for Pacing Budget and ROS Constraints

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    Budget pacing is a popular service that has been offered by major internet advertising platforms since their inception. Budget pacing systems seek to optimize advertiser returns subject to budget constraints by smoothly spending advertiser budgets. In the past few years, autobidding products that provide real-time bidding as a service to advertisers have seen a prominent rise in adoption. A popular autobidding strategy is value maximization subject to return-on-spend (ROS) constraints. For historical/business reasons, the systems that govern these two services, namely budget pacing and ROS pacing, are not always a unified and coordinated entity that optimizes a global objective subject to both constraints. The purpose of this work is to theoretically and empirically compare algorithms with different degrees of coordination between these two pacing systems. In particular, we compare (a) a fully-decoupled sequential algorithm that first constructs the advertiser's ROS-pacing bid and then lowers that bid for budget pacing; (b) a minimally-coupled min-pacing algorithm that runs these two services independently, obtains the bid multipliers from both of them and applies the minimum of the two multipliers as the effective multiplier; and (c) a fully-coupled dual-based algorithm that optimally combines the dual variables from both the systems. Our main contribution is to theoretically analyze the min-pacing algorithm and show that it attains similar guarantees to the fully-coupled canonical dual-based algorithm. On the other hand, we show that the sequential algorithm, even though appealing by virtue of being fully decoupled, could badly violate the constraints. We validate our theoretical findings empirically by showing that the min-pacing algorithm performs almost as well as the canonical dual-based algorithm on a semi-synthetic dataset based on a large online advertising platform's data

    Degeneracy is OK: Logarithmic Regret for Network Revenue Management with Indiscrete Distributions

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    We study the classical Network Revenue Management (NRM) problem with accept/reject decisions and TT IID arrivals. We consider a distributional form where each arrival must fall under a finite number of possible categories, each with a deterministic resource consumption vector, but a random value distributed continuously over an interval. We develop an online algorithm that achieves O(log2T)O(\log^2 T) regret under this model, with the only (necessary) assumption being that the probability densities are bounded away from 0. We derive a second result that achieves O(logT)O(\log T) regret under an additional assumption of second-order growth. To our knowledge, these are the first results achieving logarithmic-level regret in an NRM model with continuous values that do not require any kind of ``non-degeneracy'' assumptions. Our results are achieved via new techniques including a new method of bounding myopic regret, a ``semi-fluid'' relaxation of the offline allocation, and an improved bound on the ``dual convergence''