1,161 research outputs found

    The first IEEE workshop on the Future of Research Curation and Research Reproducibility

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    This report describes perspectives from the Workshop on the Future of Research Curation and Research Reproducibility that was collaboratively sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) in November 2016. The workshop brought together stakeholders including researchers, funders, and notably, leading science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) publishers. The overarching objective was a deep dive into new kinds of research products and how the costs of creation and curation of these products can be sustainably borne by the agencies, publishers, and researcher communities that were represented by workshop participants.National Science Foundation Award #164101

    Library Publishing Toolkit

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    Both public and academic libraries are invested in the creation and distribution of information and digital content. They have morphed from keepers of content into content creators and curators, and seek best practices and efficient workflows with emerging publishing platforms and services. The Library Publishing Toolkit looks at the broad and varied landscape of library publishing through discussions, case studies, and shared resources. From supporting writers and authors in the public library setting to hosting open access journals and books, this collection examines opportunities for libraries to leverage their position and resources to create and provide access to content.The Library Publishing Toolkit is a project funded partially by Bibliographic Databases and Interlibrary Resources Sharing Program funds which are administered and supported by the Rochester Regional Library Council. The toolkit is a united effort between Milne Library at SUNY Geneseo and the Monroe County Library System to identify trends in library publishing, seek out best practices to implement and support such programs, and share the best tools and resources. Our goals include to: Develop strategies libraries can use to identify types of publishing services and content that can be created and curated by libraries. Assess trends in digital content creation and publishing that can be useful in libraries and suggesting potential future projects. Identify efficient workflows for distributing content for free online and with potential for some cost-recovery in print on demand markets. A list of chapters is available in the full record.https://knightscholar.geneseo.edu/idsproject-press/1002/thumbnail.jp

    The University Library System, University of Pittsburgh: How & Why We Publish

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    The University Library System (ULS), University of Pittsburgh began its e-journal publishing program in 2007 and in five years has quickly grown to publish 34 peer-reviewed scholarly research journals. In this chapter, we will describe the rationale for and the genesis of this program to publish new original content, explain how the program evolved, and give insight into what direction it is likely to take in the future. The ULS has built an extensive digital publishing program over the past two decades. Beginning with digitization projects to reformat the ULS’ unique collections, the program now includes well over 100,000 digital objects in over 100 thematic digital collections including photographs, manuscripts, maps, books, journal articles, electronic theses and dissertations, government documents, and other gray literature such as working papers, white papers, and technical reports. The development of the ULS publishing program was driven by a strong and enduring institutional commitment to Open Access to scholarly information. The organization has placed strategic emphasis on leadership in transforming the patterns of scholarly communication and supporting researchers not only in discovering and accessing scholarly information, but in the production and sharing of new knowledge and the creation of original scholarly research. In pursuit of these goals, the ULS has developed a suite of specific tools and techniques to build a highly cost-efficient e-journal publishing program. The ULS provides its publishing partners with a hardware and software platform and associated electronic publishing services using the open source Open Journal Systems (OJS) software developed by the Public Knowledge Project. This platform allows for richly customizable management of all stages of editorial workflow. In addition, OJS sports a number of reader tools to enhance content discovery and use, including multilingual support for both online interfaces and content in many languages, persistent URLs, RSS feeds, tools for bookmarking and sharing articles through social networking sites, full-text searching, and compliance with the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. Additional services offered by the ULS include consultation on editorial workflow management, software configuration, graphic design services, initial training, online usage statistics, review of all new published issues for metadata quality, and ongoing systems support. The ULS also provides ISSN registration, assigns DOIs, and assists in promotional efforts to establish the journal. Digital preservation is facilitated through LOCKSS. Steps to start up a new scholarly journal are covered. We will also describe common pitfalls to avoid and techniques that help with clear communications and management of mutual expectations between publisher and publishing partners. Quality control is discussed, including careful selection of partners, conducting peer reviews, maintaining academic quality, advising on publishing best practices, and measuring impact. With each passing year and each acquisitions budget cycle, research libraries have more to gain by becoming publishers. By publishing new Open Access content, libraries can not only help meet the most fundamental needs of the researchers they support, but they can simultaneously help transform today’s inflationary cost model for serials. The publication model described in this paper can serve as a guide for libraries wishing to implement similar programs

    Selling and collecting art in the network society: Interactions among contemporary art new media and the art market

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    Aquesta tesi explora i analitza les interaccions actuals entre art, nous mitjans i el mercat de l'art, i també les transformacions que es produeixen en el reconeixement de l'art digital, l'estructura del mercat de l'art i els rols de l'espectador i el col·leccionista. La tesi es divideix en tres parts. La primera part analitza les maneres en què l'art de nous mitjans s'ha definit ell mateix com un món de l'art específic, i les polèmiques que exemplifiquen la seva separació del món de l'art contemporani. La segona part analitza les motivacions i les expectatives dels artistes que treballen amb tecnologies emergents, per mitjà d'una enquesta feta per l'autor entre més de cinc-cents artistes de cinquanta països. La tercera part analitza les maneres en què l'art digital ha estat comercialitzat i els canvis recents en el mercat de l'art contemporani a internet.La presente tesis explora y analiza las interacciones actuales entre arte, nuevos medios y el mercado del arte, así como las transformaciones que se están produciendo en el reconocimiento del arte digital, la estructura del mercado del arte y los roles del espectador y el coleccionista. La tesis se divide en tres partes. La primera parte analiza las formas en que el arte de nuevos medios se ha definido a sí mismo como un mundo del arte específico, y las polémicas que ejemplifican su separación del mundo del arte contemporáneo. La segunda parte analiza las motivaciones y las expectativas de los artistas que trabajan con tecnologías emergentes, por medio de una encuesta realizada por el autor entre más de quinientos artistas de cincuenta países. La tercera parte analiza las maneras en que el arte digital ha sido comercializado y los cambios recientes en el mercado del arte contemporáneo en internet.The present dissertation explores and analyzes the current interactions among art, new media and the art market, as well as the ongoing transformations in the recognition of digital art, the structure of the market, and the role of the viewer and collector. It is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes the ways in which new media art has defined itself as a distinct art world, as well as the controversies that exemplify its separation from the mainstream contemporary art world. The second part exposes the motivations and expectations of artists working with emerging technologies by means of a survey carried out by the author among more than 500 artists from 50 countries. The third part discusses the ways in which digital art has been commercialized as well as the recent developments in the online contemporary art market

    How to be FAIR with your data

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    This handbook was written and edited by a group of about 40 collaborators in a series of six book sprints that took place between 1 and 10 June 2021. It aims to support higher education institutions with the practical implementation of content relating to the FAIR principles in their curricula, while also aiding teaching by providing practical material, such as competence profiles, learning outcomes, lesson plans, and supporting information. It incorporates community feedback received during the public consultation which ran from 27 July to 12 September 2021

    ECLAP 2012 Conference on Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment

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    It has been a long history of Information Technology innovations within the Cultural Heritage areas. The Performing arts has also been enforced with a number of new innovations which unveil a range of synergies and possibilities. Most of the technologies and innovations produced for digital libraries, media entertainment and education can be exploited in the field of performing arts, with adaptation and repurposing. Performing arts offer many interesting challenges and opportunities for research and innovations and exploitation of cutting edge research results from interdisciplinary areas. For these reasons, the ECLAP 2012 can be regarded as a continuation of past conferences such as AXMEDIS and WEDELMUSIC (both pressed by IEEE and FUP). ECLAP is an European Commission project to create a social network and media access service for performing arts institutions in Europe, to create the e-library of performing arts, exploiting innovative solutions coming from the ICT

    Employing Natural History Collections in the Aid of Conservation: Streamlining an Approach to Model Species Distributions En Masse for the Preservation of Biodiversity

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    Using species distribution models (SDMs) in Natural History Collections (NHCs) can influence how humans implement conservation changes in flora and fauna communities and ecosystems. Through the use of legacy data (old NHCs and their associated locality/collection information), data correction (background data or pseudo absences added to presence-only data), and the SDM software, Maxent (and its associated geographic information systems or GIS projected models), it has been shown that it is feasible to create a low budget protocol/setup to project the past, present and future of species population changes. This has been done in the past few decades as more collections and their locality data have become digitized, potentially allowing more natural history collecting institutions and scientists to participate in more conservation projects. We can learn from how past and present population ranges have changed due to climate change, urbanization, and deforestation (among other changes) to be able to project where species ranges could exist in the future. The ultimate goal of this project is to provide both a streamlined protocol to input NHC data into Maxent in order to share the results of the Maxent models and associated statistics of NHC data, even if not publication worthy, to larger stakeholders, environmental policy makers and non-profits. Additionally, this project can allow scientists to follow up on the methods and results of the models to see if there really are possible conservation concerns. Interns, citizen sciences, collections workers (non-PhD scientists) can do this in smaller NHCs, and report their findings from their collections. This project has the potential to have a broader impact on rare species housed in smaller collections. Further, it has the capacity to be able allow for specific species and biota to be conserved with the help of precise small grants for specified flora and fauna to be modeled. While this type of project is not the end all be all cure for the biodiversity crisis, it can be a way to use available resources and technology for the advancement of our planet and its inhabitants
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