226 research outputs found

    DBpedia's triple pattern fragments: usage patterns and insights

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    Queryable Linked Data is published through several interfaces, including SPARQL endpoints and Linked Data documents. In October 2014, the DBpedia Association announced an official Triple Pattern Fragments interface to its popular DBpedia dataset. This interface proposes to improve the availability of live queryable data by dividing query execution between clients and servers. In this paper, we present a usage analysis between November 2014 and July 2015. In 9 months time, the interface had an average availability of 99.99 %, handling 16,776,170 requests, 43.0% of which were served from cache. These numbers provide promising evidence that low-cost Triple Pattern Fragments interfaces provide a viable strategy for live applications on top of public, queryable datasets

    Towards a Cloud-Based Service for Maintaining and Analyzing Data About Scientific Events

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    We propose the new cloud-based service OpenResearch for managing and analyzing data about scientific events such as conferences and workshops in a persistent and reliable way. This includes data about scientific articles, participants, acceptance rates, submission numbers, impact values as well as organizational details such as program committees, chairs, fees and sponsors. OpenResearch is a centralized repository for scientific events and supports researchers in collecting, organizing, sharing and disseminating information about scientific events in a structured way. An additional feature currently under development is the possibility to archive web pages along with the extracted semantic data in order to lift the burden of maintaining new and old conference web sites from public research institutions. However, the main advantage is that this cloud-based repository enables a comprehensive analysis of conference data. Based on extracted semantic data, it is possible to determine quality estimations, scientific communities, research trends as well the development of acceptance rates, fees, and number of participants in a continuous way complemented by projections into the future. Furthermore, data about research articles can be systematically explored using a content-based analysis as well as citation linkage. All data maintained in this crowd-sourcing platform is made freely available through an open SPARQL endpoint, which allows for analytical queries in a flexible and user-defined way.Comment: A completed version of this paper had been accepted in SAVE-SD workshop 2017 at WWW conferenc

    Disaster Monitoring with Wikipedia and Online Social Networking Sites: Structured Data and Linked Data Fragments to the Rescue?

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    In this paper, we present the first results of our ongoing early-stage research on a realtime disaster detection and monitoring tool. Based on Wikipedia, it is language-agnostic and leverages user-generated multimedia content shared on online social networking sites to help disaster responders prioritize their efforts. We make the tool and its source code publicly available as we make progress on it. Furthermore, we strive to publish detected disasters and accompanying multimedia content following the Linked Data principles to facilitate its wide consumption, redistribution, and evaluation of its usefulness.Comment: Accepted for publication at the AAAI Spring Symposium 2015: Structured Data for Humanitarian Technologies: Perfect fit or Overkill? #SD4HumTech1

    Curtains Up! Lights, Camera, Action! Documenting the Creation of Theater and Opera Productions with Linked Data and Web Technologies

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    International audienceFor this paper, in the context of the French research project Spectacle en Ligne(s), we have recorded the entire set of rehearsals of one theater and one opera production using state-of-the-art video equipment. The resulting raw video and audio tracks as well as manually generated annotation data were then preprocessed in order to localize actors and detect their dialogues. Based on these preprocessing steps, we have built a Web-based hypervideo application that allows for navigation through performance time, performance space, and rehearsal time using modern HTML5 Web technologies like the emerging Web Components standard. We publish and consume the annotation data as so-called Linked Data Fragments, a novel way to make triple-based structured data available in a scalable way. As a direct outcome, researchers interested in the genetic analysis and the creation process of live performances can, thanks to this application, freely zoom in and out of scenes, rehearsal sessions, and stage locations in order to better understand the different steps on the way to a chef d'oeuvre. A live demo of the application is publicly available at the URL http://spectacleenlignes.fr/hypervideo/

    From Linked Data to Relevant Data -- Time is the Essence

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    The Semantic Web initiative puts emphasis not primarily on putting data on the Web, but rather on creating links in a way that both humans and machines can explore the Web of data. When such users access the Web, they leave a trail as Web servers maintain a history of requests. Web usage mining approaches have been studied since the beginning of the Web given the log's huge potential for purposes such as resource annotation, personalization, forecasting etc. However, the impact of any such efforts has not really gone beyond generating statistics detailing who, when, and how Web pages maintained by a Web server were visited.Comment: 1st International Workshop on Usage Analysis and the Web of Data (USEWOD2011) in the 20th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2011), Hyderabad, India, March 28th, 201

    Luzzu - A Framework for Linked Data Quality Assessment

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    With the increasing adoption and growth of the Linked Open Data cloud [9], with RDFa, Microformats and other ways of embedding data into ordinary Web pages, and with initiatives such as schema.org, the Web is currently being complemented with a Web of Data. Thus, the Web of Data shares many characteristics with the original Web of Documents, which also varies in quality. This heterogeneity makes it challenging to determine the quality of the data published on the Web and to subsequently make this information explicit to data consumers. The main contribution of this article is LUZZU, a quality assessment framework for Linked Open Data. Apart from providing quality metadata and quality problem reports that can be used for data cleaning, LUZZU is extensible: third party metrics can be easily plugged-in the framework. The framework does not rely on SPARQL endpoints, and is thus free of all the problems that come with them, such as query timeouts. Another advantage over SPARQL based qual- ity assessment frameworks is that metrics implemented in LUZZU can have more complex functionality than triple matching. Using the framework, we performed a quality assessment of a number of statistical linked datasets that are available on the LOD cloud. For this evaluation, 25 metrics from ten different dimensions were implemented
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