588 research outputs found

    Inter-continental optimisation of photovoltaic technologies in large arrays

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    Photovoltaic systems are typically optimised for performance or cost. In order to evaluate the wider parameter space an extensive measurement campaign has been designed that will provide guidance on future system designs. Four near-identical, grid-connected 200kWP PV systems are being installed onto IKEA home furnishings stores in four countries with different climatic classifications. The systems are integrated with comprehensive weather and power monitoring systems. This paper introduces the project and presents initial results

    Large scale evaluation of photovoltaic technologies in different climates

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    Photovoltaic systems are typically optimised for performance or cost. In order to evaluate the wider parameter space and extensive measurement campaign has been designed that will provide guidance on future system designs. Four near-identical, grid-connected 200kW PV systems are being installed onto IKEA home furnishings stores in four countries with different climatic classification. The systems are integrated with comprehensive weather and power monitoring systems. This paper reports on the design, installation and scientific objectives of the project

    The geography of home furnishings sales in the U.S.

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    Sales by U.S. furniture and home furnishings stores were nearly 75billionin1987,theyearofthemostrecentCensusofRetailTrade.Thesalestotalincludes75 billion in 1987, the year of the most recent Census of Retail Trade. The sales total includes 26 billion for furniture stores, 16billionforhomefurnishingsstores,16 billion for homefurnishings stores, 8 billion for household appliance stores, and $24 billion for radio, television, computer, and music stores. The 1987 Census of Retail Trade reports sales for the combined category, furniture and home furnishings, for all U.S. states, counties, and metropolitan areas. In this article, therefore, the term furniture and home furnishings refers to combined sales for all of the store types in Table 1. Combined figures allow sales and growth to be examined in greater detail

    An Updated Trade Area Analysis of Wisconsin Counties for 2006

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    The intent of this functional research project is to apply the tools of Trade Area Analysis (TAA) to retail and service sales data for Wisconsin Counties. For this analysis we use the sales tax data as reported by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue for 2006, the most current year the data are available. Only those counties that have elected to collect the optional county sales tax are included in the analysis. Through Pull Factors and measures of Surplus and Leakage the relative strengths, and weaknesses, of local retail and service markets are identified.

    Holiday Season Hiring in Retail Trade

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    [Excerpt] Every year, certain industries experience substantial seasonal variations in their business activity. In other words, they have strong seasonal hiring and laying off patterns. During these periods, which can last for months, affected industries buildup the number of employees, to accommodate the increased seasonal activity. One of the most notable buildup periods occurs in retail trade for the winter holiday season, which falls in the last 3 months of the year. Knowing that this seasonal activity takes place each year, a “buildup” table can be used to help gauge the level of seasonal hiring compared with previous years and also can be used to explain trends in employment after seasonal adjustment

    A Trade Area Analysis of Wisconsin Counties: Updated for 2010

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    For updated Trade Area Analysis (TAA) of Wisconsin counties we use the sales tax data as reported by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue for 2010. Only those counties that have elected to collect the optional county sales tax are included in the analysis. Because sales tax data are used one must keep in mind that the analysis focuses only on taxable sales and may not reflect the total level of activity in the county. Using Pull Factors and measures of Surplus and Leakage the relative strengths, and weaknesses, of local retail and service markets are identified. Changes in Pull Factors from 2005 to 2010 are provided to gain insights into growing and declining sectors. Finally, an update of simple Wisconsin retail market thresholds estimates (i.e., number of customers required to support an establishment) is also provided.

    Retail and Food Services in Rutherford County: Current Status, Trends, and Supply/Demand Balance

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    This study examines the prospects for growth in Rutherford County’s retailing and food services industry. In particular, the study estimates the potential for capturing Rutherford County spending that occurs in other counties, called ‘spending leakage’, and also estimates the potential for attracting spending from households in nearby counties. The first section examines comparative demographic and income trends as the basis for retail growth in Rutherford County, followed with a review of the importance of retailing and food services as a source of jobs and income for the county. The next section overviews retail growth trends for the county and for La Vergne, Smyrna, and Murfreesboro. An analysis of the county’s retail supply and demand balance is next, with attention to retail sectors that are under-supplied in Rutherford County. The potential for capturing household spending from nearby counties is discussed next, followed with a summary of retail development currently planned for the county. A final section offers conclusions.retail sales, retail leakage

    Iowa Retail & Service Business Threshold Analysis: A Comparative Look at 2000-2005

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    This report provides information for communities and business owners to increase their understanding of retail trends in Iowa. Using data for the years 2000-2005, trends are monitored in demand threshold levels for different types of service and retail businesses while accounting for differences in employer firms and non-employer firms. The distinction between employer firms which report a payroll and non-employer firms which report no paid employees, allows us to reach conclusions about start up costs in different areas and which segments of the Iowa’s economy have the most growth potential. In general, demand threshold levels decreased during the time period 2000-2005 for select service related businesses while in the retail arena superstores represented the only category with substantial reduction in threshold levels. Across the state, retail threshold levels for businesses that require a physical location saw increases in threshold levels. Separating the data between employer and non-employer firms also shows that increases in sole-proprietorships has largely been concentrated in hobby type businesses rather than growth type businesses. Looking at the trends in threshold analysis allows us to glimpse the competitive forces at work in the state, and see areas where profit opportunities and entry and exit of firms have seen the most dramatic changes.

    Understanding the Importance of Visual Merchandising on Store Image and Shopper Behaviours in Home Furnishings Retail Setting

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    The present study attempts to identify the important visual merchandising factors and examine the relationships of those factors with store images and shopper behaviours in the context of home furnishings retail setting. Factor analysis was employed to identify dimensions of the importance of visual merchandising and correlation analyses were implemented to examine the relationships among the variables in this study. Of four store image dimensions, Store Environment was significantly related to Layout/Organization and Creative/Inspirational Coordination factors of visual merchandising. New Style/Trend Information aspect of store image was significantly related to Window/Merchandise Display and Creative/Inspirational Coordination of visual merchandising factors. Merchandise Assortment construct of store image was significantly related to Layout/Organization and Creative/Inspirational Coordination aspects of visual merchandising. Appealing Exhibition dimension of store image was significantly related to Layout/Organization and Creative/Inspirational Coordination aspects of visual merchandising. Among five constructs, creative/inspirational coordination of the store was significantly and positively related to visit frequency. However, none of the importance of visual merchandising constructs was correlated to either amount of time spent shopping or the number of items purchased at one time shopping at home furnishings store. Based on the findings of the study, discussions and implications were provided. Key words: home furnishings retail store, visual merchandising, store image, shopper behaviours

    An Analysis of Retail and Service Sector Count Data: Identification of Market Potential for Wisconsin Counties

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    The objective of this applied research project is to use Wisconsin county sales tax data to identify the strengths and weaknesses of selected retail and service sectors. Using "count" data on the number of businesses that report taxable sales we apply regression analysis to develop an estimate of the expected number of firms in the county. By comparing the observed and expected number of firms we can identify strengths and weaknesses. Through the regression analysis we can also identify which socioeconomic characteristics are associated with which types of retail and service firms. The method that we offer we refer to as Firm Count Analysis (FCA) and can be viewed as a complement to Trade Area Analysis (TAA) and the analysis of sales data.