73 research outputs found

    Jurnal Holistics Volume 3 NO 5 Juni 2011

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    Jurnal Holistics Volume 2 No 3 Juni 2010

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    Character and moral education based learning in students’ character development

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    Internet-based learning is mostly done because of the industrial revolution and COVID-19 so it has an impact on shifting the students’ character. The systematic literature review research purpose was to analyze and provide an overview related to learning based on character and moral education in the student’s character development. Data related to character and moral education (2020-2022) was collected through the Indonesian National Library and Google Scholar for documentation which will then be reviewed. After the screening, 25 articles were selected for analysis using the Miles & Huberman interactive model and thematic analysis to obtain answers to review questions. These findings provided information about various methodologies and research results related to the student’s character and moral education. The results showed that students’ moral character development was influential and related to learning outcomes, self-character, and performance, as well as contributing to students’ mental health. So that efforts can be made in developing and strengthening student character through internal education strategies, such as material content containing character values, local wisdom-based learning, as well as the use of character-based learning models, methods and media, and external strategies in the form of parental support and society

    Essential Oils: Partnering with Antibiotics

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    Essential oils (EO) are volatile, non-lipid-based oils produced as a plant defense mechanism. Studies from our group have validated the potential usefulness of EOs to synergistically and additively work with antibiotics. In this book chapter, we aim to outline some background on the EOs and their uses and applications, to discuss the different mechanisms of action in partnering with antibiotics, and, finally, to explore their potential use against multidrug-resistant bacteria. Applications of EO in therapy will enable the revival of previously sidelined antibiotics and enhance the development of new drug regimens to better mitigate what may be the biggest health challenge by year 2050

    A sudden shift: Students' perception of distance and online education in physical education amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Students' perception is critical because it provides essential information about the current benefits and challenges they are experiencing in the distance and online education setting. This study explores students' perception of physical education regarding the current educational environment in respect to gender, family accommodation, income, gadget, and source of internet connection. 262 1st year students taking minor PE are the participants in this study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage were utilized to describe the demographic characteristics of the respondents. At the same time, mean and standard deviation were used to describe students' attitudes towards distance and online education. Also, One-way ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal Wallis H were utilized to determine the significant difference between groups regarding their perspective in the current educational setting. Based on the results, a statistically significant difference was found between groups concerning family accommodation. On the other hand, no difference was observed between groups of gender, income, gadget, and source of internet connection. In summary, most of the students positively perceived this current setting as beneficial to them. However, there are still challenges that pose threats to this current system. In this regard, the recommendation to address the challenges observed based on study findings and recommendations for future research is a result of this

    What do we know about rubrics used in higher education?

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    Castellano: Objeto: En este artículo comparamos las estrategias de búsqueda y los resultados de tres revisiones de literatura recientes sobre uso rúbricas en educación. Con todo ello pretendemos identificar qué se sabe, que no se sabe aún y si hay material para lanzar una nueva revisión de literatura en estos momentos. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Análisis comparado de las tres revisiones de literatura reciente y búsqueda sistemática de literatura. Aportaciones y resultados: De los 142 artículos incluidos en las tres revisiones recientes, pocos se centran en docencia universitaria y los resultados no se presentan desagregados por niveles educativos. Consideramos que no existe una respuesta científica concluyente para cómo crear y validar una rúbrica para evaluación de asignaturas universitarias, ni para qué sirven las rúbricas, ni si vale la pena el esfuerzo de desarrollarlas. Las recomendaciones para el uso adecuado de rúbricas están basadas en evidencias anecdóticas sin una metodología robusta y contrastada. Tampoco es fácil localizar qué asignaturas, ni qué objetos, ni en qué contextos han sido objeto de investigación las rúbricas, ni qué rúbricas validadas hay disponibles para ellos. Originalidad / Valor añadido: Hemos realizado una nueva revisión y comparamos los artículos seleccionados con los utilizados en las revisiones anteriores. Hemos localizado 241 nuevos artículos no incluidos en las revisiones anteriores. Probablemente con todo este nuevo material se pueda realizar en el futuro algún meta-análisis.English: Purpose: In this paper we compare the search strategies and the results of three recent literature reviews on the rubrics use in education. With all this we aim to identify what is known, what it is not known yet and if there is material to launch a new literature review right now. Design/methodology: Comparative analysis of three recen literature reviews and systematic literature review. Findings: Of the 142 papers included in the three recent reviews, few focus on university learning and the results are not broken down by educational level. We believe that there is no conclusive scientific answer to how to create and validate an assessment rubric for university courses, or what purpose they serve , or if it's worth the effort to develop them. Recommendations for the appropriate use of rubrics are based on anecdotal evidence without robust and proven methodology. Nor is easy to find what subjects, or what objects, and in what contexts have been investigated the rubrics or which validated rubrics are available. Originality/value: We conducted a new review and we compare the selected papers with those used in previous reviews. We have located 142 new papers not included in previous reviews. Probably all this new material can be used in the future for a metaanalysis.Peer Reviewe

    How does Covid-19 disrupt traditional success models: The case of e-learning

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    This paper questions the prevalent approach in assessing the value of e-learning through the information system model. A recall is made of the evolution of DeLone and McCain model and other theory at the basis of such assessment, namely TAM derived models and performance models. In these years of covid which imposed e-learning on schools, without adequate preparation this examination is more than ever important since it changes the logic of the assessment. The covid19 caused an unvoluntary use of e-learning that questions the validity of prevalent models. An integrated model, which take this aspect into consideration, is proposed in this article, to be validated empirically in a soon future

    Environ Monit Assess

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    In order to examine associations between asthma morbidity and local ambient air pollution in an area with relatively low levels of pollution, we conducted a time-series analysis of asthma hospital admissions and fine particulate matter pollution (PM|) in and around Jackson, MS, for the period 2003 to 2011. Daily patient-level records were obtained from the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) Asthma Surveillance System. Patient geolocations were aggregated into a grid with 0.1\ub0\u2009 7\u20090.1\ub0 resolution within the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area. Daily PM| concentrations were estimated via machine-learning algorithms with remotely sensed aerosol optical depth and other associated parameters as inputs. Controlling for long-term temporal trends and meteorology, we estimated a 7.2% (95% confidence interval 1.7-13.1%) increase in daily all-age asthma emergency room admissions per 10\ua0\u3bcg/m| increase in the 3-day average of PM| levels (current day and two prior days). Stratified analyses reveal significant associations between asthma and 3-day average PM| for males and blacks. Our results contribute to the current epidemiologic evidence on the association between acute ambient air pollution exposure and asthma morbidity, even in an area characterized by relatively good air quality.R21 ES019713/ES/NIEHS NIH HHSUnited States/U59 EH000208/EH/NCEH CDC HHSUnited States/R21ES019713/ES/NIEHS NIH HHSUnited States

    The Crisis in Music Education Resulting from the Demise of Educational Institutions

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    La institución educativa está en crisis porque diversos elementos ponen en duda principios fundamentales como la equidad y la calidad. Este estudio revisa la cadena de valores que existe en la institución educativa, que abarca desde las agencias supranacionales hasta la escuela, desde la perspectiva de la educación musical. El método se enmarca en el diseño cualitativo, según la teoría fundamentada centrada en el Método Comparativo Constante. Los resultados muestran que la decadencia de la institución educativa se replica en la educación musical y, lo más preocupante, las desigualdades socioeducativas surgen durante el diseño curricular. En conclusión, el enfoque sociomusical hace posible la superación de la crisis, ya que reconoce la complejidad del mundo cultural al promover una interacción sistemática entre la institución educativa y el resto de los grupos sociales en el mundo

    Desafíos educativos y orientaciones motivacionales en población universitaria del área de la salud durante la pandemia por la COVID-19

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    Las clases en línea se han convertido en uno de los principales métodos de enseñanza en la educación superior durante la pandemia, lo cual ha llevado al estudiantado a realizar esfuerzos de adaptación para mantener su motivación ante distintos desafíos educativos no resueltos en su totalidad. El objetivo del estudio fue describir los desafíos educativos y las orientaciones motivacionales del estudiantado universitario de enfermería durante la pandemia por la COVID-19. A través de un diseño de tipo descriptivo, se aplicó un cuestionario estandarizado a 300 personas universitarias mexicanas. Los principales hallazgos indicaron que el alumnado se enfrenta principalmente a desafíos tecnológicos, seguido de los socioafectivos. Sin embargo, la orientación motivacional hacia el aprendizaje predomina entre el alumnado, donde el contexto educativo es un determinante del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Se concluye que la motivación (orientación al aprendizaje) favorece al aprendizaje y actúa como un intermediario importante durante el aprendizaje en línea. El traslado de la educación presencial a la educación a distancia ha dificultado la integración y adaptación del estudiantado, mientras los desafíos educativos se agudizaron en un contexto de pandemia, donde las categorías tecnológicas y socioafectivas son los factores a los que se enfrentan las y los estudiantes. Se recomienda realizar un estudio de tipo correlacional que permita proporcionar una mejor comprensión de la posible relación entre las dos variables estudiadas. Además de que en un futuro se podría emplear métodos distintos de tipo cualitativo para explorar más a fondo el significado de las diferentes orientaciones motivacionales en entornos educativos en línea bajo distintas condiciones
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