512 research outputs found

    Hitting times for random walks with restarts

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    The time it takes a random walker in a lattice to reach the origin from another vertex xx, has infinite mean. If the walker can restart the walk at xx at will, then the minimum expected hitting time T(x,0)T(x,0) (minimized over restarting strategies) is finite; it was called the ``grade'' of xx by Dumitriu, Tetali and Winkler. They showed that, in a more general setting, the grade (a variant of the ``Gittins index'') plays a crucial role in control problems involving several Markov chains. Here we establish several conjectures of Dumitriu et al on the asymptotics of the grade in Euclidean lattices. In particular, we show that in the planar square lattice, T(x,0)T(x,0) is asymptotic to 2x2logx2|x|^2\log|x| as x|x| \to \infty. The proof hinges on the local variance of the potential kernel hh being almost constant on the level sets of hh. We also show how the same method yields precise second order asymptotics for hitting times of a random walk (without restarts) in a lattice disk.Comment: 12 page

    Hitting Times in Markov Chains with Restart and their Application to Network Centrality

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    Motivated by applications in telecommunications, computer scienceand physics, we consider a discrete-time Markov process withrestart. At each step the process eitherwith a positive probability restarts from a given distribution, orwith the complementary probability continues according to a Markovtransition kernel. The main contribution of the present work is thatwe obtain an explicit expression for the expectation of the hittingtime (to a given target set) of the process with restart.The formula is convenient when considering the problem of optimizationof the expected hitting time with respect to the restart probability.We illustrate our results with two examplesin uncountable and countable state spaces andwith an application to network centrality

    Estimating graph parameters with random walks

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    An algorithm observes the trajectories of random walks over an unknown graph GG, starting from the same vertex xx, as well as the degrees along the trajectories. For all finite connected graphs, one can estimate the number of edges mm up to a bounded factor in O(trel3/4m/d)O\left(t_{\mathrm{rel}}^{3/4}\sqrt{m/d}\right) steps, where trelt_{\mathrm{rel}} is the relaxation time of the lazy random walk on GG and dd is the minimum degree in GG. Alternatively, mm can be estimated in O(tunif+trel5/6n)O\left(t_{\mathrm{unif}} +t_{\mathrm{rel}}^{5/6}\sqrt{n}\right), where nn is the number of vertices and tunift_{\mathrm{unif}} is the uniform mixing time on GG. The number of vertices nn can then be estimated up to a bounded factor in an additional O(tunifmn)O\left(t_{\mathrm{unif}}\frac{m}{n}\right) steps. Our algorithms are based on counting the number of intersections of random walk paths X,YX,Y, i.e. the number of pairs (t,s)(t,s) such that Xt=YsX_t=Y_s. This improves on previous estimates which only consider collisions (i.e., times tt with Xt=YtX_t=Y_t). We also show that the complexity of our algorithms is optimal, even when restricting to graphs with a prescribed relaxation time. Finally, we show that, given either mm or the mixing time of GG, we can compute the "other parameter" with a self-stopping algorithm

    Restart expedites quantum walk hitting times

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    Classical first-passage times under restart are used in a wide variety of models, yet the quantum version of the problem still misses key concepts. We study the quantum hitting time with restart using a monitored quantum walk. The restart strategy eliminates the problem of dark states, i.e. cases where the particle evades detection, while maintaining the ballistic propagation which is important for fast search. We find profound effects of quantum oscillations on the restart problem, namely a type of instability of the mean detection time, and optimal restart times that form staircases, with sudden drops as the rate of sampling is modified. In the absence of restart and in the Zeno limit, the detection of the walker is not possible and we examine how restart overcomes this well-known problem, showing that the optimal restart time becomes insensitive to the sampling period.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure