108 research outputs found

    Automatic Markov Chain Monte Carlo Procedures for Sampling from Multivariate Distributions

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    Generating samples from multivariate distributions efficiently is an important task in Monte Carlo integration and many other stochastic simulation problems. Markov chain Monte Carlo has been shown to be very efficient compared to "conventional methods", especially when many dimensions are involved. In this article we propose a Hit-and-Run sampler in combination with the Ratio-of-Uniforms method. We show that it is well suited for an algorithm to generate points from quite arbitrary distributions, which include all log-concave distributions. The algorithm works automatically in the sense that only the mode (or an approximation of it) and an oracle is required, i.e., a subroutine that returns the value of the density function at any point x. We show that the number of evaluations of the density increases slowly with dimension. (author's abstract)Series: Preprint Series / Department of Applied Statistics and Data Processin

    Convex set of quantum states with positive partial transpose analysed by hit and run algorithm

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    The convex set of quantum states of a composite K×KK \times K system with positive partial transpose is analysed. A version of the hit and run algorithm is used to generate a sequence of random points covering this set uniformly and an estimation for the convergence speed of the algorithm is derived. For K3K\ge 3 this algorithm works faster than sampling over the entire set of states and verifying whether the partial transpose is positive. The level density of the PPT states is shown to differ from the Marchenko-Pastur distribution, supported in [0,4] and corresponding asymptotically to the entire set of quantum states. Based on the shifted semi--circle law, describing asymptotic level density of partially transposed states, and on the level density for the Gaussian unitary ensemble with constraints for the spectrum we find an explicit form of the probability distribution supported in [0,3], which describes well the level density obtained numerically for PPT states.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Near-Optimal Evasion of Convex-Inducing Classifiers

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    Classifiers are often used to detect miscreant activities. We study how an adversary can efficiently query a classifier to elicit information that allows the adversary to evade detection at near-minimal cost. We generalize results of Lowd and Meek (2005) to convex-inducing classifiers. We present algorithms that construct undetected instances of near-minimal cost using only polynomially many queries in the dimension of the space and without reverse engineering the decision boundary.Comment: 8 pages; to appear at AISTATS'201

    On largest volume simplices and sub-determinants

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    We show that the problem of finding the simplex of largest volume in the convex hull of nn points in Qd\mathbb{Q}^d can be approximated with a factor of O(logd)d/2O(\log d)^{d/2} in polynomial time. This improves upon the previously best known approximation guarantee of d(d1)/2d^{(d-1)/2} by Khachiyan. On the other hand, we show that there exists a constant c>1c>1 such that this problem cannot be approximated with a factor of cdc^d, unless P=NPP=NP. % This improves over the 1.091.09 inapproximability that was previously known. Our hardness result holds even if n=O(d)n = O(d), in which case there exists a \bar c\,^{d}-approximation algorithm that relies on recent sampling techniques, where cˉ\bar c is again a constant. We show that similar results hold for the problem of finding the largest absolute value of a subdeterminant of a d×nd\times n matrix

    Generalizing Informed Sampling for Asymptotically Optimal Sampling-based Kinodynamic Planning via Markov Chain Monte Carlo

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    Asymptotically-optimal motion planners such as RRT* have been shown to incrementally approximate the shortest path between start and goal states. Once an initial solution is found, their performance can be dramatically improved by restricting subsequent samples to regions of the state space that can potentially improve the current solution. When the motion planning problem lies in a Euclidean space, this region XinfX_{inf}, called the informed set, can be sampled directly. However, when planning with differential constraints in non-Euclidean state spaces, no analytic solutions exists to sampling XinfX_{inf} directly. State-of-the-art approaches to sampling XinfX_{inf} in such domains such as Hierarchical Rejection Sampling (HRS) may still be slow in high-dimensional state space. This may cause the planning algorithm to spend most of its time trying to produces samples in XinfX_{inf} rather than explore it. In this paper, we suggest an alternative approach to produce samples in the informed set XinfX_{inf} for a wide range of settings. Our main insight is to recast this problem as one of sampling uniformly within the sub-level-set of an implicit non-convex function. This recasting enables us to apply Monte Carlo sampling methods, used very effectively in the Machine Learning and Optimization communities, to solve our problem. We show for a wide range of scenarios that using our sampler can accelerate the convergence rate to high-quality solutions in high-dimensional problems

    Improved mixing rates of directed cycles by added connection

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    We investigate the mixing rate of a Markov chain where a combination of long distance edges and non-reversibility is introduced: as a first step, we focus here on the following graphs: starting from the cycle graph, we select random nodes and add all edges connecting them. We prove a square factor improvement of the mixing rate compared to the reversible version of the Markov chain