8 research outputs found

    Seawater salinity modelling based on electromagnetic wave characterization

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    Wireless communications have experienced tremendous growth, and improving their performance based on specific parameters requires an accurate model. Salt seawater, being an abundant resource, could play a crucial role in various applications such as enhancing electrical conductivity, monitoring security, improving battery power efficiency, and creating liquid antennas. Salinity is an essential factor to consider when developing these applications. This paper focused on investigating the electromagnetic properties of seawater salinity in the context of marine wireless communications. The results of the study showed that salinity has a significant impact on the Fresnel reflection coefficient in terms of magnitude, phase shift, and polarization, and can either constructively or destructively affect it. The new model paved the way for the development of an integrated salt seawater model that addressed the complex salinity issues involved in these applications

    Study on 3GPP Rural Macrocell Path Loss Models for Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications

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    Little research has been done to reliably model millimeter wave (mmWave) path loss in rural macrocell settings, yet, models have been hastily adopted without substantial empirical evidence. This paper studies past rural macrocell (RMa) path loss models and exposes concerns with the current 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) TR 38.900 (Release 14) RMa path loss models adopted from the International Telecommunications Union - Radiocommunications (ITU-R) Sector. This paper shows how the 3GPP RMa large-scale path loss models were derived for frequencies below 6 GHz, yet they are being asserted for use up to 30 GHz, even though there has not been sufficient work or published data to support their validity at frequencies above 6 GHz or in the mmWave bands. We present the background of the 3GPP RMa path loss models and their use of odd correction factors not suitable for rural scenarios, and show that the multi-frequency close-in free space reference distance (CI) path loss model is more accurate and reliable than current 3GPP and ITU-R RMa models. Using field data and simulations, we introduce a new close-in free space reference distance with height dependent path loss exponent model (CIH), that predicts rural macrocell path loss using an effective path loss exponent that is a function of base station antenna height. This work shows the CI and CIH models can be used from 500 MHz to 100 GHz for rural mmWave coverage and interference analysis, without any discontinuity at 6 GHz as exists in today's 3GPP and ITU-R RMa models.Comment: To be published in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, May 201

    Seawater for the novelty era of communications-opportunities and challenges

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    Seawater is an abundant resource that could play an indispensable role in many applications involving electrical conductivity, monitoring security, improved battery power efficiency, and as an antenna transmitter and receiver. Thus in certain circumstances seawater could serve a useful purpose for service providers when other materials are unavailable. The study assesses the comparative strengths and weaknesses of different underwater techniques for creating a large-scale practical utilization while the contribution is to offer a computation method when considering seawater connectivity. The objective of the comprehensive investigation is to examine the signal behaviour for underwater communication to give a remarkable way for developing the new upcoming technology era, particularly in terms of water communication technology. A significant result shows the parameters of the permittivity, salinity, and frequency could notably affect the underwater communication techniques in terms of signal magnitude, phase, and delay rate. The higher frequency leads to more fluctuation in magnitude, while degradation begins after 10 KHz and shows more slope gradient after 100 KHz in the signal phase, added to the notable delay rate that would start after 100 Hz severely

    Seawater salinity modelling based on electromagnetic wave characterization

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    Wireless communications have experienced tremendous growth, and improving their performance based on specific parameters requires an accurate model. Salt seawater, being an abundant resource, could play a crucial role in various applications such as enhancing electrical conductivity, monitoring security, improving battery power efficiency, and creating liquid antennas. Salinity is an essential factor to consider when developing these applications. This paper focused on investigating the electromagnetic properties of seawater salinity in the context of marine wireless communications. The results of the study showed that salinity has a significant impact on the Fresnel reflection coefficient in terms of magnitude, phase shift, and polarization, and can either constructively or destructively affect it. The new model paved the way for the development of an integrated salt seawater model that addressed the complex salinity issues involved in these applications

    Análise teórica e experimental de um projeto de medidor de SWR e analisador de antenas

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Eletrônica.Medidores de onda estacionária são equipamentos utilizados para caracterizar o casamento de impedâncias de um sistema transmissor antena. Podem variar de medidores simples analógicos a complexos analisadores digitais. Esse trabalho analisou o medidor proposto por Mike Brink em seu artigo intitulado “Constructing a precision SWR meter and antenna analyzer”. Foi elaborada a modelagem matemática da qual o artigo carecia. Foram também propostas correções julgadas necessárias para o funcionamento correto dos circuitos. Por fim os circuitos propostos foram simulados e posteriormente montados fisicamente e testados. As conclusões apontam que o circuito apresentado por Brink pode ser uma boa solução para um medidor de onda estacionária, apesar de necessitar de um fator de correção de escala. No entanto, estudos mais aprofundados em cada subdivisão do circuito são necessários para o completo entendimento da escala envolvida e como relacionar a grandeza lida com o valor de VSWR. Várias das questões de ajustes e escalas do circuito poderiam ser resolvidas de maneira digital ao integrar as medições num microcontrolador. Dessa forma, a calibração seria feita por software e não por hardware, tornando mais simples do ponto de vista do operador e mais precisa a medição.Standing wave ratio meters are equipments employed in analysing impedance matching in a transmitter antenna coupling. They can range from simple analog ones to complex digital analyzers. This work evaluated the meter proposed by Mike Brink in his article entitled “Constructing a precision SWR meter and antenna analyzer”. The mathematical basis that the article lacked was developed. Changes needed for the correct behaviour of the meter were proposed. At last the proposed circuits were simulated and then tested. The proposed circuit can be a viable meter, despite needing a scale correction factor. However, further studies are needed in each subcircuit for a full understanding of the relationship between the mesured values and VSWR. Several of the scale issues can be resolved digitally by the use of a microcontroller. This way the calibration is through software instead of hardware, making it simpler for the operator and more precise

    Estudio y compensación del ruido de fase en sistemas Massive MIMO

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    En este TFG se ha abordado la problemática del ruido de fase en los sistemas Massive MIMO, mediante la aplicación de un software preexistente, a través del cual se simula un sistema compuesto por un transmisor, un canal y un receptor, para analizar como perjudica esta distorsión a la tasa de error de bit y al error cuadrático medio del ruido de fase estimado. Para ello, se realiza una serie de simulaciones, con las que se pueden estudiar estos conceptos a través de los resultados que proporcionan. La particularidad que ofrece este trabajo con respecto a otros es que el receptor que emplea el software de simulación se implementa haciendo uso de un algoritmo de optimización, el cual permite estimar y compensar el ruido de fase que se genera en el sistema.In this TFG, the problem of phase noise in Massive MIMO systems has been addressed, by means of the application of pre-existing software, through which a system composed of a transmitter, a channel and a receiver is simulated, in order to analyse how this distortion impairs the bit error rate and the mean square error of the estimated phase noise. To perform this task, a series of simulations are carried out, with which these concepts can be studied by means of the results they provide. The particularity that this work offers with respect to others is that the receiver used by the simulation software is implemented by using an optimization algorithm, which allows estimating and compensating for the phase noise that is generated in the system.Grado en Ingeniería en Sistemas de Telecomunicació

    Strategies That Mitigate IT Infrastructure Demands Produced by Student BYOD Usa

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    The use of bring your own devices (BYOD) is a global phenomenon, and nowhere is it more evident than on a college campus. The use of BYOD on academic campuses has grown and evolved through time. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to identify the successful strategies used by chief information officers (CIOs) to mitigate information technology infrastructure demands produced by student BYOD usage. The diffusion of innovation model served as the conceptual framework. The population consisted of CIOs from community colleges within North Carolina. The data collection process included semistructured, in-depth face-to-face interviews with 9 CIOs and the analysis of 25 documents, all from participant case organizations. Member checking was used to increase the validity of the findings. During the data analysis phase, the data were coded, sorted, queried, and analyzed obtained from semistructured interviews and organizational documentation with NVivo, a qualitative data analysis computer software package. Through methodological triangulation, 3 major themes emerged from the study: the importance of technology management tools, the importance of security awareness training, and the importance of BYOD security policies and procedures. These themes highlight successful strategies employed by CIOs. The implications for positive social change as a result of this study include creating a more positive experience for students interacting with technology on campus. Effects on social change will also arise by increasing a student\u27s mindfulness through security awareness programs, which will empower the student to take more control of their online presence and as they pass that information along to family and friends

    As novas dinâmicas de marketing nas telecomunicações : caso Vodafone Portugal

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    A presente dissertação pretende investigar as novas dinâmicas de marketing que as operadoras de telecomunicações estão a implementar para se destacar face ao crescimento dos serviços Over-The-Top (OTT), como a Netflix, o WhatsApp e o YouTube. Desta forma, o enquadramento teórico aborda a história das telecomunicações, as principais temáticas provenientes da convergência entre os serviços OTT e as operadoras de telecomunicações, e das estratégias de marketing implementadas pelo setor das telecomunicações. Destacamos entre estas o Brand Equity, o Brand Loyalty e o Celebrity Endorsement. A investigação empírica consistiu num Estudo de Caso Único sobre a Vodafone Portugal de modo a compreender que estratégias a operadora adota para se destacar num mercado sobrelotado. Neste ponto percebemos então que fatores como a comunicação, publicidade e inovação são elementos chave para a empresa enquanto marca num ambiente de crescimento dos serviços OTT.This dissertation aims to investigate which marketing dynamics are adopted by telecommunications operators in order to face the growing popularity of Over-The-Top (OTT) services as Netflix, WhatsApp and YouTube. In the theoretical framework, we focused on the history of telecommunications, the convergence between OTT services and telecommunications operators’ main subjects, and marketing strategies implemented by the telecommunications’ sector. Among those strategies we highlight Brand Equity, Brand Loyalty and Celebrity Endorsement. Finally, in the empirical research we opted for a single Case Study based on Vodafone Portugal in order to clarify which strategies this operator is developing to stand out in an overloaded market. The research found that communication, advertising and innovation as decisive factors to the company as a brand in the face of the growth of OTT services