1,432 research outputs found

    HBIM and Virtual Tools: A New Chance to Preserve Architectural Heritage

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    Nowadays, architectural heritage is increasingly exposed to dangers due to natural disasters or human invasive actions. However, management and conservation represent crucial phases within the life cycle of historical buildings. Unfortunately, the complexity of conservation practices and the lack of knowledge of historic buildings are the cause of an inefficient recovering process in case of emergencies. To overcome this problem, this research aims to ensure the preservation of relevant information through the use of building information modeling (BIM) methodology. By developing historic building information models (HBIMs), it is possible to enhance the architectural heritage. This represents an opportunity to incorporate digital media into the global heritage conservation field. To achieve this goal, a historical castle was selected as a case study; this unique piece of architecture is located in the Piedmont Region, close to city of Turin (Italy). The results show a direct relation between a historical digital model, finalized to the management of architectural and system components, and visualization tools. To conclude, the adoption of this strategy is an effective way to preserve and consult information using advanced visualization techniques based on augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR)

    Virtual Heritage Learning Environments

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    . The change and restrictions in how we react with cultural heritage because of the COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgency in advancing remote and digital access to objects and sites. This paper outlines the process for developing Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) using digital recording and modelling of architectural heritage and archaeology. Virtual Reality (VR) software, game engine platforms and WEB platforms are outlined which can be applied to represent heritage sites in addition to emerging screen based technological learning systems. The application Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM) and Game Engine Platforms for creating Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) is also examined. The design-theory based on Virtual Learning Objects for cultural heritage is explored. Two case studies are explored for their potential to create Virtual Heritage Learning Environments. Finally, a design framework is proposed for developing Virtual Heritage Learning Environments

    Smart Heritage for Urban Sustainability: A Review of Current Definitions and Future Developments

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    Smart heritage is still novel in heritage discourse, with a few relevant review articles. In this regard, a specific interpretation of smart architectural heritage and a framework for instructing its development is lacking. This article reviews the literature on smart heritage in sustainable development to fill the knowledge gap. As a methodology for this study, the integrative review approach and thematic analysis are adopted to review references located at the crossroads of historic, smart, and sustainable disciplines. The review and interpretation draw on literature from relevant fields to understand implementations, current states, and support to interpret smart heritage. Review outcomes indicate that smart heritage is becoming dynamic as technologies are increasingly applied to more detailed heritage branches. This article lists the factors that heritage should possess to be defined as smart, and it provides a framework that might be followed to achieve the aims of this discourse by stating that smart heritage discussions are relevant to smart cities, as they may have a mutual effect and interact to promote each other.

    Methods, data and tools for facilitating a 3D cultural heritage space

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    In recent years, the cultural heritage (CH) sector has experienced a rapid evolution due to the introduction of increasingly powerful digital technologies and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) solutions. As for many other domains, digital data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Extended Reality (XR) are opening up extraordinary opportunities for expanding heritage knowledge capabilities while boosting the research on innovative solutions for its valorisation and preservation. Being aware of the fundamental and strategic role of CH in the history and identity of the European countries, the European Commission has assumed a central role in fuelling the policy debate and putting together stakeholders to take a step forward in CH digitization and use, primarily through initiatives, programs, and recommendations. Within this framework, the ongoing European 5DCulture project (https://www.5dculture.eu/) has been funded to enrich the offer of 3D CH digital assets in the common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage by creating high-quality 3D contents and to foster their re-use in several sectors, from tourism to education. Through 8 re-use scenarios around historic buildings and cityscapes, archaeology, and fashion, the project aims to deliver a set of digital tools and increase the capacity of CH institutions to more effectively re-use their 3D digital assets


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    Interactive representation has proven to be an effective tool in various disciplines related to Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH). This study proposes a research method that uses interactive representation to share complex scenarios like the Stronghold of Arquata del Tronto, facilitating novel forms of heritage dissemination. The scan-to-BIM process made it possible to digitise complex structural elements damaged by the 2016 earthquake. The investigation of the complexity paradigm improved the reliability of the semantic model that supports the preservation process. Interoperability and accessibility paradigms were explored to create a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the built heritage. A web-VR platform was developed to enhance user interaction and simplify virtual environment exploration without using complex hardware (VR headset and controllers), making it possible to experience VR in the browser


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    The research purpose is to present a project of cultural dissemination and enhancement of the “Madonna della Pace” Sanctuary at Rocchetta di Airuno (Lecco - Italy), based on an immersive experience of knowledge of the history and places that characterize not only the sanctuary but also the “Cammino di Sant’Agostino” (of which it is one of the stages). The research goal focuses on the direct employment and exploitation of HBIM models for the digital fruition project. An integrated digital survey based on a terrestrial laser scanner and photogrammetry was conducted to provide a complete geometrical representation of the sanctuary and its surroundings. Both output point clouds were employed as metric and geometric references to create the reality-based parametric model. Specifically, the work focuses on creating a three-dimensional chronological model of the sanctuary, which not only represents the current state of the cultural asset but is also enriched through the definition of different evolutionary phases of the architectural artifact based on an indepth study of the photographic and bibliographic documentations. Four Project Phasing has been identified to represent the most significant transformations of the building and were managed using the time parameter in the same BIM project. The sanctuary geometric and parametric models were displayed and navigable thanks to the aid of Virtual and Augmented Reality applications. A VR environment was defined to display in the first person the textured model. Finally, an AR smartphone app prototype was developed to show tourists the sanctuary’s historical transformation over time


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    Recently we assist to an increasing availability of HBIM models rich in geometric and informative terms. Instead, there is still a lack of researches implementing dedicated libraries, based on parametric intelligence and semantically aware, related to the architectural heritage. Additional challenges became from their portability in non-desktop environment (such as VR). The research article demonstrates the validity of a workflow applied to the architectural heritage, which starting from the semantic modeling reaches the visualization in a virtual reality environment, passing through the necessary phases of export, data migration and management. The three-dimensional modeling of the classical Doric order takes place in the BIM work environment and is configured as a necessary starting point for the implementation of data, parametric intelligences and definition of ontologies that exclusively qualify the model. The study also enables an effective method for data migration from the BIM model to databases integrated into VR technologies for AH. Furthermore, the process intends to propose a methodology, applicable in a return path, suited to the achievement of an appropriate data enrichment of each model and to the possibility of interaction in VR environment with the model

    The BIM process for the architectural heritage: New communication tools based on AR/VR Case study: Palazzo di Città

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    The present study aims at presenting the application of the Building Information Modeling methodology to the case study of Palazzo di Città, the Turin City Hall, investigating the possibilities of integration of new technologies in Cultural Heritage preservation and valorization. From the survey phase to the communication of the CH to end-users, BIM methodology, combined with the latest digital innovations (AR, VR, 3d Laser Scanner and much more), allows a fast and highly communicative representation of buildings to both professionals and common visitors who interact with the building life-cycle. An important objective of this work is moreover to demonstrate the advantages of adopting and integrating this technologies in Real Estate Management at a national scale, fully testing the adaptability of parametric software and Virtual Reality modeling to complex and highly decorated buildings, confirming the potentiality of BIM software upon an uncommon field: the historic buildings. The case study is in fact Palazzo di Città, the baroque, seventieth century City Hall of Turin. The research fully meets the latest directives of European Union and other International Organizations in the field of digitization of archives and Public Property management, participating to the international community effort to overcome the contemporary deep Construction Field crisis. In particular, the methodology has been focused and adapted to the protection and management of our huge Heritage, founding its objectives on the quest of cost-saving processes and instruments, applied to the management of a CH. Through BIM it is in fact possible to increase the communication and cooperation among all the actors involved in the building life-cycle behaving as a common working platform. Draws, 3D model and database are shared by all the actors and integrated in the same digital structure, where control tools and cooperation can prevent the designers from errors, saving time and money in the construction phase. The particularity of the case study, Palazzo di Città, being contemporarily a CH, a public asset and a working space, allows a deep study of the possibilities of BIM applied to a complex building, touching very important aspects of a historic building management: digitization of the historic information, publication of modeling techniques of complex architectonical elements, transformations reconstruction, energy consumption control, Facility Management, dissemination, virtual reconstructions of the lost appearance and accessibility for people with sensory and motor impairments. Moreover, the last chapters of the study focus on the fruition of this paramount Turin CH, making available for all kind of people interesting and not well known aspects of the history of the building and of the city itself. This part of the research suggests a methodology to translate static 2d images and written descriptions of a CH into living and immersive VR environment, presenting in an interactive way the transformation of the Marble Hall, once called Aula Maior: the room where the Mayor meets his citizens. Besides the aspects related to the valorization and preservation of the CH, the study reserves considerable space to the deepening of technical aspects involving advanced parametric modeling techniques, use of BIM software and all the vital procedures necessary to the generation of an efficient management informative platform. The whole work is intended as a guide for future works, structuring a replicable protocol to achieve an efficient digitization of papery resources into a 3d virtual model

    HBIM, dibujo 3D y realidad virtual aplicados a sitios arqueológicos y ruinas antiguas

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    [EN] Data collection, documentation and analysis of the traces of ancient ruins and archaeological sites represent an inestimable value to be handed down to future generations. Thanks to the development of new technologies in the field of computer graphics, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Virtual Reality (VR) and three-dimensional (3D) digital survey, this research proposes new levels of interactivity between users and virtual environments capable of communicating the tangible and intangible values of remains of ancient ruins. In this particular field of development, 3D drawing and digital modelling are based on the application of new Scan-to-HBIM-to-VR specifications capable of transforming simple points (point clouds) into mathematical models and digital information. Thanks to the direct application of novel grades of generation (GOG) and accuracy (GOA) it has been possible to go beyond the creation of complex models for heritage BIM (HBIM) and explore the creation of informative 3D representation composed by subelements (granular HBIM objects) characterized by a further level of knowledge. The value of measurement, 3D drawing and digital modelling have been investigated from the scientific point of view and oriented to the generation of a holistic model able to relate both with architects, engineers, and surveyors but also with archaeologists, restorers and virtual tourists.[ES] La captura de datos, la documentación y el análisis de los restos de las ruinas antiguas y  de  los sitios arqueológicos representan una herencia inestimabile que debe ser transferida a las generaciones futúras. Gracias al desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías en el campo de los gráficos por ordenador, el modelado de información de la construción (BIM), la realidad virtual (RV) y el levantamiento  digital tridimensional (3D), esta investigación propone nuevos niveles de interacción entre los usuarios y los entornos digitales que pueden comunicar los valores tangibiles e intangibles de los restos de las ruinas antiguas. En este particular ámbito de desarrollo, el dibujo 3D y la modelización digital se basan en la aplicación de las nuevas especificaciones escaneado-a-HBIM-a-RV, capaces de transformar puntos simples (nubes de puntos) en modelos matemáticos e informacción digital. Gracias a la aplicación directa de los GOG (grados of generación) y GOA (grados de exactitud) ha sido posible ir más allá de la creacción de los complejos BIM patrimoniales (HBIM) y explorar la creacción de representaciones 3D, formada por sub-elementos (objetos HBIM granulares) caracterizados por un mayor nivel de conocimiento. El valor de la medición, el dibujo 3D y el modelado digital ha sido investigado desde un enfoque científico y orientado a la generación de un modelo holístico capaz de relacionar tanto a arquitectos, ingenieros y aparejadores con arqueológos, restauradores y turistas virtuales.Banfi, F. (2020). HBIM, 3D drawing and virtual reality for archaeological sites and ancient ruins. Virtual Archaeology Review. 11(23):16-33. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2020.12416OJS16331123Alby, E., Vigouroux, E., & Elter, R. (2019). Implementation of survey and three-dimensional monitoring of archaeological excavations of the Khirbat al-Dusaq site, Jordan. 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Virtual Archaeology Review, 10(21), 14-30. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2019.11923Barba, S., Barbarella, M., Di Benedetto, A., Fiani, M., & Limongiello, M. (2019). Quality assessment of UAV photogrammetric archaeological survey. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-2/W9, 93-100. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W9-93-2019Barazzetti, L., Banfi, F., Brumana, R., Gusmeroli, G., Previtali, M., & Schiantarelli, G. (2015). Cloud-to-BIM-to-FEM: Structural simulation with accurate historic BIM from laser scans. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 57, 71-87. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.simpat.2015.06.004Binda, L., Anzani, A., Baila, A., & Penazzi, D. (2004). Indagine conoscitiva, per l'analisi di vulnerabilità, di due centri storici liguri. In XI Cong. Naz. L'Ingegneria Sismica in Italia (pp. 1-8). Padova: Servizi Grafici Editoriali.Bolognesi, C., & Aiello, D. (2019). The secrets of s. 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