228 research outputs found

    Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches

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    Sentiment analysis (SA) is also known as opinion mining, it is the process of gathering and analyzing people's opinions about a particular service, good, or company on websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and blogs, among other places. This article covers a thorough analysis of SA and its levels. This manuscript's main focus is on aspect-based SA, which helps manufacturing organizations make better decisions by examining consumers' viewpoints and opinions of their products. The many approaches and methods used in aspect-based sentiment analysis are covered in this review study (ABSA). The features associated with the aspects were manually drawn out in traditional methods, which made it a time-consuming and error-prone operation. Nevertheless, these restrictions may be overcome as artificial intelligence develops. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of ABSA, researchers are increasingly using AI-based machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques. Additionally, certain recently released ABSA approaches based on ML and DL are examined, contrasted, and based on this research, gaps in both methodologies are discovered. At the conclusion of this study, the difficulties that current ABSA models encounter are also emphasized, along with suggestions that can be made to improve the efficacy and precision of ABSA systems

    Advancement Auto-Assessment of Students Knowledge States from Natural Language Input

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    Knowledge Assessment is a key element in adaptive instructional systems and in particular in Intelligent Tutoring Systems because fully adaptive tutoring presupposes accurate assessment. However, this is a challenging research problem as numerous factors affect students’ knowledge state estimation such as the difficulty level of the problem, time spent in solving the problem, etc. In this research work, we tackle this research problem from three perspectives: assessing the prior knowledge of students, assessing the natural language short and long students’ responses, and knowledge tracing.Prior knowledge assessment is an important component of knowledge assessment as it facilitates the adaptation of the instruction from the very beginning, i.e., when the student starts interacting with the (computer) tutor. Grouping students into groups with similar mental models and patterns of prior level of knowledge allows the system to select the right level of scaffolding for each group of students. While not adapting instruction to each individual learner, the advantage of adapting to groups of students based on a limited number of prior knowledge levels has the advantage of decreasing the authoring costs of the tutoring system. To achieve this goal of identifying or clustering students based on their prior knowledge, we have employed effective clustering algorithms. Automatically assessing open-ended student responses is another challenging aspect of knowledge assessment in ITSs. In dialogue-based ITSs, the main interaction between the learner and the system is natural language dialogue in which students freely respond to various system prompts or initiate dialogue moves in mixed-initiative dialogue systems. Assessing freely generated student responses in such contexts is challenging as students can express the same idea in different ways owing to different individual style preferences and varied individual cognitive abilities. To address this challenging task, we have proposed several novel deep learning models as they are capable to capture rich high-level semantic features of text. Knowledge tracing (KT) is an important type of knowledge assessment which consists of tracking students’ mastery of knowledge over time and predicting their future performances. Despite the state-of-the-art results of deep learning in this task, it has many limitations. For instance, most of the proposed methods ignore pertinent information (e.g., Prior knowledge) that can enhance the knowledge tracing capability and performance. Working toward this objective, we have proposed a generic deep learning framework that accounts for the engagement level of students, the difficulty of questions and the semantics of the questions and uses a novel times series model called Temporal Convolutional Network for future performance prediction. The advanced auto-assessment methods presented in this dissertation should enable better ways to estimate learner’s knowledge states and in turn the adaptive scaffolding those systems can provide which in turn should lead to more effective tutoring and better learning gains for students. Furthermore, the proposed method should enable more scalable development and deployment of ITSs across topics and domains for the benefit of all learners of all ages and backgrounds

    Understanding Health Video Engagement: An Interpretable Deep Learning Approach

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    Health misinformation on social media devastates physical and mental health, invalidates health gains, and potentially costs lives. Understanding how health misinformation is transmitted is an urgent goal for researchers, social media platforms, health sectors, and policymakers to mitigate those ramifications. Deep learning methods have been deployed to predict the spread of misinformation. While achieving the state-of-the-art predictive performance, deep learning methods lack the interpretability due to their blackbox nature. To remedy this gap, this study proposes a novel interpretable deep learning approach, Generative Adversarial Network based Piecewise Wide and Attention Deep Learning (GAN-PiWAD), to predict health misinformation transmission in social media. Improving upon state-of-the-art interpretable methods, GAN-PiWAD captures the interactions among multi-modal data, offers unbiased estimation of the total effect of each feature, and models the dynamic total effect of each feature when its value varies. We select features according to social exchange theory and evaluate GAN-PiWAD on 4,445 misinformation videos. The proposed approach outperformed strong benchmarks. Interpretation of GAN-PiWAD indicates video description, negative video content, and channel credibility are key features that drive viral transmission of misinformation. This study contributes to IS with a novel interpretable deep learning method that is generalizable to understand other human decision factors. Our findings provide direct implications for social media platforms and policymakers to design proactive interventions to identify misinformation, control transmissions, and manage infodemics.Comment: WITS 2021 Best Paper Awar

    Identifying Restaurants Proposing Novel Kinds of Cuisines: Using Yelp Reviews

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    These days with TV-shows and starred chefs, new kinds of cuisines appear in the market. The main cuisines like French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and Indian are always appreciated but they are no longer the most popular. The new trend is the fusion cuisine, which is obtained by combining different main cuisines. The opening of a new restaurant proposing new kinds of cuisine produces a lot of excitement in people. They feel the need to try it and be part of this new culture. Yelp is a platform which publishes crowd sourced reviews about different businesses, in particular, restaurants. For some restaurants in Yelp if the kind of cuisine is available, usually, there is a tag only for the main cuisines, but there is no information for the fusion cuisine. There is a need to develop a system which is able to identify restaurants proposing fusion cuisine (novel or unknown cuisines). This proposal is to address the novelty detection task using Yelp reviews. The idea is that the semi-supervised Machine Learning models trained only on the reviews of restaurants proposing the main cuisine will be able to discriminate between restaurants providing the main cuisine and restaurants providing the novel ones. We propose effective novelty detection approaches for the unknown cuisine type identification problem using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), autoencoder and Term-Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency(). Our main idea is to obtain features from LSTM, autoencoder and TF-IDF and use these features with standard semi-supervised novelty detection algorithms like Gaussian Mixture Model, Isolation Forest and One-class Support Vector Machines (SVM) to identify the unknown cuisines. We conducted extensive experiments that prove the effectiveness of our approaches. The score that we obtained has a very high discrimination power because the best value of AUROC for the novelty detection problem is 0.85 from LSTM. LSTM outperforms our baseline model of TF-IDF and the main motivation is due to its ability to retain only the useful parts of a sentence

    Cyber bullying identification and tackling using natural language processing techniques

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    Abstract. As offensive content has a detrimental influence on the internet and especially in social media, there has been much research identifying cyberbullying posts from social media datasets. Previous works on this topic have overlooked the problems for cyberbullying categories detection, impact of feature choice, negation handling, and dataset construction. Indeed, many natural language processing (NLP) tasks, including cyberbullying detection in texts, lack comprehensive manually labeled datasets limiting the application of powerful supervised machine learning algorithms, including neural networks. Equally, it is challenging to collect large scale data for a particular NLP project due to the inherent subjectivity of labeling task and man-made effort. For this purpose, this thesis attempts to contribute to these challenges by the following. We first collected and annotated a multi-category cyberbullying (10K) dataset from the social network platform (ask.fm). Besides, we have used another publicly available cyberbullying labeled dataset, ’Formspring’, for comparison purpose and ground truth establishment. We have devised a machine learning-based methodology that uses five distinct feature engineering and six different classifiers. The results showed that CNN classifier with Word-embedding features yielded a maximum performance amidst all state-of-art classifiers, with a detection accuracy of 93\% for AskFm and 92\% for FormSpring dataset. We have performed cyberbullying category detection, and CNN architecture still provide the best performance with 81\% accuracy and 78\% F1-score on average. Our second purpose was to handle the problem of lack of relevant cyberbullying instances in the training dataset through data augmentation. For this end, we developed an approach that makes use of wordsense disambiguation with WordNet-aided semantic expansion. The disambiguation and semantic expansion were intended to overcome several limitations of the social media (SM) posts/comments, such as unstructured content, limited semantic content, among others, while capturing equivalent instances induced by the wordsense disambiguation-based approach. We run several experiments and disambiguation/semantic expansion to estimate the impact of the classification performance using both original and the augmented datasets. Finally, we have compared the accuracy score for cyberbullying detection with some widely used classifiers before and after the development of datasets. The outcome supports the advantage of the data-augmentation strategy, which yielded 99\% of classifier accuracy, a 5\% improvement from the base score of 93\%. Our third goal related to negation handling was motivated by the intuitive impact of negation on cyberbullying statements and detection. Our proposed approach advocates a classification like technique by using NegEx and POS tagging that makes the use of a particular data design procedure for negation detection. Performances using the negation-handling approach and without negation handling are compared and discussed. The result showed a 95\% of accuracy for the negated handed dataset, which corresponds to an overall accuracy improvement of 2\% from the base score of 93\%. Our final goal was to develop a software tool using our machine learning models that will help to test our experiments and provide a real-life example of use case for both end-users and research communities. To achieve this objective, a python based web-application was developed and successfully tested

    The impact of sentiment analysis from user on Facebook to enhanced the service quality

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    Facebook's influence on the modern social media platform is undoubtedly enormous. While it has gotten a backlash for its inability to control its influence over important affairs, there are still many questions regarding people's perception of Facebook and their sentiment over Facebook. This paper's role in this ongoing debate is to give a glimpse of people's sentiment and perception of Facebook in recent times. By collecting samples data from Facebook's Top Page, this paper hopes to represent a significant amount of people's aspirations towards this company. By processing the data with a processing tool to construct and model out the data and a sentiment analyzer tool helps determine the sentiment, this paper can deduce a 600-comment worth of processed data. The results from the 600 sampled comments concluded that the sentiments towards Facebook are 41.50% negative comments, 22.83% neutral comments, and 35.67% positive comments

    Enhancing representation learning with tensor decompositions for knowledge graphs and high dimensional sequence modeling

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    The capability of processing and digesting raw data is one of the key features of a human-like artificial intelligence system. For instance, real-time machine translation should be able to process and understand spoken natural language, and autonomous driving relies on the comprehension of visual inputs. Representation learning is a class of machine learning techniques that autonomously learn to derive latent features from raw data. These new features are expected to represent the data instances in a vector space that facilitates the machine learning task. This thesis studies two specific data situations that require efficient representation learning: knowledge graph data and high dimensional sequences. In the first part of this thesis, we first review multiple relational learning models based on tensor decomposition for knowledge graphs. We point out that relational learning is in fact a means of learning representations through one-hot mapping of entities. Furthermore, we generalize this mapping function to consume a feature vector that encodes all known facts about each entity. It enables the relational model to derive the latent representation instantly for a new entity, without having to re-train the tensor decomposition. In the second part, we focus on learning representations from high dimensional sequential data. Sequential data often pose the challenge that they are of variable lengths. Electronic health records, for instance, could consist of clinical event data that have been collected at subsequent time steps. But each patient may have a medical history of variable length. We apply recurrent neural networks to produce fixed-size latent representations from the raw feature sequences of various lengths. By exposing a prediction model to these learned representations instead of the raw features, we can predict the therapy prescriptions more accurately as a means of clinical decision support. We further propose Tensor-Train recurrent neural networks. We give a detailed introduction to the technique of tensorizing and decomposing large weight matrices into a few smaller tensors. We demonstrate the specific algorithms to perform the forward-pass and the back-propagation in this setting. Then we apply this approach to the input-to-hidden weight matrix in recurrent neural networks. This novel architecture can process extremely high dimensional sequential features such as video data. The model also provides a promising solution to processing sequential features with high sparsity. This is, for instance, the case with electronic health records, since they are often of categorical nature and have to be binary-coded. We incorporate a statistical survival model with this representation learning model, which shows superior prediction quality
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