95 research outputs found

    From MANET to people-centric networking: Milestones and open research challenges

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    In this paper, we discuss the state of the art of (mobile) multi-hop ad hoc networking with the aim to present the current status of the research activities and identify the consolidated research areas, with limited research opportunities, and the hot and emerging research areas for which further research is required. We start by briefly discussing the MANET paradigm, and why the research on MANET protocols is now a cold research topic. Then we analyze the active research areas. Specifically, after discussing the wireless-network technologies, we analyze four successful ad hoc networking paradigms, mesh networks, opportunistic networks, vehicular networks, and sensor networks that emerged from the MANET world. We also present an emerging research direction in the multi-hop ad hoc networking field: people centric networking, triggered by the increasing penetration of the smartphones in everyday life, which is generating a people-centric revolution in computing and communications

    Suitability of the wireless testbed w-iLab.t for VANET research

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    Development of new PCR primers by comparative genomics for the detection of Helicobacter suis in gastric biopsy specimens

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    Background: Although the infection rate of Helicobacter suis is significantly lower than that of Helicobacter pylori, the H. suis infection is associated with a high rate of gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. In addition, in vitro cultivation of H. suis remains difficult, and some H. suis-infected patients show negative results on the urea breath test (UBT). Materials and Methods: Female C57BL/6J mice were orally inoculated with mouse gastric mucosal homogenates containing H. suis strains TKY or SNTW101 isolated from a cynomolgus monkey or a patient suffering from nodular gastritis, respectively. The high-purity chromosomal DNA samples of H. suis strains TKY and SNTW101 were prepared from the infected mouse gastric mucosa. The SOLiD sequencing of two H. suis genomes enabled comparative genomics of 20 Helicobacter and 11 Campylobacter strains for the identification of the H. suis-specific nucleotide sequences. Results: Oral inoculation with mouse gastric mucosal homogenates containing H. suis strains TKY and SNTW101 induced gastric MALT lymphoma and the formation of gastric lymphoid follicles, respectively, in C57BL/6J mice. Two conserved nucleotide sequences among six H. suis strains were identified and were used to design diagnostic PCR primers for the detection of H. suis. Conclusions: There was a strong association between the H. suis infection and gastric diseases in the C57BL/6 mouse model. PCR diagnosis using an H. suis-specific primer pair is a valuable method for detecting H. suis in gastric biopsy specimens

    Performance evaluation of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks over high speed environment using NCTUns

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    Català: Cada any aproximadament un milió dues-centes mil persones moren en accidents de trànsit. D'aquesta dada es desprèn que els accidents de trànsit són la quarta causa de mortalitat al món. Degut a això, un gran nombre de governs i els majors fabricants de vehicles del món estan invertint temps i diners en recerca i desenvolupament per millorar la seguretat a les carreteres. Amb aquest objectiu, apareix el concepte de VANET: Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork. Una VANET està basada en vehicles i estacions base intel·ligents que comparteixen informació a través de comunicacions inalàmbriques. Aquest intercanvi de dades podria tenir un gran impacte en la seguretat viària i la qualitat en la conducció però a més a més seria una nova font d' entreteniment mòbil. La millora en seguretat implicaria una reducció en el nombre d'accidents i les comunicacions inalàmbriques usades en mobilitat permetrien una optimització del transport. L'evolució de les VANETs en els últims anys i les seves aplicacions útils a les carreteres són les principals raons per dur a terme aquest projecte. El gran suport a aquest tipus de xarxes inalàmbriques sembla indicar que les VANETs són les xarxes del futur en entorns mòbils. En relació al projecte, el primer problema observat és que el protocol que s'usa específicament en VANETs (802.11p) només està disponible en pocs simuladors de xarxa i està en fase de desenvolupament. Per tant, la majoria de les funcions no estan implementades i això fa que el protocol no sigui madur. En conseqüència, es va triar un protocol àmpliament usat com és 802.11b per fer les proves en el simulador NCTUns. L?objectiu del projecte és avaluar el funcionament de VANETs usant el protocol 802.11b i el protocol d?encaminament AODV en un escenari d?autopista. Ajustant diferents paràmetres com el nombre de cotxes, la seva velocitat i el seu rang de cobertura és possible obtenir variacions en les mesures de pèrdues, throughput i retard extrem-a-extrem en la xarxa. El resultat final és que les mesures permeten saber quines són les comunicacions que es produeixen a la xarxa per cadascuna de les configuracions i la seva incidència en les condicions de conducció.Castellano: Cada año cerca de un millón doscientas mil personas fallecen en accidentes de tráfico. De este dato se desprende que los accidentes de tráfico son la cuarta causa de mortalidad en el mundo. Debido a esto, un gran número de gobiernos y los mayores fabricantes de vehículos del mundo están invirtiendo tiempo y dinero en investigación y desarrollo para mejorar la seguridad en las carreteras. Con este objetivo, aparece el concepto de VANET: Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork. Una VANET se basa en vehículos y estaciones base inteligentes que comparten información por medio de comunicaciones inalámbricas. Este intercambio de datos podría tener un gran impacto en la seguridad vial y en la calidad de la conducción pero además sería una nueva fuente de entretenimiento móvil. La mejora en la seguridad implicaría una reducción en el número de accidentes y las comunicaciones inalámbricas utilizadas en movilidad permitirían optimizar el transporte. La evolución de las VANETs en los últimos años y sus aplicaciones útiles en las carreteras son las principales razones para llevar a cabo este proyecto. El gran apoyo a este tipo de redes inalámbricas parece indicar que las VANETs son las redes del futuro en entornos móviles. En relación al proyecto, el primer problema observado es que el protocolo específicamente utilizado en VANETs (802.11p) sólo está disponible en pocos simuladores de red y se encuentra en fase de desarrollo. Por lo tanto, la mayoría de funciones no están implementadas y esto hace que el protocolo no sea maduro. En consecuencia, se escogió un protocolo ampliamente utilizado como es 802.11b para realizar las pruebas en el simulador NCTUns. El objetivo del proyecto es evaluar el funcionamiento de VANETs utilizando el protocolo 802.11b y el protocolo de encaminamiento AODV en un escenario de autopista. Ajustando diferentes parámetros como el número de coches, su velocidad y su rango de cobertura es posible obtener variaciones en las medidas de pérdidas, throughput y retardo extremo-a-extremo en la red. El resultado final es que las medidas permiten saber cuáles son las comunicaciones que se producen en la red para cada una de las configuraciones y su incidencia en las condiciones de conducción.English: Every year about 1.2 million people die because of traffic accidents [1]. This means that traffic accidents are the fourth cause of mortality in the world. Therefore, several governments and the most important car manufacturers are investing time and money on research and development in order to improve road safety. At this respect, appears the concept of VANET: Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork. A VANET is based on smart cars and base-stations that share information via wireless communications. This interchange of data may have a great impact on safety and driving quality but also could be another source of mobile entertainment. This improvement on safety would imply reducing the number of accidents. In addition, the use of wireless communications in mobility would lead to an optimization of transport. The evolution of VANETs in the last years and their useful applications on the road has been the main reason to develop this project. The great support of many people to this type of wireless networks suggests that VANETs are the networks of the future in mobile environments. Regarding the project, the first problem encountered is that the network protocol specially designed for VANETs, IEEE 802.11p, is only available in a few of the network simulators and is on phase of development. This fact means that most of the functions are not implemented so it cannot be considered as a mature protocol. As a consequence, a widely used protocol as IEEE 802.11b was chosen and all the tests were performed on NCTUns simulator. So the purpose of this project is to evaluate the performance of VANETs by using 802.11b protocol and AODV routing protocol in a highway scenario. By adjusting different parameters like number of cars, their speed and their range of coverage, variations on measures of loss ratio, throughput and end-to- end delay were detected on the network. Finally, the measures help to know about network communications for each of the cases and their incidence on driving conditions

    A Survey of Smart Parking Solutions

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    International audienceConsidering the increase of urban population and traffic congestion, smart parking is always a strategic issue to work on, not only in the research field but also from economic interests. Thanks to information and communication technology evolution, drivers can more efficiently find satisfying parking spaces with smart parking services. The existing and ongoing works on smart parking are complicated and transdisciplinary. While deploying a smart parking system, cities, as well as urban engineers, need to spend a very long time to survey and inspect all the possibilities. Moreover, many varied works involve multiple disciplines, which are closely linked and inseparable. To give a clear overview, we introduce a smart parking ecosystem and propose a comprehensive and thoughtful classification by identifying their functionalities and problematic focuses. We go through the literature over the period of 2000-2016 on parking solutions as they were applied to smart parking development and evolution, and propose three macro-themes: information collection, system deployment, and service dissemination. In each macro-theme, we explain and synthesize the main methodologies used in the existing works and summarize their common goals and visions to solve current parking difficulties. Lastly, we give our engineering insights and show some challenges and open issues. Our survey gives an exhaustive study and a prospect in a multidisciplinary approach. Besides, the main findings of the current state-of-the-art throw out recommendations for future research on smart cities and the Internet architecture

    Performance Evaluation of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks using simulation tools

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    Recent studies demonstrate that the routing protocol performances in vehicular networks can improve using dynamic information on the traffic conditions. WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks) and VANETs (Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks) are exactly related with this statement and represent the trend of wireless networks research program in the last years. In this context, a new type of network has been developed: in fact, HSVN (Hybrid Sensor and Vehicular Network) let WSNs and VANETs cooperate through dynamic information data exchanges with the aim to improve road safety, and especially to warn the driver and the co-pilot of any event occurred in the road ahead, such as traffic jam, accidents or bad weather. The results will be immediate: less accidents means more saved lives, less traffic means a pollution decrease, and from the technological point of view, this communication protocol will open the door to attractive services, such as downloading of multimedia services or internet browsing, that means easier, safer and more comfortable trips. It is out of doubt that speaking about cars and road technology developments, the market and the interests about this field increase exponentially. Recent projects such as CVIS [1] and COMeSafety [2], focused on improving the road driving, and are the concrete demonstration that this entire context can get soon very close to reality. Owing to their peculiar characteristics, VANETs require the definition of specific networking techniques, whose feasibility and performance are usually tested by means of simulation. Starting from this point, this project will present a HSVN platform, and will also introduce and evaluate a communication protocol between VANETs and WSNs using the NCTUns 6.0 [3] simulator. We will particularly analyze the performances of 2 types of Scenarios developed during our project. Both of them are in an urban context, but we will extract different useful results analyzing the packet losses, the throughput and the end-to-end packet delay