349 research outputs found

    Modern data analytics in the cloud era

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    Cloud Computing ist die dominante Technologie des letzten Jahrzehnts. Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit der verwalteten Umgebung in Kombination mit einer nahezu unbegrenzten Menge an Ressourcen und einem nutzungsabhĂ€ngigen Preismodell ermöglicht eine schnelle und kosteneffiziente Projektrealisierung fĂŒr ein breites Nutzerspektrum. Cloud Computing verĂ€ndert auch die Art und Weise wie Software entwickelt, bereitgestellt und genutzt wird. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf Datenbanksysteme, die in der Cloud-Umgebung eingesetzt werden. Wir identifizieren drei Hauptinteraktionspunkte der Datenbank-Engine mit der Umgebung, die verĂ€nderte Anforderungen im Vergleich zu traditionellen On-Premise-Data-Warehouse-Lösungen aufweisen. Der erste Interaktionspunkt ist die Interaktion mit elastischen Ressourcen. Systeme in der Cloud sollten ElastizitĂ€t unterstĂŒtzen, um den Lastanforderungen zu entsprechen und dabei kosteneffizient zu sein. Wir stellen einen elastischen Skalierungsmechanismus fĂŒr verteilte Datenbank-Engines vor, kombiniert mit einem Partitionsmanager, der einen Lastausgleich bietet und gleichzeitig die Neuzuweisung von Partitionen im Falle einer elastischen Skalierung minimiert. DarĂŒber hinaus fĂŒhren wir eine Strategie zum initialen BefĂŒllen von Puffern ein, die es ermöglicht, skalierte Ressourcen unmittelbar nach der Skalierung auszunutzen. Cloudbasierte Systeme sind von fast ĂŒberall aus zugĂ€nglich und verfĂŒgbar. Daten werden hĂ€ufig von zahlreichen Endpunkten aus eingespeist, was sich von ETL-Pipelines in einer herkömmlichen Data-Warehouse-Lösung unterscheidet. Viele Benutzer verzichten auf die Definition von strikten Schemaanforderungen, um TransaktionsabbrĂŒche aufgrund von Konflikten zu vermeiden oder um den Ladeprozess von Daten zu beschleunigen. Wir fĂŒhren das Konzept der PatchIndexe ein, die die Definition von unscharfen Constraints ermöglichen. PatchIndexe verwalten Ausnahmen zu diesen Constraints, machen sie fĂŒr die Optimierung und AusfĂŒhrung von Anfragen nutzbar und bieten effiziente UnterstĂŒtzung bei Datenaktualisierungen. Das Konzept kann auf beliebige Constraints angewendet werden und wir geben Beispiele fĂŒr unscharfe Eindeutigkeits- und Sortierconstraints. DarĂŒber hinaus zeigen wir, wie PatchIndexe genutzt werden können, um fortgeschrittene Constraints wie eine unscharfe Multi-Key-Partitionierung zu definieren, die eine robuste Anfrageperformance bei Workloads mit unterschiedlichen Partitionsanforderungen bietet. Der dritte Interaktionspunkt ist die Nutzerinteraktion. Datengetriebene Anwendungen haben sich in den letzten Jahren verĂ€ndert. Neben den traditionellen SQL-Anfragen fĂŒr Business Intelligence sind heute auch datenwissenschaftliche Anwendungen von großer Bedeutung. In diesen FĂ€llen fungiert das Datenbanksystem oft nur als Datenlieferant, wĂ€hrend der Rechenaufwand in dedizierten Data-Science- oder Machine-Learning-Umgebungen stattfindet. Wir verfolgen das Ziel, fortgeschrittene Analysen in Richtung der Datenbank-Engine zu verlagern und stellen das Grizzly-Framework als DataFrame-zu-SQL-Transpiler vor. Auf dieser Grundlage identifizieren wir benutzerdefinierte Funktionen (UDFs) und maschinelles Lernen (ML) als wichtige Aufgaben, die von einer tieferen Integration in die Datenbank-Engine profitieren wĂŒrden. Daher untersuchen und bewerten wir AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die datenbankinterne AusfĂŒhrung von Python-UDFs und datenbankinterne ML-Inferenz.Cloud computing has been the groundbreaking technology of the last decade. The ease-of-use of the managed environment in combination with nearly infinite amount of resources and a pay-per-use price model enables fast and cost-efficient project realization for a broad range of users. Cloud computing also changes the way software is designed, deployed and used. This thesis focuses on database systems deployed in the cloud environment. We identify three major interaction points of the database engine with the environment that show changed requirements compared to traditional on-premise data warehouse solutions. First, software is deployed on elastic resources. Consequently, systems should support elasticity in order to match workload requirements and be cost-effective. We present an elastic scaling mechanism for distributed database engines, combined with a partition manager that provides load balancing while minimizing partition reassignments in the case of elastic scaling. Furthermore we introduce a buffer pre-heating strategy that allows to mitigate a cold start after scaling and leads to an immediate performance benefit using scaling. Second, cloud based systems are accessible and available from nearly everywhere. Consequently, data is frequently ingested from numerous endpoints, which differs from bulk loads or ETL pipelines in a traditional data warehouse solution. Many users do not define database constraints in order to avoid transaction aborts due to conflicts or to speed up data ingestion. To mitigate this issue we introduce the concept of PatchIndexes, which allow the definition of approximate constraints. PatchIndexes maintain exceptions to constraints, make them usable in query optimization and execution and offer efficient update support. The concept can be applied to arbitrary constraints and we provide examples of approximate uniqueness and approximate sorting constraints. Moreover, we show how PatchIndexes can be exploited to define advanced constraints like an approximate multi-key partitioning, which offers robust query performance over workloads with different partition key requirements. Third, data-centric workloads changed over the last decade. Besides traditional SQL workloads for business intelligence, data science workloads are of significant importance nowadays. For these cases the database system might only act as data delivery, while the computational effort takes place in data science or machine learning (ML) environments. As this workflow has several drawbacks, we follow the goal of pushing advanced analytics towards the database engine and introduce the Grizzly framework as a DataFrame-to-SQL transpiler. Based on this we identify user-defined functions (UDFs) and machine learning inference as important tasks that would benefit from a deeper engine integration and investigate approaches to push these operations towards the database engine

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    Recent years have witnessed a massive growth of global data generated from web services, social media networks, and science experiments, as well as the  “tsunami" of Internet-of-Things devices. According to a Cisco forecast, total data center traffic is projected to hit 15.3 zettabytes (ZB) by the end of 2020. Gaining insight into a vast amount of data is highly important because valuable data are the driving force for business decisions and processes, as well as scientists\u27 exploration and discovery.To facilitate analytics, data are usually indexed in advance. Depending on the workloads, such as online transaction processing (OLTP) workloads and online analytics processing (OLAP) workloads, several indexing frameworks have been proposed. Specifically, B+-tree and hash are two common indexing methods in OLTP, where the number of querying and updating processes are nearly similar. Unlike OLTP, OLAP concentrates on querying in a huge historical storage, where updating processes are irregular. Most queries in OLAP are also highly complex and involve aggregations, while the execution time is often limited. To address these challenges, a bitmap index (BI) was proposed and has been proven as a promising candidate for OLAP-like workloads.A BI is a bit-level matrix, whose number of rows and columns are the length and cardinality of the datasets, respectively. With a BI, answering multi-dimensional queries becomes a series of bitwise operators, e.g. AND, OR, XOR, and NOT, on bit columns. As a result, a BI has proven profitable for solving complex queries in large enterprise databases and scientific databases. More significantly, because of the usage of low-hardware logical operators, a BI appears to be suitable for advanced parallel-processing platforms, such as multi-core CPUs, graphics processing units (GPUs), field-programmable logic arrays (FPGAs), and application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC).Modern FPGAs and ASICs have become increasingly important in data analytics because they can confront both data-intensive and computing-intensive tasks effectively. Furthermore, FPGAs and ASICs can provide higher energy efficiency, compared to CPUs and GPUs. As a result, since 2010, Microsoft has been working on the so-called Catapult project, where FPGAs were integrated into datacenter servers to accelerate their search engine as well as AI applications. In 2016, Oracle for the first time introduced SPARC S7 and M7 processors that are used for accelerating the OLTP databases. Nonetheless, a study on the feasibility of BI-based analytics systems using FPGAs and ASICs has not yet been developed.This dissertation, therefore, focuses on implementing the data analytics systems, in both FPGAs and ASICs, using BI. The advantages of the proposed systems include scalability, low data input/output cost, high processing throughput, and high energy efficiency. Three main modules are proposed: (1) a BI creator that indexes the given records by a list of keys and outputs the BI vectors to the external memory; (2) a BI-based query processor that employs the given BI vectors to answer users\u27 queries and outputs the results to the external memory; and (3) an BI encoder that returns the positions of one-bits of bitmap results to the external memory. Six hardware systems based on those three modules are implemented in an FPGA in advance for functional verification and then partially in two ASICs|180-nm bulk complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) and 65-nm Silicon-On-Thin-Buried-Oxide (SOTB) CMOS technology―for physical design verification. Based on the experimental results, these proposed systems outperform other CPU-based and GPU-based designs, especially in terms of energy efficiency.é›»æ°—é€šäżĄć€§ć­Š201

    A Survey on Array Storage, Query Languages, and Systems

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    Since scientific investigation is one of the most important providers of massive amounts of ordered data, there is a renewed interest in array data processing in the context of Big Data. To the best of our knowledge, a unified resource that summarizes and analyzes array processing research over its long existence is currently missing. In this survey, we provide a guide for past, present, and future research in array processing. The survey is organized along three main topics. Array storage discusses all the aspects related to array partitioning into chunks. The identification of a reduced set of array operators to form the foundation for an array query language is analyzed across multiple such proposals. Lastly, we survey real systems for array processing. The result is a thorough survey on array data storage and processing that should be consulted by anyone interested in this research topic, independent of experience level. The survey is not complete though. We greatly appreciate pointers towards any work we might have forgotten to mention.Comment: 44 page

    Concept-driven visualization for terascale data analytics

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    Over the past couple of decades the amount of scientific data sets has exploded. The science community has since been facing the common problem of being drowned in data, and yet starved of information. Identification and extraction of meaningful features from large data sets has become one of the central problems of scientific research, for both simulation as well as sensory data sets. The problems at hand are multifold and need to be addressed concurrently to provide scientists with the necessary tools, methods, and systems. Firstly, the underlying data structures and management need to be optimized for the kind of data most commonly used in scientific research, i.e. terascale time-varying, multi-dimensional, multi-variate, and potentially non-uniform grids. This implies avoidance of data duplication, utilization of a transparent query structure, and use of sophisticated underlying data structures and algorithms.Secondly, in the case of scientific data sets, simplistic queries are not a sufficient method to describe subsets or features. For time-varying data sets, many features can generally be described as local events, i.e. spatially and temporally limited regions with characteristic properties in value space. While most often scientists know quite well what they are looking for in a data set, at times they cannot formally or definitively describe their concept well to computer science experts, especially when based on partially substantiated knowledge. Scientists need to be enabled to query and extract such features or events directly and without having to rewrite their hypothesis into an inadequately simple query language. Thirdly, tools to analyze the quality and sensitivity of these event queries itself are required. Understanding local data sensitivity is a necessity for enabling scientists to refine query parameters as needed to produce more meaningful findings.Query sensitivity analysis can also be utilized to establish trends for event-driven queries, i.e. how does the query sensitivity differ between locations and over a series of data sets. In this dissertation, we present an approach to apply these interdependent measures to aid scientists in better understanding their data sets. An integrated system containing all of the above tools and system parts is presented
