14,337 research outputs found

    Distributions associated with general runs and patterns in hidden Markov models

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    This paper gives a method for computing distributions associated with patterns in the state sequence of a hidden Markov model, conditional on observing all or part of the observation sequence. Probabilities are computed for very general classes of patterns (competing patterns and generalized later patterns), and thus, the theory includes as special cases results for a large class of problems that have wide application. The unobserved state sequence is assumed to be Markovian with a general order of dependence. An auxiliary Markov chain is associated with the state sequence and is used to simplify the computations. Two examples are given to illustrate the use of the methodology. Whereas the first application is more to illustrate the basic steps in applying the theory, the second is a more detailed application to DNA sequences, and shows that the methods can be adapted to include restrictions related to biological knowledge.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOAS125 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Hidden Markov Models for Gene Sequence Classification: Classifying the VSG genes in the Trypanosoma brucei Genome

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    The article presents an application of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for pattern recognition on genome sequences. We apply HMM for identifying genes encoding the Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG) in the genomes of Trypanosoma brucei (T. brucei) and other African trypanosomes. These are parasitic protozoa causative agents of sleeping sickness and several diseases in domestic and wild animals. These parasites have a peculiar strategy to evade the host's immune system that consists in periodically changing their predominant cellular surface protein (VSG). The motivation for using patterns recognition methods to identify these genes, instead of traditional homology based ones, is that the levels of sequence identity (amino acid and DNA sequence) amongst these genes is often below of what is considered reliable in these methods. Among pattern recognition approaches, HMM are particularly suitable to tackle this problem because they can handle more naturally the determination of gene edges. We evaluate the performance of the model using different number of states in the Markov model, as well as several performance metrics. The model is applied using public genomic data. Our empirical results show that the VSG genes on T. brucei can be safely identified (high sensitivity and low rate of false positives) using HMM.Comment: Accepted article in July, 2015 in Pattern Analysis and Applications, Springer. The article contains 23 pages, 4 figures, 8 tables and 51 reference

    Parametric Inference for Biological Sequence Analysis

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    One of the major successes in computational biology has been the unification, using the graphical model formalism, of a multitude of algorithms for annotating and comparing biological sequences. Graphical models that have been applied towards these problems include hidden Markov models for annotation, tree models for phylogenetics, and pair hidden Markov models for alignment. A single algorithm, the sum-product algorithm, solves many of the inference problems associated with different statistical models. This paper introduces the \emph{polytope propagation algorithm} for computing the Newton polytope of an observation from a graphical model. This algorithm is a geometric version of the sum-product algorithm and is used to analyze the parametric behavior of maximum a posteriori inference calculations for graphical models.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. See also companion paper "Tropical Geometry of Statistical Models" (q-bio.QM/0311009

    The EM Algorithm and the Rise of Computational Biology

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    In the past decade computational biology has grown from a cottage industry with a handful of researchers to an attractive interdisciplinary field, catching the attention and imagination of many quantitatively-minded scientists. Of interest to us is the key role played by the EM algorithm during this transformation. We survey the use of the EM algorithm in a few important computational biology problems surrounding the "central dogma"; of molecular biology: from DNA to RNA and then to proteins. Topics of this article include sequence motif discovery, protein sequence alignment, population genetics, evolutionary models and mRNA expression microarray data analysis.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-STS312 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A decision-theoretic approach for segmental classification

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    This paper is concerned with statistical methods for the segmental classification of linear sequence data where the task is to segment and classify the data according to an underlying hidden discrete state sequence. Such analysis is commonplace in the empirical sciences including genomics, finance and speech processing. In particular, we are interested in answering the following question: given data yy and a statistical model π(x,y)\pi(x,y) of the hidden states xx, what should we report as the prediction x^\hat{x} under the posterior distribution π(x∣y)\pi (x|y)? That is, how should you make a prediction of the underlying states? We demonstrate that traditional approaches such as reporting the most probable state sequence or most probable set of marginal predictions can give undesirable classification artefacts and offer limited control over the properties of the prediction. We propose a decision theoretic approach using a novel class of Markov loss functions and report x^\hat{x} via the principle of minimum expected loss (maximum expected utility). We demonstrate that the sequence of minimum expected loss under the Markov loss function can be enumerated exactly using dynamic programming methods and that it offers flexibility and performance improvements over existing techniques. The result is generic and applicable to any probabilistic model on a sequence, such as Hidden Markov models, change point or product partition models.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOAS657 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Hybrid modeling, HMM/NN architectures, and protein applications

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    We describe a hybrid modeling approach where the parameters of a model are calculated and modulated by another model, typically a neural network (NN), to avoid both overfitting and underfitting. We develop the approach for the case of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), by deriving a class of hybrid HMM/NN architectures. These architectures can be trained with unified algorithms that blend HMM dynamic programming with NN backpropagation. In the case of complex data, mixtures of HMMs or modulated HMMs must be used. NNs can then be applied both to the parameters of each single HMM, and to the switching or modulation of the models, as a function of input or context. Hybrid HMM/NN architectures provide a flexible NN parameterization for the control of model structure and complexity. At the same time, they can capture distributions that, in practice, are inaccessible to single HMMs. The HMM/NN hybrid approach is tested, in its simplest form, by constructing a model of the immunoglobulin protein family. A hybrid model is trained, and a multiple alignment derived, with less than a fourth of the number of parameters used with previous single HMMs

    A Bayesian phylogenetic hidden Markov model for B cell receptor sequence analysis.

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    The human body generates a diverse set of high affinity antibodies, the soluble form of B cell receptors (BCRs), that bind to and neutralize invading pathogens. The natural development of BCRs must be understood in order to design vaccines for highly mutable pathogens such as influenza and HIV. BCR diversity is induced by naturally occurring combinatorial "V(D)J" rearrangement, mutation, and selection processes. Most current methods for BCR sequence analysis focus on separately modeling the above processes. Statistical phylogenetic methods are often used to model the mutational dynamics of BCR sequence data, but these techniques do not consider all the complexities associated with B cell diversification such as the V(D)J rearrangement process. In particular, standard phylogenetic approaches assume the DNA bases of the progenitor (or "naive") sequence arise independently and according to the same distribution, ignoring the complexities of V(D)J rearrangement. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to Bayesian phylogenetic inference for BCR sequences that is based on a phylogenetic hidden Markov model (phylo-HMM). This technique not only integrates a naive rearrangement model with a phylogenetic model for BCR sequence evolution but also naturally accounts for uncertainty in all unobserved variables, including the phylogenetic tree, via posterior distribution sampling

    Genomics and proteomics: a signal processor's tour

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    The theory and methods of signal processing are becoming increasingly important in molecular biology. Digital filtering techniques, transform domain methods, and Markov models have played important roles in gene identification, biological sequence analysis, and alignment. This paper contains a brief review of molecular biology, followed by a review of the applications of signal processing theory. This includes the problem of gene finding using digital filtering, and the use of transform domain methods in the study of protein binding spots. The relatively new topic of noncoding genes, and the associated problem of identifying ncRNA buried in DNA sequences are also described. This includes a discussion of hidden Markov models and context free grammars. Several new directions in genomic signal processing are briefly outlined in the end

    HMM with auxiliary memory: a new tool for modeling RNA structures

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    For a long time, proteins have been believed to perform most of the important functions in all cells. However, recent results in genomics have revealed that many RNAs that do not encode proteins play crucial roles in the cell machinery. The so-called ncRNA genes that are transcribed into RNAs but not translated into proteins, frequently conserve their secondary structures more than they conserve their primary sequences. Therefore, in order to identify ncRNA genes, we have to take the secondary structure of RNAs into consideration. Traditional approaches that are mainly based on base-composition statistics cannot be used for modeling and identifying such structures and models with more descriptive power are required. In this paper, we introduce the concept of context-sensitive HMMs, which is capable of describing pairwise interactions between distant symbols. It is demonstrated that the proposed model can efficiently model various RNA secondary structures that are frequently observed
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