1,242 research outputs found

    Variational Optimal-Control Problems with Delayed Arguments on Time Scales

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    This article deals with variational optimal-control problems on time scales in the presence of delay in the state variables. The problem is considered on a time scale unifying the discrete, the continuous and the quantum cases. Two examples in the discrete and quantum cases are analyzed to illustrate our results.Comment: To apear in Advances in Difference Equation

    Maximum principle for a stochastic delayed system involving terminal state constraints

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    We investigate a stochastic optimal control problem where the controlled system is depicted as a stochastic differential delayed equation; however, at the terminal time, the state is constrained in a convex set. We firstly introduce an equivalent backward delayed system depicted as a time-delayed backward stochastic differential equation. Then a stochastic maximum principle is obtained by virtue of Ekeland's variational principle. Finally, applications to a state constrained stochastic delayed linear-quadratic control model and a production-consumption choice problem are studied to illustrate the main obtained result.Comment: 16 page

    Discrete-Time Fractional Variational Problems

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    We introduce a discrete-time fractional calculus of variations on the time scale hZh\mathbb{Z}, h>0h > 0. First and second order necessary optimality conditions are established. Examples illustrating the use of the new Euler-Lagrange and Legendre type conditions are given. They show that solutions to the considered fractional problems become the classical discrete-time solutions when the fractional order of the discrete-derivatives are integer values, and that they converge to the fractional continuous-time solutions when hh tends to zero. Our Legendre type condition is useful to eliminate false candidates identified via the Euler-Lagrange fractional equation.Comment: Submitted 24/Nov/2009; Revised 16/Mar/2010; Accepted 3/May/2010; for publication in Signal Processing

    The Variable-Order Fractional Calculus of Variations

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    This book intends to deepen the study of the fractional calculus, giving special emphasis to variable-order operators. It is organized in two parts, as follows. In the first part, we review the basic concepts of fractional calculus (Chapter 1) and of the fractional calculus of variations (Chapter 2). In Chapter 1, we start with a brief overview about fractional calculus and an introduction to the theory of some special functions in fractional calculus. Then, we recall several fractional operators (integrals and derivatives) definitions and some properties of the considered fractional derivatives and integrals are introduced. In the end of this chapter, we review integration by parts formulas for different operators. Chapter 2 presents a short introduction to the classical calculus of variations and review different variational problems, like the isoperimetric problems or problems with variable endpoints. In the end of this chapter, we introduce the theory of the fractional calculus of variations and some fractional variational problems with variable-order. In the second part, we systematize some new recent results on variable-order fractional calculus of (Tavares, Almeida and Torres, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018). In Chapter 3, considering three types of fractional Caputo derivatives of variable-order, we present new approximation formulas for those fractional derivatives and prove upper bound formulas for the errors. In Chapter 4, we introduce the combined Caputo fractional derivative of variable-order and corresponding higher-order operators. Some properties are also given. Then, we prove fractional Euler-Lagrange equations for several types of fractional problems of the calculus of variations, with or without constraints.Comment: The final authenticated version of this preprint is available online as a SpringerBrief in Applied Sciences and Technology at [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94006-9]. In this version some typos, detected by the authors while reading the galley proofs, were corrected, SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, Springer, Cham, 201

    VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods: Book of Abstracts

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    The VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM) is going to be held on June 27-29, 2019, in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Beira Interior (UBI), CovilhĂŁ, Portugal and it is a unique opportunity to disseminate scientific research related to the areas of Mathematics in general, with particular relevance to the areas of Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods in theoretical and/or practical field, using new techniques, giving especial emphasis to applications in Medicine, Biology, Biotechnology, Engineering, Industry, Environmental Sciences, Finance, Insurance, Management and Administration. The meeting will provide a forum for discussion and debate of ideas with interest to the scientific community in general. With this meeting new scientific collaborations among colleagues, namely new collaborations in Masters and PhD projects are expected. The event is open to the entire scientific community (with or without communication/poster)

    Cálculo das variações do tipo Herglotz

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    Doutoramento em MatemáticaWe consider several problems based on Herglotz’s generalized variational problem. We dedicate two chapters to extensions on Herglotz’s generalized variational problem to higher-order and first-order problems with time delay, using a variational approach. In the last four chapters, we rewrite Herglotz's type problems in the optimal control form and use an optimal control approach. We prove generalized higher- order Euler-Lagrange equations, first without and then with time delay; higher-order natural boundary conditions; Noether's first theorem for the first-order problem of Herglotz with time delay; Noether's first theorem for higher-order problems of Herglotz without and with time delay; and existence of Noether currents as a version of Noether's second theorem of optimal control.Consideramos vários problemas com base no problema variacional generalizado de Herglotz. Dois capítulos são dedicados à extensão do problema variacional generalizado de Herglotz para ordem superior e para problemas de primeira ordem com atraso no tempo, utilizando uma abordagem variacional. Nos últimos quatro capítulos, reescrevemos os problemas de Herglotz na forma do controlo ótimo e usamos essa abordagem. Demonstramos equações generalizadas de Euler-Lagrange de ordem superior, inicialmente sem e depois com atraso no tempo; condições de fronteira de ordem superior; o primeiro teorema de Noether para o problema de Herglotz de primeira ordem com atraso no tempo; o primeiro teorema de Noether para problemas de ordem superior de Herglotz sem e com atraso no tempo; e a existência de leis de conservação de Noether numa versão do segundo teorema de Noether do controlo ótimo

    Variational and optimal control approaches for the second-order Herglotz problem on spheres

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    The present paper extends the classical second–order variational problem of Herglotz type to the more general context of the Euclidean sphere Sn following variational and optimal control approaches. The relation between the Hamiltonian equations and the generalized Euler-Lagrange equations is established. This problem covers some classical variational problems posed on the Riemannian manifold Sn such as the problem of finding cubic polynomials on S^n. It also finds applicability on the dynamics of the simple pendulum in a resistive medium.publishe
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