3,572 research outputs found

    Radiated emissions and experimental precautions of equipment with cables in GTEM cells

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    Any electric or electronic equipment sold within the European Union has to comply with the EC Directive on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). To achieve compliance, the equipment must be tested for radiated/conducted emissions and immunity. A wide range of national and international testing methods and standards are in force such as the IEC 61000-40-20. However, standards in general lack of describing testing methods for equipment with cables. Since most devices and systems contain leads and cables; the current standards cannot be directly employed. In an effort to approach this crucial matter, we present the outcomes of measurements conducted on an EUT (metal box) with different cable bundle configurations, in conjunction with both, the correlation algorithm given in the standards and the repeatability concerns between different GTEM cell

    Measurement And Modeling Of Short Copper Cables For Ultra-wideband Communication

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    High-speed communication using the copper network, originally installed for telephony, is one of the dominant Internet access techniques. Several variants of a technology referred to as digital subscriber line (DSL) have been developed, standardized and installed during the last two decades. Essentially, DSL achieves high rates by exploiting wide bands of the copper cable channel. The shorter the cable, the wider the band that can be used efficiently for communication. Current DSL standards foresee the use of bands up to 30MHz. Cable properties have been studied by means of measurements, characterization and modeling up to frequencies of 30MHz. Recent investigations have shown that it is feasible both from technical and from economical point of view to exploit very short cables (up to 200m) even further and use bands above 30MHz. A prerequisite for further evaluation and the design of such ultra-wideband copper (UWBC) systems is the extension of existing cable models to higher frequencies. This paper presents wideband measurement results of insertion loss and crosstalk coupling in a 10-pair cable of various length values for frequencies up to 200MHz. We compare the results with extrapolations of cable models that are established in the 30MHz-range.6390Chen, W.Y., (1998) DSL: Simulation Techniques and Standards Development for Digital Subscriber Line Systems, , Macmillan Technical Publishing, ISBN 1-57870-017-5G.selt: Updated issues list for G.selt (2004) ITU-T Temporary Document SS U09, , ITU-TAsymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers (1999) ITU Recommendation G.992.1, , ITU-T, JuneAsymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers (1999) ITU Recommendation G.992.2, , ITU-T, JuneAsymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) extended bandwidth (ADSL2+) (2005) ITU Recommendation G.992.5, , ITU-TStarr, T., Cioffi, J.M., Silverman, P., (1998) Understanding Digital Subscriber Line Technology, , Prentice Hall, Englewood CliffsDedieu, H., The copper channel - Loop charactersitics and models (2005) Fundamentals of DSL Technology, , ch. ISBN 0849319137, AUERBACHVan Der Brink, R.F.M., (1998) Cable Reference Models for Simulating Metallic Access Networks, , Permanent Document TM6(97), ETSI STC TM6, Luleå, Sweden, JunePaul, C.R., (1994) Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines, , Wiley, ISBN 0-471-02080-XCook, J.W., (1996) Parametric Modelling of Twisted Pair Cables for VDSL, , Temporary Document TD22, ETSI STC TM6, Vienna, Austria, MarVan Der Brink, R.F.M., (1997) Measurements and Models on Dutch Cables, , Temporary Document TD15, ETSI STC TM6, Tel Aviv, Israel, MarPollakowski, M., (1996) DTAG Cables Transmission Characteristics, , Temporary Document TD40, ETSI STC TM6, Vienna, Austria, MarPythoud, F., (1998) Model of Swiss Access Network Cables, , Temporary Document TD48, ETSI STC TM6, Madrid, Spain, JanHeylen, L., Musson, J., (1999) Cable Models Predict Physically Impossible Behavior in Time Domain, , Temporary Document TD08, ETSI STC TM6, Amsterdam, Netherlands, NovMusson, J., (1998) Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Primary Parameters of Twisted Pair Cables, , Temporary Document TD06, ETSI STC TM6, Madrid, Spain, SeptBoets, P., Zekri, M., Van Biesen, L., Bostoen, T., Pollet, T., On the identification of cables for metallic access networks (2001) 18th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference IMTC2001, 2, pp. 1348-1353. , Budapest, Hungary, MayBostoen, T., Boets, P., Zekri, M., Van Biesen, L., Pollet, T., Rabijns, D., Estimation of the transfer function of the access network by means of one-port scattering parameter measurements at the central office (2002) IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, 20, pp. 936-948. , JuneVery-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) metallic interface part 1: Functional requirement and common specification (2001) T1E1.4/2000-009R3, , ANSI T1E1.4, FebVan Der Brink, R.F.M., (2001) Laboratory Performance Tests for XDSL Systems, , Permanent Document TM6(98)10, ETSI STC TM6, Sophia Antipolis, France, FebValenti, C., NEXT and FEXT models for twisted-pair North American loop plant (2002) IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, 20, pp. 893-900. , JuneNedev, N.H., McLaughlin, S., Cook, J.W., Wideband UTP cable measurements and modelling for MIMO systems (2004) Proc. European Signal Processing Conf. EUSIPCO 2004, , (Vienna, Austria), SeptMagesacher, T., Henkel, W., Tauböck, G., Nordström, T., Cable measurements supporting xDSL technologies (2002) Journal E&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 199, pp. 37-43. , FebMagesacher, T., Ödling, P., Börjesson, P.O., Henkel, W., Nordström, T., Zukunft, R., Haar, S., On the capacity of the copper cable channel using the common mode (2002) Proc. IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. GLOBECOM 2002, , (Taipei, Taiwan), NovTomita, N., Ohmura, M., Low-frequency crosstalk loss characteristics of balanced cables (1989) Electron. Commun. Japan, Part 1, 72 (3), pp. 95-105Goedbloed, J.J., Aspects of EMC at the equipment level (1997) Proc. 12th Intl. Symp. Electromagn. Compat., pp. 23-38. , (Zurich, Switzerland), FebWerner, J.J., The HDSL environment (1991) IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, 9, pp. 785-800. , AugConte, R.A., A crosstalk model for balanced digital transmission in multipair cables (1986) AT&T Tech. J., 65, pp. 41-59. , May-JunSchutt-Aine, J.E., High-frequency characterization of twisted-pair cables (2001) IEEE Trans. on Commun., 49, pp. 598-601. , AprGresh, P.A., Physical and transmission characteristics of customer loop plant (1969) The Bell System Technical Journal, 48, pp. 3337-3385. , DecManhire, L.M., Physical and transmission characteristics of customer loop plant (1978) The Bell System Technical Journal, 57, pp. 35-39. , JanPierce, S.B., Crosstalk in twisted pair circuits (1986) Proc. Intl. Wire and Cable Symp., pp. 349-354Fung, A., Lee, L.S., Falconer, D.D., A facility for near end crosstalk measurements on ISDN subscriber loops (1989) Proc. IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf, , paper 54.

    Analysis of nonuniform transmission lines with an iterative and adaptive perturbation technique

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    This paper presents an iterative and adaptive perturbation technique for the analysis of nonuniform transmission lines. Place-dependent variations of the per-unit-length parameters are interpreted as perturbations with respect to their average values along the line. This allows casting the governing equations for the corresponding perturbations of the voltages and currents as those of a uniform transmission line with distributed sources. Therefore, standard transmission line theory is used to calculate these perturbation terms. Specifically, perturbations of increasing order are computed iteratively starting from the solution of the unperturbed line. The accuracy is adaptively adjusted by setting a threshold on the convergence of the solution. The algorithm turns out to be simple to implement and very accurate, yet faster than traditional approaches based on the discretization of the line into uniform sections. The technique is validated through the analysis of several nonuniform transmission line structures of relevance in EMC applications, namely uniformly and nonuniformly twisted wire pairs as well as a cable bundle with lacing cords

    Fast tuning of superconducting microwave cavities

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    Photons are fundamental excitations of the electromagnetic field and can be captured in cavities. For a given cavity with a certain size, the fundamental mode has a fixed frequency {\it f} which gives the photons a specific "color". The cavity also has a typical lifetime τ\tau, which results in a finite linewidth δ\delta{\it f}. If the size of the cavity is changed fast compared to τ\tau, and so that the frequency change Δ\Delta{\it f} ≫δ\gg \delta{\it f}, then it is possible to change the "color" of the captured photons. Here we demonstrate superconducting microwave cavities, with tunable effective lengths. The tuning is obtained by varying a Josephson inductance at one end of the cavity. We show data on four different samples and demonstrate tuning by several hundred linewidths in a time Δt≪τ\Delta t \ll \tau. Working in the few photon limit, we show that photons stored in the cavity at one frequency will leak out from the cavity with the new frequency after the detuning. The characteristics of the measured devices make them suitable for different applications such as dynamic coupling of qubits and parametric amplification.Comment: 2nd International Workshop on Solid-State Quantum Computing, June 2008, Taipei, Taiwa

    Cable analysis for electromagnetic compatibility issues

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    This dissertation consists of three papers. In the first paper, a high-sensitivity resonant electric field probe was designed, consisting of an LC resonator loaded by quarter-wave transformers. At the resonant frequency of 1.577 GHz, the measured |S21| from a matched trace to the resonant probe was approximately 6.6 dB higher than that of an equivalently sized broadband probe. In the second paper, a method for creating a simple SPICE model is proposed such that the SPICE model allows prediction of radiated emissions in component level tests. The radiation from the ground connections between the cables and return plane dominates over the radiation from the horizontal cables. In the third paper, a methodology for measuring coupling parameters and modeling crosstalk within aircraft cable connectors at low frequencies (\u3c 400 MHz) was developed. The accuracy of the model was evaluated through comparison of simulated and measured results. Additionally, a closed-form solution was developed to estimate the worst-case envelope of the differential crosstalk --Abstract, page iv

    Piezoelectric rotator for studying quantum effects in semiconductor nanostructures at high magnetic fields and low temperatures

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    We report the design and development of a piezoelectric sample rotation system, and its integration into an Oxford Instruments Kelvinox 100 dilution refrigerator, for orientation-dependent studies of quantum transport in semiconductor nanodevices at millikelvin temperatures in magnetic fields up to 10T. Our apparatus allows for continuous in situ rotation of a device through >100deg in two possible configurations. The first enables rotation of the field within the plane of the device, and the second allows the field to be rotated from in-plane to perpendicular to the device plane. An integrated angle sensor coupled with a closed-loop feedback system allows the device orientation to be known to within +/-0.03deg whilst maintaining the sample temperature below 100mK.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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