1,492 research outputs found

    Optimising Sparse Matrix Vector multiplication for large scale FEM problems on FPGA

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    Sparse Matrix Vector multiplication (SpMV) is an important kernel in many scientific applications. In this work we propose an architecture and an automated customisation method to detect and optimise the architecture for block diagonal sparse matrices. We evaluate the proposed approach in the context of the spectral/hp Finite Element Method, using the local matrix assembly approach. This problem leads to a large sparse system of linear equations with block diagonal matrix which is typically solved using an iterative method such as the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient. The efficiency of the proposed architecture combined with the effectiveness of the proposed customisation method reduces BRAM resource utilisation by as much as 10 times, while achieving identical throughput with existing state of the art designs and requiring minimal development effort from the end user. In the context of the Finite Element Method, our approach enables the solution of larger problems than previously possible, enabling the applicability of FPGAs to more interesting HPC problems

    An efficient sparse conjugate gradient solver using a Beneš permutation network

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    © 2014 Technical University of Munich (TUM).The conjugate gradient (CG) is one of the most widely used iterative methods for solving systems of linear equations. However, parallelizing CG for large sparse systems is difficult due to the inherent irregularity in memory access pattern. We propose a novel processor architecture for the sparse conjugate gradient method. The architecture consists of multiple processing elements and memory banks, and is able to compute efficiently both sparse matrix-vector multiplication, and other dense vector operations. A Beneš permutation network with an optimised control scheme is introduced to reduce memory bank conflicts without expensive logic. We describe a heuristics for offline scheduling, the effect of which is captured in a parametric model for estimating the performance of designs generated from our approach

    Precision analysis for hardware acceleration of numerical algorithms

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    The precision used in an algorithm affects the error and performance of individual computations, the memory usage, and the potential parallelism for a fixed hardware budget. However, when migrating an algorithm onto hardware, the potential improvements that can be obtained by tuning the precision throughout an algorithm to meet a range or error specification are often overlooked; the major reason is that it is hard to choose a number system which can guarantee any such specification can be met. Instead, the problem is mitigated by opting to use IEEE standard double precision arithmetic so as to be ‘no worse’ than a software implementation. However, the flexibility in the number representation is one of the key factors that can be exploited on reconfigurable hardware such as FPGAs, and hence ignoring this potential significantly limits the performance achievable. In order to optimise the performance of hardware reliably, we require a method that can tractably calculate tight bounds for the error or range of any variable within an algorithm, but currently only a handful of methods to calculate such bounds exist, and these either sacrifice tightness or tractability, whilst simulation-based methods cannot guarantee the given error estimate. This thesis presents a new method to calculate these bounds, taking into account both input ranges and finite precision effects, which we show to be, in general, tighter in comparison to existing methods; this in turn can be used to tune the hardware to the algorithm specifications. We demonstrate the use of this software to optimise hardware for various algorithms to accelerate the solution of a system of linear equations, which forms the basis of many problems in engineering and science, and show that significant performance gains can be obtained by using this new approach in conjunction with more traditional hardware optimisations

    Achieving High Speed CFD simulations: Optimization, Parallelization, and FPGA Acceleration for the unstructured DLR TAU Code

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    Today, large scale parallel simulations are fundamental tools to handle complex problems. The number of processors in current computation platforms has been recently increased and therefore it is necessary to optimize the application performance and to enhance the scalability of massively-parallel systems. In addition, new heterogeneous architectures, combining conventional processors with specific hardware, like FPGAs, to accelerate the most time consuming functions are considered as a strong alternative to boost the performance. In this paper, the performance of the DLR TAU code is analyzed and optimized. The improvement of the code efficiency is addressed through three key activities: Optimization, parallelization and hardware acceleration. At first, a profiling analysis of the most time-consuming processes of the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes flow solver on a three-dimensional unstructured mesh is performed. Then, a study of the code scalability with new partitioning algorithms are tested to show the most suitable partitioning algorithms for the selected applications. Finally, a feasibility study on the application of FPGAs and GPUs for the hardware acceleration of CFD simulations is presented

    Turn-Key Stabilization and Digital Control of Scalable, N GTI Resonator Based Coherent Pulse Stacking Systems

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    Coherent Pulse Stacking Amplification (CPSA) is a new time-domain coherent addition technique that overcomes the limitations on pulse energies achievable from optical amplifiers. It uses reflecting resonators to transform a sequence of phase- and amplitude-modulated optical pulses into a single output pulse enabling high pulse energy for fiber lasers. This thesis focuses on utilizing efficient algorithms for stabilization and optimization aspects of CPSA and developing a robust, scalable, and distributed digital control system with firmware and software integration for algorithms, to support the CPS (Coherent Pulse Stacking) application. We have presented the theoretical foundation of the stochastic parallel gradient descent (SPGD) for phase stabilization, discussed its performance criteria, its convergence, and its stability. We have presented our software and hardware development for time-domain coherent combing stabilization (specifically, an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)-based Control system with software/firmware development to support stabilization and optimization algorithms). Analytical formulations of output stacked pulse profile as a function of input pulse train amplitudes and phase and stacker cavity parameters have been derived so as to build up a foundation for a GTI (Gires-Tournois-Interferometer) Cavity-based noise measurement technique. Time-domain and frequency domain characterization techniques have been presented to analyze phase and amplitude noise in the stacking system. Stacking sensitivity to errors in different control parameters (stacker cavity phase, pulse amplitude, and phases) for different stacker configurations have been analyzed. Noise measurement results using GTI cavities with different round-trip time has have been presented and we have shown how effectively the stacking phase noise in the system can be reduced by improving the noise performance of the mode-locked oscillator. Simulation and Experimental results for stabilizing different stacker configurations have been presented. Finally an algorithmic control system along with software/hardware development for optimizing amplitudes and phases of the input burst has been implemented to increase stacking fidelity. A complete detailed description, and simulation of the Genetic Algorithm as an alternative algorithm for optimizing the stacked pulse fidelity has been presented. Comparison between SPGD and Genetic Algorithm results has been done to evaluate their performance. To summarize, this thesis provides theoretical, experimental, and implementation aspects of controlling CPSA system by introducing efficient control algorithms and developing a turn-key digital control system which is scalable to large number of stacker cavities.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147664/1/msheikhs_1.pd

    Custom optimization algorithms for efficient hardware implementation

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    The focus is on real-time optimal decision making with application in advanced control systems. These computationally intensive schemes, which involve the repeated solution of (convex) optimization problems within a sampling interval, require more efficient computational methods than currently available for extending their application to highly dynamical systems and setups with resource-constrained embedded computing platforms. A range of techniques are proposed to exploit synergies between digital hardware, numerical analysis and algorithm design. These techniques build on top of parameterisable hardware code generation tools that generate VHDL code describing custom computing architectures for interior-point methods and a range of first-order constrained optimization methods. Since memory limitations are often important in embedded implementations we develop a custom storage scheme for KKT matrices arising in interior-point methods for control, which reduces memory requirements significantly and prevents I/O bandwidth limitations from affecting the performance in our implementations. To take advantage of the trend towards parallel computing architectures and to exploit the special characteristics of our custom architectures we propose several high-level parallel optimal control schemes that can reduce computation time. A novel optimization formulation was devised for reducing the computational effort in solving certain problems independent of the computing platform used. In order to be able to solve optimization problems in fixed-point arithmetic, which is significantly more resource-efficient than floating-point, tailored linear algebra algorithms were developed for solving the linear systems that form the computational bottleneck in many optimization methods. These methods come with guarantees for reliable operation. We also provide finite-precision error analysis for fixed-point implementations of first-order methods that can be used to minimize the use of resources while meeting accuracy specifications. The suggested techniques are demonstrated on several practical examples, including a hardware-in-the-loop setup for optimization-based control of a large airliner.Open Acces