11 research outputs found

    High-Performance Spatial Query Processing on Big Taxi Trip Data Using GPGPUs

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    Abstract — City-wide GPS recorded taxi trip data contains rich information for traffic and travel analysis to facilitate transportation planning and urban studies. However, traditional data management techniques are largely incapable of processing big taxi trip data at the scale of hundreds of millions. In this study, we aim at utilizing the General Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) technologies to speed up processing complex spatial queries on big taxi data on inexpensive commodity GPUs. By using the land use types of tax lot polygons as a proxy for trip purposes at the pickup and drop-off locations, we formulate a taxi trip data analysis problem as a large-scale nearest neighbor spatial query problem based on point-to-polygon distance. Experiments on nearly 170 million taxi trips in the New York City (NYC) in 2009 and 735,488 tax lot polygons with 4,698,986 vertices have demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed techniques: the GPU implementations is about 10-20X faster than the host system and complete the spatial query in about a minute. We further discuss several interesting patterns discovered from the query results which warrant further study. The proposed approach can be an interesting alternative to traditional MapReduce/Hadoop based approaches to processing big data with respect to performance and cost

    Large-Scale Spatial Data Management on Modern Parallel and Distributed Platforms

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    Rapidly growing volume of spatial data has made it desirable to develop efficient techniques for managing large-scale spatial data. Traditional spatial data management techniques cannot meet requirements of efficiency and scalability for large-scale spatial data processing. In this dissertation, we have developed new data-parallel designs for large-scale spatial data management that can better utilize modern inexpensive commodity parallel and distributed platforms, including multi-core CPUs, many-core GPUs and computer clusters, to achieve both efficiency and scalability. After introducing background on spatial data management and modern parallel and distributed systems, we present our parallel designs for spatial indexing and spatial join query processing on both multi-core CPUs and GPUs for high efficiency as well as their integrations with Big Data systems for better scalability. Experiment results using real world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques on managing large-scale spatial data

    GPU Rasterization for Real-Time Spatial Aggregation over Arbitrary Polygons

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    Visual exploration of spatial data relies heavily on spatial aggregation queries that slice and summarize the data over different regions. These queries comprise computationally-intensive point-in-polygon tests that associate data points to polygonal regions, challenging the responsiveness of visualization tools. This challenge is compounded by the sheer amounts of data, requiring a large number of such tests to be performed. Traditional pre-aggregation approaches are unsuitable in this setting since they fix the query constraints and support only rectangular regions. On the other hand, query constraints are defined interactively in visual analytics systems, and polygons can be of arbitrary shapes. In this paper, we convert a spatial aggregation query into a set of drawing operations on a canvas and leverage the rendering pipeline of the graphics hardware (GPU) to enable interactive response times. Our technique trades-off accuracy for response time by adjusting the canvas resolution, and can even provide accurate results when combined with a polygon index. We evaluate our technique on two large real-world data sets, exhibiting superior performance compared to index-based approaches

    Geographic Data Science

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    It is widely acknowledged that the emergence of “Big Data” is having a profound and often controversial impact on the production of knowledge. In this context, Data Science has developed as an interdisciplinary approach that turns such “Big Data” into information. This article argues for the positive role that Geography can have on Data Science when being applied to spatially explicit problems; and inversely, makes the case that there is much that Geography and Geographical Analysis could learn from Data Science. We propose a deeper integration through an ambitious research agenda, including systems engineering, new methodological development, and work toward addressing some acute challenges around epistemology. We argue that such issues must be resolved in order to realize a Geographic Data Science, and that such goal would be a desirable one

    Privacy Preserved Model Based Approaches for Generating Open Travel Behavioural Data

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    Location-aware technologies and smart phones are fast growing in usage and adoption as a medium of service request and delivery of daily activities. However, the increasing usage of these technologies has birthed new challenges that needs to be addressed. Privacy protection and the need for disaggregate mobility data for transportation modelling needs to be balanced for applications and academic research. This dissertation focuses on developing modern privacy mechanisms that seek to satisfy requirements on privacy and data utility for fine-grained travel behavioural modelling applications using large-scale mobility data. To accomplish this, we review the challenges and opportunities that are needed to be solved in order to harness the full potential of “Big Transportation Data”. Also, we perform a quantitative evaluation on the degree of privacy that are provided by popular location anonymization techniques when undertaken on sensitive location data (i.e. homes, offices) of a travel survey. As a step to solve the trade-off between privacy and utility, we develop a differentially-private generative model for simultaneously synthesizing both socio-economic attributes and sequences of activity diary. Adversarial attack models are proposed and tested to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed system against privacy attacks. The results show that datasets from the developed privacy enhancing system can be used for travel behavioural modelling with satisfactory results while ensuring an acceptable level of privacy

    Modeling, Predicting and Capturing Human Mobility

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    Realistic models of human mobility are critical for modern day applications, specifically for recommendation systems, resource planning and process optimization domains. Given the rapid proliferation of mobile devices equipped with Internet connectivity and GPS functionality today, aggregating large sums of individual geolocation data is feasible. The thesis focuses on methodologies to facilitate data-driven mobility modeling by drawing parallels between the inherent nature of mobility trajectories, statistical physics and information theory. On the applied side, the thesis contributions lie in leveraging the formulated mobility models to construct prediction workflows by adopting a privacy-by-design perspective. This enables end users to derive utility from location-based services while preserving their location privacy. Finally, the thesis presents several approaches to generate large-scale synthetic mobility datasets by applying machine learning approaches to facilitate experimental reproducibility