7 research outputs found

    The Effect of Ladder-Bar Shape Variation for A Ladder-Secondary Double-Sided Linear Induction Motor (LSDSLIM) Design to Cogging Force and Useful Thrust Performances

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    This paper describes an investigation on the variation of the magnetic circuit of LSDSLIM (Ladder Secondary Double-Sided Linear Induction Motors) for the ladder-bar shape effects of cogging action and useful thrust. The comparisons are based on the Maxwell Stress method and FE method. The background of this investigation is related to that there are conflicts between the air gap length and cogging force and useful thrust for the Linear induction motor design with ladder secondary. Therefore, as the first stage of the design, the objectives are to investigate the minimum cogging forces and maximum useful thrust for the ladder shape effect. The methodology of investigation is based on the variation of the tooth width and the slot width of stationary part for the variation of the shape of ladder-bars. The tooth width and the slot width of moving part remain constant. The two laddershaped which are investigated include trapezoidal ladder bar and rectangular ladder bar. In each shape, the variation of the ratio between the tooth width and the slot width of ladder bar is conducted, and the maximum magnitude of the cogging action and magnitude maximum of useful thrust are investigated. The goodness of this procedure is the ratio between cogging action to useful thrust. This investigation shows that the trapezoidLadder Bars can decrease the magnitude of the Cogging Action in linear induction motor until 2.5% compared to the rectangular ladder-bars, and the thrust does not decrease in significant value

    Learning based cross-coupled control for multi-axis high precision positioning systems

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    In this paper, a controller featuring cross-coupled control and iterative learning control schemes is designed and implemented on a modular two-axis positioning system in order to improve both contour and tracking accuracy. Instead of using the standard contour estimation technique proposed with the variable gain cross-coupled control, a computationally efficient contour estimation technique is incorporated with the presented control design. Moreover, implemented contour estimation technique makes the presented control scheme more suitable for arbitrary nonlinear contours. Effectiveness of the control design is verified with simulations and experiments on a two-axis positioning system. Also, simulations demonstrating the performance of the control method on a three-axis positioning system are provided. The resulting controller is shown to achieve nanometer level contouring and tracking performance. Simulation results also show its applicability to three-axis nano-positioning systems. Copyright © 2012 by ASME

    High precision linear motor control via relay-tuning and iterative learning based on zero-phase filtering

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    10.1109/87.911376IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology92244-253IETT

    Control del jerk en el sistema de posicionamiento de alta velocidad con servomotor lineal

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se enfoca en el problema del jerk de un sistema CNC de alta velocidad con servomotores lineales (SPAV-UN) desarrollado en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Bogotá por el Ing. Marco Aldemar Martín; el sistema soporta un perfil de velocidad trapezoidal que se requiere modificar para minimizar el efecto del jerk. El perfil de movimiento es modificado por medio de la configuración del controlador del sistema CNC a través del desarrollo de una aplicación HMI. Antes del desarrollo de la aplicación, se hace un reconocimiento de la máquina CNC en la cual se trabaja y se ejecuta una identificación de la planta del sistema SPAV-UN para cada eje de movimiento. Por medio del proceso de identificación experimental del sistema de control SPAV-UN se obtienen los modelos o funciones de transferencia que representan a cada eje de movimiento, se hace un análisis completo de la validación de los modelos para así poder desarrollar un controlador robusto y establecer, experimentalmente, el mejor perfil de movimiento con el que puede funcionar la máquina CNC y para instaurar los parámetros básicos de operación del sistema: desplazamientos máximos, aceleraciones, velocidades de operación del sistema, cuyos datos no se tenían a disposición del usuario de la máquina. También se hace entrega por escrito de la información de la instrumentación necesaria básica para la operación del sistema SPAV-UN en tiempo real con manipulación directa de los servo drivers del servosistema; se desarrolla una aplicación en una HMI con la parametrización de las velocidades, las aceleraciones, los desplazamientos, el PID, el perfil de velocidad, y las rutinas básicas para desarrollar en la máquina. Estas parametrizaciones son opciones de la interfaz de usuario para una funcional y agradable operación del SPAV-UN.Abstract. The present research work focuses on the problem of the jerk of a high speed linear servomotors system (SPAV-UN) developed at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá by Ing. Marco Aldemar Martin, the system supports a profile of trapezoidal speed; the change of the trapezoidal profile is required to minimize the effect of the jerk. The motion profile is modified through configuration CNC system controller across the HMI application development. Before the development of the application, it is an acknowledgment of the CNC machine on which you are working and executed a plant identification system for each axis of motion. Through experimental identification process control system SPAV-UN are obtained models and transfer functions representing each axis of movement, it is a comprehensive analysis of the validation of the models, so we can develop a robust controller for establish, experimentally, the best motion profile that can work with the CNC machine and to establish the basic parameters of system operation: maximum displacement, acceleration, speed of operation of the system, whose data were not available to the user machine. Delivery is also written on the information basic instrumentation required for system operation SPAV-UN real-time direct manipulation of Servo Driver; developing an application in an HMI with speeds parameterization, accelerations, displacements, the PID, the velocity profile, and to develop the basic routines in the machine. These settings are options for a user interface functional and pleasing SPAV-UN operation.Maestrí

    High-performance digital control of UPS inverters

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    High performance control of a three-phase PWM rectifier

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