3 research outputs found

    A Lock Free Approach To Parallelize The Cellular Potts Model: Application To Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

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    In the field of computational biology, in order to simulate multiscale biological systems, the Cellular Potts Model (CPM) has been used, which determines the actions that simulated cells can perform by determining a hamiltonian of energy that takes into account the influence that neighboring cells exert, under a wide range of parameters. There are some proposals in the literature that parallelize the CPM; in all cases, either lockbased techniques or other techniques that require large amounts of information to be disseminated among parallel tasks are used to preserve data coherence. In both cases, computational performance is limited. This work proposes an alternative approach for the parallelization of the model that uses transactional memory to maintain the coherence of the information. A Java implementation has been applied to the simulation of the ductal adenocarcinoma of breast in situ (DCIS). Times and speedups of the simulated execution of the model on the cluster of our university are analyzed. The results show a good speedup

    Cells in Silico – introducing a high-performance framework for large-scale tissue modeling

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    Background Discoveries in cellular dynamics and tissue development constantly reshape our understanding of fundamental biological processes such as embryogenesis, wound-healing, and tumorigenesis. High-quality microscopy data and ever-improving understanding of single-cell effects rapidly accelerate new discoveries. Still, many computational models either describe few cells highly detailed or larger cell ensembles and tissues more coarsely. Here, we connect these two scales in a joint theoretical model. Results We developed a highly parallel version of the cellular Potts model that can be flexibly applied and provides an agent-based model driving cellular events. The model can be modular extended to a multi-model simulation on both scales. Based on the NAStJA framework, a scaling implementation running efficiently on high-performance computing systems was realized. We demonstrate independence of bias in our approach as well as excellent scaling behavior. Conclusions Our model scales approximately linear beyond 10,000 cores and thus enables the simulation of large-scale three-dimensional tissues only confined by available computational resources. The strict modular design allows arbitrary models to be configured flexibly and enables applications in a wide range of research questions. Cells in Silico (CiS) can be easily molded to different model assumptions and help push computational scientists to expand their simulations to a new area in tissue simulations. As an example we highlight a 10003^{3} voxel-sized cancerous tissue simulation at sub-cellular resolution

    A Hybrid Parallel Framework for the Cellular Potts Model Simulations

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    The Cellular Potts Model (CPM) has been widely used for biological simulations. However, most current implementations are either sequential or approximated, which can't be used for large scale complex 3D simulation. In this paper we present a hybrid parallel framework for CPM simulations. The time-consuming POE solving, cell division, and cell reaction operation are distributed to clusters using the Message Passing Interface (MPI). The Monte Carlo lattice update is parallelized on shared-memory SMP system using OpenMP. Because the Monte Carlo lattice update is much faster than the POE solving and SMP systems are more and more common, this hybrid approach achieves good performance and high accuracy at the same time. Based on the parallel Cellular Potts Model, we studied the avascular tumor growth using a multiscale model. The application and performance analysis show that the hybrid parallel framework is quite efficient. The hybrid parallel CPM can be used for the large scale simulation ({approx}10{sup 8} sites) of complex collective behavior of numerous cells ({approx}10{sup 6})