1,046 research outputs found

    An adaptive fixed-mesh ALE method for free surface flows

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    In this work we present a Fixed-Mesh ALE method for the numerical simulation of free surface flows capable of using an adaptive finite element mesh covering a background domain. This mesh is successively refined and unrefined at each time step in order to focus the computational effort on the spatial regions where it is required. Some of the main ingredients of the formulation are the use of an Arbitrary-Lagrangian–Eulerian formulation for computing temporal derivatives, the use of stabilization terms for stabilizing convection, stabilizing the lack of compatibility between velocity and pressure interpolation spaces, and stabilizing the ill-conditioning introduced by the cuts on the background finite element mesh, and the coupling of the algorithm with an adaptive mesh refinement procedure suitable for running on distributed memory environments. Algorithmic steps for the projection between meshes are presented together with the algebraic fractional step approach used for improving the condition number of the linear systems to be solved. The method is tested in several numerical examples. The expected convergence rates both in space and time are observed. Smooth solution fields for both velocity and pressure are obtained (as a result of the contribution of the stabilization terms). Finally, a good agreement between the numerical results and the reference experimental data is obtained.Postprint (published version

    Adaptive mesh simulations of compressible flows using stabilized formulations

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    This thesis investigates numerical methods that approximate the solution of compressible flow equations. The first part of the thesis is committed to studying the Variational Multi-Scale (VMS) finite element approximation of several compressible flow equations. In particular, the one-dimensional Burgers equation in the Fourier space, and the compressible Navier-Stokes equations written in both conservative and primitive variables are considered. The approximations made for the VMS formulation are extensively researched; the design of the matrix of stabilization parameters, the definition of the space where the subscales live, the inclusion of the temporal derivatives of the subscales, and the non-linear tracking of the subscales are formulated. Also, the addition of local artificial diffusion in the form of shock capturing techniques is included. The accuracy of the formulations is studied for several regimes of the compressible flow, from aeroacoustic flows at low Mach numbers to supersonic shocks. The second part of the thesis is devoted to make the solution of the smallest fluctuating scales of the compressible flow affordable. To this end, a novel algorithm for h−h-refinement of computational physics meshes in a distributed parallel setting, together with the solution of some refinement test cases in supercomputers are presented. The definition of an explicit a-posteriori error estimator that can be used in the adaptive mesh refinement simulations of compressible flows is also developed; the proposed methodology employs the variational subscales as a local error estimate that drives the mesh refinement. The numerical methods proposed in this thesis are capable to describe the high-frequency fluctuations of compressible flows, especially, the ones corresponding to complex aeroacoustic applications. Precisely, the direct simulation of the fricative [s] sound inside a realistic geometry of the human vocal tract is achieved at the end of the thesis.Esta tesis investiga métodos numéricos que aproximan la solución de las ecuaciones de flujo compresible. La primera parte de la tesis está dedicada al estudio de la aproximación numérica del flujo compresible por medio del método multiescala variacional (VMS) en elementos finitos. En particular, se consideran la ecuación de Burgers unidimensional descrita en el espacio de Fourier y las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes de flujo compresible escritas en variables conservativas y primitivas. Las aproximaciones hechas para plantear la formulación VMS son ampliamente investigadas; el diseño de la matriz de parámetros de estabilización, la definición del espacio donde viven las subescalas, la inclusión de las derivadas temporales de las subescalas y el seguimiento no lineal de las subescalas son particularidades de la formulación que se analizan para cada una de las ecuaciones consideradas. Además, se incluye la adición de difusión artificial local en forma de técnicas de captura de choque. La precisión de las formulaciones se estudia para varios regímenes del flujo compresible, desde flujos aeroacústicos a bajos números de Mach hasta choques supersónicos. La segunda parte de la tesis está dedicada a hacer asequible la solución de las escalas fluctuantes más pequeñas del flujo compresible. Con este fin, se presenta un algoritmo novedoso para el refinamiento hh de las mallas de física computacional usadas en computación distribuida en paralelo. Además, se demuestra la solución en superordenadores de algunos casos de prueba del refinamiento de mallas. También se desarrolla la definición de un estimador de error explícito a posteriori que se puede usar en las simulaciones adaptativas de refinamiento de malla de flujos compresibles; la metodología propuesta emplea las subescalas variacionales como una estimación de error local que induce el refinamiento de la malla. Los métodos numéricos propuestos en esta tesis son capaces de describir las fluctuaciones de alta frecuencia de los flujos compresibles, especialmente los correspondientes a aplicaciones aeroacústicas complejas. Precisamente, la simulación directa del sonido consonántico fricativo [s] dentro de una geometría realista del tracto vocal humano se demuestra al final de la tesis

    DeepFlame: A deep learning empowered open-source platform for reacting flow simulations

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    In this work, we introduce DeepFlame, an open-source C++ platform with the capabilities of utilising machine learning algorithms and pre-trained models to solve for reactive flows. We combine the individual strengths of the computational fluid dynamics library OpenFOAM, machine learning framework Torch, and chemical kinetics program Cantera. The complexity of cross-library function and data interfacing (the core of DeepFlame) is minimised to achieve a simple and clear workflow for code maintenance, extension and upgrading. As a demonstration, we apply our recent work on deep learning for predicting chemical kinetics (Zhang et al. Combust. Flame vol. 245 pp. 112319, 2022) to highlight the potential of machine learning in accelerating reacting flow simulation. A thorough code validation is conducted via a broad range of canonical cases to assess its accuracy and efficiency. The results demonstrate that the convection-diffusion-reaction algorithms implemented in DeepFlame are robust and accurate for both steady-state and transient processes. In addition, a number of methods aiming to further improve the computational efficiency, e.g. dynamic load balancing and adaptive mesh refinement, are explored. Their performances are also evaluated and reported. With the deep learning method implemented in this work, a speed-up of two orders of magnitude is achieved in a simple hydrogen ignition case when performed on a medium-end graphics processing unit (GPU). Further gain in computational efficiency is expected for hydrocarbon and other complex fuels. A similar level of acceleration is obtained on an AI-specific chip - deep computing unit (DCU), highlighting the potential of DeepFlame in leveraging the next-generation computing architecture and hardware

    Enhancement of engine simulation using LES turbulence modeling and advanced numerical schemes

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    The goal of this study is to develop advanced numerical models and algorithms to improve the accuracy of engine spray combustion simulation. This study developed a large eddy simulation (LES) turbulence model and adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) algorithms to enhance the accuracy and computational efficiency of engine simulation. The LES approach for turbulence modeling is advantageous over the traditional Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) approach due to its capability to obtain more detailed flow information by resolving large-scale structures which are strongly geometry dependent. The current LES approach used a one-equation, non-viscosity, dynamic structure model for the sub-grid stress tensor and also used a gradient method for the sub-grid scalar fluxes. The LES implementation was validated by comparing the predicted spray penetrations and structures in a non-evaporating diesel spray. The present LES model, when coupled with spray breakup and detailed chemistry models, were able to predict the overall cylinder pressure history, heat release rate data, and the trends of NOx and soot emissions with respect to different injection timings and EGR levels in a heavy-duty diesel engine. Results also indicated that the LES model could predict the unsteadiness of in-cylinder flows and have the potential to provide more detailed flow structures compared to the RANS model. AMR algorithms were also developed to improve transient engine spray simulation. It is known that inadequate spatial resolution can cause inaccuracy in spray simulation using the stochastic Lagrangian particle approach due to the over-estimated diffusion and inappropriate liquid-gas phase coupling. Dynamic local mesh refinement, adaptive to fuel spray and vapor gradients, was developed to increase the grid resolution in the spray region. AMR was parallelized using the MPI library and various strategies were also adopted in order to improve the computational efficiency, including timestep control, reduction in search of the neighboring cells on the processor boundaries, and re-initialization of data at each adaptation. The AMR implementation was validated by comparing the predicted spray penetrations and structures. It was found that a coarse mesh using AMR could produce the same results as those using a uniformly fine mesh with substantially reduced computer time. The parallel performance using AMR varied depending on the geometry and simulation conditions. In general, the computations without valve motion or using a fine mesh could obtain better parallel performance than those with valve motion or using a coarse mesh

    Large-scale adaptive mantle convection simulation

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    A new generation, parallel adaptive-mesh mantle convection code, Rhea, is described and benchmarked. Rhea targets large-scale mantle convection simulations on parallel computers, and thus has been developed with a strong focus on computational efficiency and parallel scalability of both mesh handling and numerical solvers. Rhea builds mantle convection solvers on a collection of parallel octree-based adaptive finite element libraries that support new distributed data structures and parallel algorithms for dynamic coarsening, refinement, rebalancing and repartitioning of the mesh. In this study we demonstrate scalability to 122 880 compute cores and verify correctness of the implementation. We present the numerical approximation and convergence properties using 3-D benchmark problems and other tests for variable-viscosity Stokes flow and thermal convection

    On Simulating Type Ia Supernovae

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    Type Ia supernovae are bright stellar explosions distinguished by standardizable light curves that allow for their use as distance indicators for cosmological studies. Despite their highly successful use in this capacity, the progenitors of these events are incompletely understood. We describe simulating type Ia supernovae in the paradigm of a thermonuclear runaway occurring in a massive white dwarf star. We describe the multi-scale physical processes that realistic models must incorporate and the numerical models for these that we employ. In particular, we describe a flame-capturing scheme that addresses the problem of turbulent thermonuclear combustion on unresolved scales. We present the results of our study of the systematics of type Ia supernovae including trends in brightness following from properties of the host galaxy that agree with observations. We also present performance results from simulations on leadership-class architectures.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, accepted to proceedings of the Conference on Computational Physics, Oct. 30 - Nov. 3, 201

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationRecent trends in high performance computing present larger and more diverse computers using multicore nodes possibly with accelerators and/or coprocessors and reduced memory. These changes pose formidable challenges for applications code to attain scalability. Software frameworks that execute machine-independent applications code using a runtime system that shields users from architectural complexities oer a portable solution for easy programming. The Uintah framework, for example, solves a broad class of large-scale problems on structured adaptive grids using fluid-flow solvers coupled with particle-based solids methods. However, the original Uintah code had limited scalability as tasks were run in a predefined order based solely on static analysis of the task graph and used only message passing interface (MPI) for parallelism. By using a new hybrid multithread and MPI runtime system, this research has made it possible for Uintah to scale to 700K central processing unit (CPU) cores when solving challenging fluid-structure interaction problems. Those problems often involve moving objects with adaptive mesh refinement and thus with highly variable and unpredictable work patterns. This research has also demonstrated an ability to run capability jobs on the heterogeneous systems with Nvidia graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerators or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. The new runtime system for Uintah executes directed acyclic graphs of computational tasks with a scalable asynchronous and dynamic runtime system for multicore CPUs and/or accelerators/coprocessors on a node. Uintah's clear separation between application and runtime code has led to scalability increases without significant changes to application code. This research concludes that the adaptive directed acyclic graph (DAG)-based approach provides a very powerful abstraction for solving challenging multiscale multiphysics engineering problems. Excellent scalability with regard to the different processors and communications performance are achieved on some of the largest and most powerful computers available today

    Compilation of Abstracts for SC12 Conference Proceedings

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    1 A Breakthrough in Rotorcraft Prediction Accuracy Using Detached Eddy Simulation; 2 Adjoint-Based Design for Complex Aerospace Configurations; 3 Simulating Hypersonic Turbulent Combustion for Future Aircraft; 4 From a Roar to a Whisper: Making Modern Aircraft Quieter; 5 Modeling of Extended Formation Flight on High-Performance Computers; 6 Supersonic Retropropulsion for Mars Entry; 7 Validating Water Spray Simulation Models for the SLS Launch Environment; 8 Simulating Moving Valves for Space Launch System Liquid Engines; 9 Innovative Simulations for Modeling the SLS Solid Rocket Booster Ignition; 10 Solid Rocket Booster Ignition Overpressure Simulations for the Space Launch System; 11 CFD Simulations to Support the Next Generation of Launch Pads; 12 Modeling and Simulation Support for NASA's Next-Generation Space Launch System; 13 Simulating Planetary Entry Environments for Space Exploration Vehicles; 14 NASA Center for Climate Simulation Highlights; 15 Ultrascale Climate Data Visualization and Analysis; 16 NASA Climate Simulations and Observations for the IPCC and Beyond; 17 Next-Generation Climate Data Services: MERRA Analytics; 18 Recent Advances in High-Resolution Global Atmospheric Modeling; 19 Causes and Consequences of Turbulence in the Earths Protective Shield; 20 NASA Earth Exchange (NEX): A Collaborative Supercomputing Platform; 21 Powering Deep Space Missions: Thermoelectric Properties of Complex Materials; 22 Meeting NASA's High-End Computing Goals Through Innovation; 23 Continuous Enhancements to the Pleiades Supercomputer for Maximum Uptime; 24 Live Demonstrations of 100-Gbps File Transfers Across LANs and WANs; 25 Untangling the Computing Landscape for Climate Simulations; 26 Simulating Galaxies and the Universe; 27 The Mysterious Origin of Stellar Masses; 28 Hot-Plasma Geysers on the Sun; 29 Turbulent Life of Kepler Stars; 30 Modeling Weather on the Sun; 31 Weather on Mars: The Meteorology of Gale Crater; 32 Enhancing Performance of NASAs High-End Computing Applications; 33 Designing Curiosity's Perfect Landing on Mars; 34 The Search Continues: Kepler's Quest for Habitable Earth-Sized Planets
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