1,908 research outputs found

    Resilience in Numerical Methods: A Position on Fault Models and Methodologies

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    Future extreme-scale computer systems may expose silent data corruption (SDC) to applications, in order to save energy or increase performance. However, resilience research struggles to come up with useful abstract programming models for reasoning about SDC. Existing work randomly flips bits in running applications, but this only shows average-case behavior for a low-level, artificial hardware model. Algorithm developers need to understand worst-case behavior with the higher-level data types they actually use, in order to make their algorithms more resilient. Also, we know so little about how SDC may manifest in future hardware, that it seems premature to draw conclusions about the average case. We argue instead that numerical algorithms can benefit from a numerical unreliability fault model, where faults manifest as unbounded perturbations to floating-point data. Algorithms can use inexpensive "sanity" checks that bound or exclude error in the results of computations. Given a selective reliability programming model that requires reliability only when and where needed, such checks can make algorithms reliable despite unbounded faults. Sanity checks, and in general a healthy skepticism about the correctness of subroutines, are wise even if hardware is perfectly reliable.Comment: Position Pape

    Hard and Soft Error Resilience for One-sided Dense Linear Algebra Algorithms

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    Dense matrix factorizations, such as LU, Cholesky and QR, are widely used by scientific applications that require solving systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and linear least squares problems. Such computations are normally carried out on supercomputers, whose ever-growing scale induces a fast decline of the Mean Time To Failure (MTTF). This dissertation develops fault tolerance algorithms for one-sided dense matrix factorizations, which handles Both hard and soft errors. For hard errors, we propose methods based on diskless checkpointing and Algorithm Based Fault Tolerance (ABFT) to provide full matrix protection, including the left and right factor that are normally seen in dense matrix factorizations. A horizontal parallel diskless checkpointing scheme is devised to maintain the checkpoint data with scalable performance and low space overhead, while the ABFT checksum that is generated before the factorization constantly updates itself by the factorization operations to protect the right factor. In addition, without an available fault tolerant MPI supporting environment, we have also integrated the Checkpoint-on-Failure(CoF) mechanism into one-sided dense linear operations such as QR factorization to recover the running stack of the failed MPI process. Soft error is more challenging because of the silent data corruption, which leads to a large area of erroneous data due to error propagation. Full matrix protection is developed where the left factor is protected by column-wise local diskless checkpointing, and the right factor is protected by a combination of a floating point weighted checksum scheme and soft error modeling technique. To allow practical use on large scale system, we have also developed a complexity reduction scheme such that correct computing results can be recovered with low performance overhead. Experiment results on large scale cluster system and multicore+GPGPU hybrid system have confirmed that our hard and soft error fault tolerance algorithms exhibit the expected error correcting capability, low space and performance overhead and compatibility with double precision floating point operation

    Exploiting Data Representation for Fault Tolerance

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    We explore the link between data representation and soft errors in dot products. We present an analytic model for the absolute error introduced should a soft error corrupt a bit in an IEEE-754 floating-point number. We show how this finding relates to the fundamental linear algebra concepts of normalization and matrix equilibration. We present a case study illustrating that the probability of experiencing a large error in a dot product is minimized when both vectors are normalized. Furthermore, when data is normalized we show that the absolute error is less than one or very large, which allows us to detect large errors. We demonstrate how this finding can be used by instrumenting the GMRES iterative solver. We count all possible errors that can be introduced through faults in arithmetic in the computationally intensive orthogonalization phase, and show that when scaling is used the absolute error can be bounded above by one

    Adaptive control in rollforward recovery for extreme scale multigrid

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    With the increasing number of compute components, failures in future exa-scale computer systems are expected to become more frequent. This motivates the study of novel resilience techniques. Here, we extend a recently proposed algorithm-based recovery method for multigrid iterations by introducing an adaptive control. After a fault, the healthy part of the system continues the iterative solution process, while the solution in the faulty domain is re-constructed by an asynchronous on-line recovery. The computations in both the faulty and healthy subdomains must be coordinated in a sensitive way, in particular, both under and over-solving must be avoided. Both of these waste computational resources and will therefore increase the overall time-to-solution. To control the local recovery and guarantee an optimal re-coupling, we introduce a stopping criterion based on a mathematical error estimator. It involves hierarchical weighted sums of residuals within the context of uniformly refined meshes and is well-suited in the context of parallel high-performance computing. The re-coupling process is steered by local contributions of the error estimator. We propose and compare two criteria which differ in their weights. Failure scenarios when solving up to 6.9â‹…10116.9\cdot10^{11} unknowns on more than 245\,766 parallel processes will be reported on a state-of-the-art peta-scale supercomputer demonstrating the robustness of the method

    Enhancing Program Soft Error Resilience through Algorithmic Approaches

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    The rising count and shrinking feature size of transistors within modern computers is making them increasingly vulnerable to various types of soft faults. This problem is especially acute in high-performance computing (HPC) systems used for scientific computing, because these systems include many thousands of compute cores and nodes, all of which may be utilized in a single large-scale run. The increasing vulnerability of HPC applications to errors induced by soft faults is motivating extensive work on techniques to make these applications more resilient to such faults, ranging from generic techniques such as replication or checkpoint/restart to algorithm-specific error detection and tolerance techniques. Effective use of such techniques requires a detailed understanding of how a given application is affected by soft faults to ensure that (i) efforts to improve application resilience are spent in the code regions most vulnerable to faults, (ii) the appropriate resilience techniques is applied to each code region, and (iii) the understanding be obtained in an efficient manner. This thesis presents two tools: FaultTelescope helps application developers view the routine and application vulnerability to soft errors while ErrorSight helps perform modular fault characteristics analysis for more complex applications. This thesis also illustrates how these tools can be used in the context of representative applications and kernels. In addition to providing actionable insights into application behavior, the tools automatically selects the number of fault injection experiments required to efficiently generation error profiles of an application, ensuring that the information is statistically well-grounded without performing unnecessary experiments
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