5 research outputs found

    Tutorial Focuses on the Issue of "Integrated Modular Avionics" According to ATA 42

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce se zabývá vývojem avioniky, dále pak kooperací mezi jednotlivými avionickými systémy. Popisuje důvody, vývoj a následky pro strukturální změnu zapojení avionických systémů z takzvané federované do modulové avioniky. Rozebírá jednotlivé systémy, kterých se změna týká a v neposlední řadě porovnává výhody a nevýhody těchto dvou struktur zapojení.This bachelor thesis covers the developement of the avionics systems and the types of cooperaion between avionics systems. Also describes the reasones, developement and conseguences of changes of the avionic architecture from „distributed“ and „federated“ to modular architecture. In the last part it describes the avionics systems and advantages with disadvantages of this new architecture.342 - Institut dopravyvelmi dobř

    Improving Hazard Analysis and Certification of Integrated Modular Avionics

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    Integrated modular avionics systems present new opportunities and benefits for developing advanced aircraft avionics, as well as a series of challenges related to hazard analysis and certification. This paper addresses some of those challenges and proposes a new procedure for improving hazard analysis of integrated modular avionics systems. A significant objective of integrated modular avionics architectures is the ability to develop individual software applications independently and then integrate those applications onto one platform. It has been very difficult for both designers and certifiers to understand and predict how the system will behave when the applications are integrated into one system. Traditional fault-based hazard analysis techniques are limited with respect to this problem. Therefore, this paper uses a different technique, called Systems-theoretic Process Analysis, to identify hazardous behavior that emerges when individual applications are integrated. Systems-theoretic process analysis is a systems-theoretic hazard analysis technique that accounts for hazardous behavior due to component interaction, including cases when the components have not failed or faulted. Systems-theoretic process analysis is extended in this paper to account for behavior that emerges when software applications share data, which is a requirement in aircraft systems. The paper illustrates the new approach with an example that includes real-world avionics functions

    Fault management via dynamic reconfiguration for integrated modular avionics

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate fault management methodologies within Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) systems, and develop techniques by which the use of dynamic reconfiguration can be implemented to restore higher levels of systems redundancy in the event of a systems fault. A proposed concept of dynamic configuration has been implemented on a test facility that allows controlled injection of common faults to a representative IMA system. This facility allows not only the observation of the response of the system management activities to manage the fault, but also analysis of real time data across the network to ensure distributed control activities are maintained. IMS technologies have evolved as a feasible direction for the next generation of avionic systems. Although federated systems are logical to design, certify and implement, they have some inherent limitations that are not cost beneficial to the customer over long life-cycles of complex systems, and hence the fundamental modular design, i.e. common processors running modular software functions, provides a flexibility in terms of configuration, implementation and upgradability that cannot be matched by well-established federated avionic system architectures. For example, rapid advances of computing technology means that dedicated hardware can become outmoded by component obsolescence which almost inevitably makes replacements unavailable during normal life-cycles of most avionic systems. To replace the obsolete part with a newer design involves a costly re-design and re-certification of any relevant or interacting functions with this unit. As such, aircraft are often known to go through expensive mid-life updates to upgrade all avionics systems. In contrast, a higher frequency of small capability upgrades would maximise the product performance, including cost of development and procurement, in constantly changing platform deployment environments. IMA is by no means a new concept and work has been carried out globally in order to mature the capability. There are even examples where this technology has been implemented as subsystems on service aircraft. However, IMA flexible configuration properties are yet to be exploited to their full extent; it is feasible that identification of faults or failures within the system would lead to the exploitation of these properties in order to dynamically reconfigure and maintain high levels of redundancy in the event of component failure. It is also conceivable to install redundant components such that an IMS can go through a process of graceful degradation, whereby the system accommodates a number of active failures, but can still maintain appropriate levels of reliability and service. This property extends the average maintenance-free operating period, ensuring that the platform has considerably less unscheduled down time and therefore increased availability. The content of this research work involved a number of key activities in order to investigate the feasibility of the issues outlined above. The first was the creation of a representative IMA system and the development of a systems management capability that performs the required configuration controls. The second aspect was the development of hardware test rig in order to facilitate a tangible demonstration of the IMA capability. A representative IMA was created using LabVIEW Embedded Tool Suit (ETS) real time operating system for minimal PC systems. Although this required further code written to perform IMS middleware functions and does not match up to the stringent air safety requirements, it provided a suitable test bed to demonstrate systems management capabilities. The overall IMA was demonstrated with a 100kg scale Maglev vehicle as a test subject. This platform provides a challenging real-time control problem, analogous to an aircraft flight control system, requiring the calculation of parallel control loops at a high sampling rate in order to maintain magnetic suspension. Although the dynamic properties of the test rig are not as complex as a modern aircraft, it has much less stringent operating requirements and therefore substantially less risk associated with failure to provide service. The main research contributions for the PhD are: 1.A solution for the dynamic reconfiguration problem for assigning required systems functions (namely a distributed, real-time control function with redundant processing channels) to available computing resources whilst protecting the functional concurrency and time critical needs of the control actions. 2.A systems management strategy that utilises the dynamic reconfiguration properties of an IMA System to restore high levels of redundancy in the presence of failures. The conclusion summarises the level of success of the implemented system in terms of an appropriate dynamic reconfiguration to the response of a fault signal. In addition, it highlights the issues with using an IMA to as a solution to operational goals of the target hardware, in terms of design and build complexity, overhead and resources

    A quality of service based framework for dynamic, dependable systems

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    There is currently much UK government and industry interest towards the integration of complex computer-based systems, including those in the military domain. These systems can include both mission critical and safety critical applications, and therefore require the dependable communication of data. Current modular military systems requiring such performance guarantees are mostly based on parameters and system states fixed during design time, thus allowing a predictable estimate of performance. These systems can exhibit a limited degree of reconfiguration, but this is typically within the constraints of a predefined set of configurations. The ability to reconfigure systems more dynamically, could lead to further increased flexibility and adaptability, resulting in the better use of existing assets. Current software architecture models that are capable of providing this flexibility, however, tend to lack support for dependable performance. This thesis explores the benefits for the dependability of future dynamic systems, built on a publish/subscribe model, from using Quality of Service (QoS) methods to map application level data communication requirements to available network resources. Through this, original contributions to knowledge are created, including; the proposal of a QoS framework that specifies a way of defining flexible levels of QoS characteristics and their use in the negotiation of network resources, a simulation based evaluation of the QoS framework and specifically the choice of negotiation algorithm used, and a test-bed based feasibility study. Simulation experimentation conducted comparing different methods of QoS negotiation gives a clear indication that the use of the proposed QoS framework and flexible negotiation algorithm can provide a benefit in terms of system utility, resource utilisation, and system stability. The choice of negotiation algorithm has a particularly strong impact on these system properties. The cost of these benefits comes in terms of the processing power and execution time required to reach a decision on the acceptance of a subscriber. It is suggested, given this cost, that when computational resources are limited, a simpler priority based negotiation algorithm should be used. Where system resources are more abundant, however, the flexible negotiation algorithm proposed within the QoS framework can offer further benefits. Through the implementation of the QoS framework within an existing military avionics software architecture based emulator on a test-bed, both the technical challenges that will need to be overcome and, more importantly, the potential viability for the inclusion of the QoS framework have been demonstrated