9 research outputs found

    Analyzing Large Network Dynamics with Process Hitting

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    In this chapter, we introduce the Process Hitting framework, which provides the methodology of constructing the most permissive dynamics and then using successive refinements to fine tune the model. We present static analysis methods designed to identify fixed points or answer successive reachability questions, and introduce the stochastic semantics of Process Hitting too

    Nested-unit Petri nets

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    International audiencePetri nets can express concurrency and nondeterminism but neither locality nor hierarchy. This article presents an extension of Petri nets, in which places can be grouped into so-called "units" expressing sequential components. Units can be recursively nested to reflect both the concurrent and hierarchical nature of complex systems. This model called NUPN (Nested-Unit Petri Nets) was originally developed for translating process calculi to Petri nets, but later found also useful beyond this setting. It allows significant savings in the memory representation of markings for both explicit-state and symbolic verification. Thirteen software tools already implement the NUPN model, which has also been adopted for the benchmarks of the Model Checking Contest (MCC) and the parallel problems of the Rigorous Examination of Reactive Systems (RERS) challenges

    Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams and Automatic Saturation

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    International audienceShared decision diagram representations of a state-space have been shown to provide efficient solutions for model-checking of large systems. However, decision diagram manipulation is tricky, as the construction procedure is liable to produce intractable intermediate structures (a.k.a peak effect). The definition of the so-called saturation method has empirically been shown to mostly avoid this peak effect, and allows verification of much larger systems. However, applying this algorithm currently requires deep knowledge of the decision diagram data-structures, of the model or formalism manipulated, and a level of interaction that is not offered by the API of public DD packages.Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams (SDD) are decision diagrams in which arcs of the structure are labeled with sets, themselves stored as SDD. This data structure offers an elegant and very efficient way of encoding structured specifications using decision diagram technology. It also offers, through the concept of inductive homomorphisms, unprecedented freedom to the user when defining the transition relation. Finally, with very limited user input, the SDD library is able to optimize evaluation of a transition relation to produce a saturation effect at runtime. We further show that using recursive folding, SDD are able to offer solutions in logarithmic complexity with respect to other DD. We conclude with some performances on well known examples

    Compilation de réseaux de Petri (modèles haut niveau et symétries de processus)

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    Cette thèse s'intéresse à la vérification de systèmes automatisables par model-checking. La question sous-jacente autour de laquelle se construit la contribution est la recherche d'un compromis entre différents objectifs potentiellement contradictoires : la décidabilité des systèmes à vérifier, l'expressivité des formalismes de modélisation, l'efficacité de la vérification, et la certification des outils utilisés. Dans ce but, on choisit de baser la modélisation sur des réseaux de Petri annotés par des langages de programmation réels. Cela implique la semi-décidabilité de la plupart des questions puisque la responsabilité de la terminaison est remise entre les mains du modélisateur (tout comme la terminaison des programmes est de la responsabilité du programmeur). Afin d'exploiter efficacement ces annotations, on choisit ensuite une approche de compilation de modèle qui permet de générer des programmes efficaces dans le langage des annotations, qui sont alors exécutées de la manière la plus efficace. De plus, la compilation est optimisée en tirant partie des spécificités de chaque modèle et nous utilisons l'approche de model-checking explicite qui autorise cette richesse d'annotations tout en facilitant le diagnostique et en restant compatible avec la simulation (les modèles compilés peuvent servir à de la simulation efficace). Enfin, pour combattre l'explosion combinatoire, nous utilisons des techniques de réductions de symétries qui permettent de réduire les temps d'exploration et l'espace mémoire nécessaire.This work focuses on verification of automated systems using model-checking techniques. We focus on a compromise between potentially contradictory goals: decidability of systems to be verified, expressivity of modeling formalisms, efficiency of verification, and certification of used tools. To do so, we use high level Petri nets annotated by real programming languages. This implies the semi-decidability of most of problems because termination is left to the modeler (like termination of programs is left to the programmer). To handle these models, we choose a compilation approach which produces programs in the model annotation language, this allows to execute them efficiently. Moreover, this compilation is optimizing using model peculiarities. However, this rich expressivity leads to the use of explicit model-checking which allows to have rich model annotations but also allows to easily recover errors from verification, and remains compatible with simulation (these compiled models can be used for efficient simulation). Finally, to tackle the state space explosion problem, we use reduction by symmetries techniques which allow to reduce exploration times and state spaces.EVRY-Bib. électronique (912289901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Building Efficient Model Checkers using Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams and Automatic Saturation

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    International audienceShared decision diagram representations of a state-space provide efficient solutions for model-checking of large systems. However, decision diagram manipulation is tricky, as the con- struction procedure is liable to produce intractable intermediate structures (a.k.a peak effect). The definition of the so-called saturation method has empirically been shown to mostly avoid this peak effect, and allows verification of much larger systems. However, applying this algorithm currently requires deep knowledge of the decision diagram data structures.Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams (SDD) are decision diagrams in which arcs of the structure are labeled with sets, themselves stored as SDD. This data structure offers an elegant and very efficient way of encoding structured specifications using decision diagram technology. It also offers, through the concept of inductive homomorphisms, flexibility to a user defining a symbolic transition relation. We show in this paper how, with very limited user input, the SDD library is able to optimize evaluation of a transition relation to produce a saturation effect at runtime.We build as an example an SDD model-checker for a compositional formalism: Instantiable Petri Nets (IPN). IPN define a type as an abstract contract. Labeled P/T nets are used as an elementary type. A composite type is defined to hierarchically contain instances (of elementary or composite type). To compose behaviors, IPN use classic label synchronization semantics from process calculi.With a particular recursive folding SDD are able to offer solutions for symmetric systems in log- arithmic complexity with respect to other DD. Even in less regular cases, the use of hierarchy in the specification is shown to be well supported by SDD. Experimentations and performances are reported on some well known examples