631 research outputs found

    A Systematic Survey of Control Techniques and Applications: From Autonomous Vehicles to Connected and Automated Vehicles

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    Vehicle control is one of the most critical challenges in autonomous vehicles (AVs) and connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), and it is paramount in vehicle safety, passenger comfort, transportation efficiency, and energy saving. This survey attempts to provide a comprehensive and thorough overview of the current state of vehicle control technology, focusing on the evolution from vehicle state estimation and trajectory tracking control in AVs at the microscopic level to collaborative control in CAVs at the macroscopic level. First, this review starts with vehicle key state estimation, specifically vehicle sideslip angle, which is the most pivotal state for vehicle trajectory control, to discuss representative approaches. Then, we present symbolic vehicle trajectory tracking control approaches for AVs. On top of that, we further review the collaborative control frameworks for CAVs and corresponding applications. Finally, this survey concludes with a discussion of future research directions and the challenges. This survey aims to provide a contextualized and in-depth look at state of the art in vehicle control for AVs and CAVs, identifying critical areas of focus and pointing out the potential areas for further exploration

    Real-time motion planning methods for autonomous on-road driving: state-of-the-art and future research directions

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    Currently autonomous or self-driving vehicles are at the heart of academia and industry research because of its multi-faceted advantages that includes improved safety, reduced congestion, lower emissions and greater mobility. Software is the key driving factor underpinning autonomy within which planning algorithms that are responsible for mission-critical decision making hold a significant position. While transporting passengers or goods from a given origin to a given destination, motion planning methods incorporate searching for a path to follow, avoiding obstacles and generating the best trajectory that ensures safety, comfort and efficiency. A range of different planning approaches have been proposed in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to review existing approaches and then compare and contrast different methods employed for the motion planning of autonomous on-road driving that consists of (1) finding a path, (2) searching for the safest manoeuvre and (3) determining the most feasible trajectory. Methods developed by researchers in each of these three levels exhibit varying levels of complexity and performance accuracy. This paper presents a critical evaluation of each of these methods, in terms of their advantages/disadvantages, inherent limitations, feasibility, optimality, handling of obstacles and testing operational environments. Based on a critical review of existing methods, research challenges to address current limitations are identified and future research directions are suggested so as to enhance the performance of planning algorithms at all three levels. Some promising areas of future focus have been identified as the use of vehicular communications (V2V and V2I) and the incorporation of transport engineering aspects in order to improve the look-ahead horizon of current sensing technologies that are essential for planning with the aim of reducing the total cost of driverless vehicles. This critical review on planning techniques presented in this paper, along with the associated discussions on their constraints and limitations, seek to assist researchers in accelerating development in the emerging field of autonomous vehicle research

    Predictive Maneuver Planning and Control of an Autonomous Vehicle in Multi-Vehicle Traffic with Observation Uncertainty

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    Autonomous vehicle technology is a promising development for improving the safety, efficiency and environmental impact of on-road transportation systems. However, the task of guiding an autonomous vehicle by rapidly and systematically accommodating the plethora of changing constraints, e.g. of avoiding multiple stationary and moving obstacles, obeying traffic rules, signals and so on as well as the uncertain state observation due to sensor imperfections, remains a major challenge. This dissertation attempts to address this challenge via designing a robust and efficient predictive motion planning framework that can generate the appropriate vehicle maneuvers (selecting and tracking specific lanes, and related speed references) as well as the constituent motion trajectories while considering the differential vehicle kinematics of the controlled vehicle and other constraints of operating in public traffic. The main framework combines a finite state machine (FSM)-based maneuver decision module with a model predictive control (MPC)-based trajectory planner. Based on the prediction of the traffic environment, reference speeds are assigned to each lane in accordance with the detection of objects during measurement update. The lane selection decisions themselves are then incorporated within the MPC optimization. The on-line maneuver/motion planning effort for autonomous vehicles in public traffic is a non-convex problem due to the multiple collision avoidance constraints with overlapping areas, lane boundaries, and nonlinear vehicle-road dynamics constraints. This dissertation proposes and derives some remedies for these challenges within the planning framework to improve the feasibility and optimality of the solution. Specifically, it introduces vehicle grouping notions and derives conservative and smooth algebraic models to describe the overlapped space of several individual infeasible spaces and help prevent the optimization from falling into undesired local minima. Furthermore, in certain situations, a forced objective selection strategy is needed and adopted to help the optimization jump out of local minima. Furthermore, the dissertation considers stochastic uncertainties prevalent in dynamic and complex traffic and incorporate them with in the predictive planning and control framework. To this end, Bayesian filters are implemented to estimate the uncertainties in object motions and then propagate them into the prediction horizon. Then, a pair-wise probabilistic collision condition is defined for objects with non-negligible geometrical shape/sizes and computationally efficient and conservative forms are derived to efficiently and analytically approximate the involved multi-variate integrals. The probabilistic collision evaluation is then applied within a vehicle grouping algorithms to cluster the object vehicles with closeness in positions and speeds and eventually within the stochastic predictive maneuver planner framework to tighten the chanced-constraints given a deterministic confidence margin. It is argued that these steps make the planning problem tractable for real-time implementation on autonomously controlled vehicles

    Real-time motion planning methods for autonomous on-road driving: State-of-the-art and future research directions

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    Open access articleCurrently autonomous or self-driving vehicles are at the heart of academia and industry research because of its multi-faceted advantages that includes improved safety, reduced congestion,lower emissions and greater mobility. Software is the key driving factor underpinning autonomy within which planning algorithms that are responsible for mission-critical decision making hold a significant position. While transporting passengers or goods from a given origin to a given destination, motion planning methods incorporate searching for a path to follow, avoiding obstacles and generating the best trajectory that ensures safety, comfort and efficiency. A range of different planning approaches have been proposed in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to review existing approaches and then compare and contrast different methods employed for the motion planning of autonomous on-road driving that consists of (1) finding a path, (2) searching for the safest manoeuvre and (3) determining the most feasible trajectory. Methods developed by researchers in each of these three levels exhibit varying levels of complexity and performance accuracy. This paper presents a critical evaluation of each of these methods, in terms of their advantages/disadvantages, inherent limitations, feasibility, optimality, handling of obstacles and testing operational environments. Based on a critical review of existing methods, research challenges to address current limitations are identified and future research directions are suggested so as to enhance the performance of planning algorithms at all three levels. Some promising areas of future focus have been identified as the use of vehicular communications (V2V and V2I) and the incorporation of transport engineering aspects in order to improve the look-ahead horizon of current sensing technologies that are essential for planning with the aim of reducing the total cost of driverless vehicles. This critical review on planning techniques presented in this paper, along with the associated discussions on their constraints and limitations, seek to assist researchers in accelerating development in the emerging field of autonomous vehicle research

    A Human Driver Model for Autonomous Lane Changing in Highways: Predictive Fuzzy Markov Game Driving Strategy

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    This study presents an integrated hybrid solution to mandatory lane changing problem to deal with accident avoidance by choosing a safe gap in highway driving. To manage this, a comprehensive treatment to a lane change active safety design is proposed from dynamics, control, and decision making aspects. My effort first goes on driver behaviors and relating human reasoning of threat in driving for modeling a decision making strategy. It consists of two main parts; threat assessment in traffic participants, (TV s) states, and decision making. The first part utilizes an complementary threat assessment of TV s, relative to the subject vehicle, SV , by evaluating the traffic quantities. Then I propose a decision strategy, which is based on Markov decision processes (MDPs) that abstract the traffic environment with a set of actions, transition probabilities, and corresponding utility rewards. Further, the interactions of the TV s are employed to set up a real traffic condition by using game theoretic approach. The question to be addressed here is that how an autonomous vehicle optimally interacts with the surrounding vehicles for a gap selection so that more effective performance of the overall traffic flow can be captured. Finding a safe gap is performed via maximizing an objective function among several candidates. A future prediction engine thus is embedded in the design, which simulates and seeks for a solution such that the objective function is maximized at each time step over a horizon. The combined system therefore forms a predictive fuzzy Markov game (FMG) since it is to perform a predictive interactive driving strategy to avoid accidents for a given traffic environment. I show the effect of interactions in decision making process by proposing both cooperative and non-cooperative Markov game strategies for enhanced traffic safety and mobility. This level is called the higher level controller. I further focus on generating a driver controller to complement the automated car’s safe driving. To compute this, model predictive controller (MPC) is utilized. The success of the combined decision process and trajectory generation is evaluated with a set of different traffic scenarios in dSPACE virtual driving environment. Next, I consider designing an active front steering (AFS) and direct yaw moment control (DYC) as the lower level controller that performs a lane change task with enhanced handling performance in the presence of varying front and rear cornering stiffnesses. I propose a new control scheme that integrates active front steering and the direct yaw moment control to enhance the vehicle handling and stability. I obtain the nonlinear tire forces with Pacejka model, and convert the nonlinear tire stiffnesses to parameter space to design a linear parameter varying controller (LPV) for combined AFS and DYC to perform a commanded lane change task. Further, the nonlinear vehicle lateral dynamics is modeled with Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) framework. A state-feedback fuzzy H∞ controller is designed for both stability and tracking reference. Simulation study confirms that the performance of the proposed methods is quite satisfactory

    A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics

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    The use of aerial swarms to solve real-world problems has been increasing steadily, accompanied by falling prices and improving performance of communication, sensing, and processing hardware. The commoditization of hardware has reduced unit costs, thereby lowering the barriers to entry to the field of aerial swarm robotics. A key enabling technology for swarms is the family of algorithms that allow the individual members of the swarm to communicate and allocate tasks amongst themselves, plan their trajectories, and coordinate their flight in such a way that the overall objectives of the swarm are achieved efficiently. These algorithms, often organized in a hierarchical fashion, endow the swarm with autonomy at every level, and the role of a human operator can be reduced, in principle, to interactions at a higher level without direct intervention. This technology depends on the clever and innovative application of theoretical tools from control and estimation. This paper reviews the state of the art of these theoretical tools, specifically focusing on how they have been developed for, and applied to, aerial swarms. Aerial swarms differ from swarms of ground-based vehicles in two respects: they operate in a three-dimensional space and the dynamics of individual vehicles adds an extra layer of complexity. We review dynamic modeling and conditions for stability and controllability that are essential in order to achieve cooperative flight and distributed sensing. The main sections of this paper focus on major results covering trajectory generation, task allocation, adversarial control, distributed sensing, monitoring, and mapping. Wherever possible, we indicate how the physics and subsystem technologies of aerial robots are brought to bear on these individual areas

    An Overview about Emerging Technologies of Autonomous Driving

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    Since DARPA started Grand Challenges in 2004 and Urban Challenges in 2007, autonomous driving has been the most active field of AI applications. This paper gives an overview about technical aspects of autonomous driving technologies and open problems. We investigate the major fields of self-driving systems, such as perception, mapping and localization, prediction, planning and control, simulation, V2X and safety etc. Especially we elaborate on all these issues in a framework of data closed loop, a popular platform to solve the long tailed autonomous driving problems

    A Game Theory Based Model of Human Driving with Application to Autonomous and Mixed Driving

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    In this work, I consider the development of a driver model to better understand human drivers’ various behaviors in the upcoming mixed situation of human drivers and autonomous vehicles. For this, my current effort focuses on modeling the driver’s decisions and corresponding driving behaviors. First, I study an individual driver’s reasoning process through game theoretic investigation. The driver decision model is modeled as the Stackelberg game, which is based on the backward information propagation. In the driver decision model, I focus on the drivers’ insensible desires and corresponding unwanted traffic situations. With the comparison of the model and the field data, it is shown that the model reproduces the relationship between the driver’s inattentiveness and collisions in the real world. Next, the driving behavior control is presented. I propose a human-like predictive perception model of potential collision with an adjacent vehicle. The model is based on hybrid systematic approach. In turn, with the predictive perceptions, a driving safety controller is designed based on model predictive control. The model shows adequate predictive responses against the other vehicles with respect to the driver’s rationality. In sum, I present a driver model that corresponds to and predicts traffic situations according to a human driver’s irrationality factor. This model shows a meaningful similarity to the real-world crashes and predictive behaviors according to the driver’s irrationality
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