13 research outputs found

    Hamilton paths in Z-transformation graphs of perfect matchings of hexagonal systems

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    AbstractLet H be a hexagonal system. The Z-transformation graph Z(H) is the graph where the vertices are the perfect matchings of H and where two perfect matchings are joined by an edge provided their symmetric difference is a hexagon of H (Z. Fu-ji et al., 1988). In this paper we prove that Z(H) has a Hamilton path if H is a catacondensed hexagonal system

    Decomposition theorem on matchable distributive lattices

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    A distributive lattice structure M(G){\mathbf M}(G) has been established on the set of perfect matchings of a plane bipartite graph GG. We call a lattice {\em matchable distributive lattice} (simply MDL) if it is isomorphic to such a distributive lattice. It is natural to ask which lattices are MDLs. We show that if a plane bipartite graph GG is elementary, then M(G){\mathbf M}(G) is irreducible. Based on this result, a decomposition theorem on MDLs is obtained: a finite distributive lattice L\mathbf{L} is an MDL if and only if each factor in any cartesian product decomposition of L\mathbf{L} is an MDL. Two types of MDLs are presented: J(m×n)J(\mathbf{m}\times \mathbf{n}) and J(T)J(\mathbf{T}), where m×n\mathbf{m}\times \mathbf{n} denotes the cartesian product between mm-element chain and nn-element chain, and T\mathbf{T} is a poset implied by any orientation of a tree.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Fractional forcing number of graphs

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    The notion of forcing sets for perfect matchings was introduced by Harary, Klein, and \v{Z}ivkovi\'{c}. The application of this problem in chemistry, as well as its interesting theoretical aspects, made this subject very active. In this work, we introduce the notion of the forcing function of fractional perfect matchings which is continuous analogous to forcing sets defined over the perfect matching polytope of graphs. We show that our defined object is a continuous and concave function extension of the integral forcing set. Then, we use our results about this extension to conclude new bounds and results about the integral case of forcing sets for the family of edge and vertex-transitive graphs and in particular, hypercube graphs

    Total forcing number of the triangular grid

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    Let TT be a square triangular grid with nn rows and columns of vertices and nn an even number. A set of edges EsubsetE(T)Esubset E(T) completely determines perfect matchings on TT if there are no two different matchings on TT coinciding on E.E. We establish the upper and the lower bound for the smallest value of leftEright,left| Eright| , i.e. we show that begin{equation*} frac{5}{4}n^{2}-frac{21}{2}n+frac{41}{4}leq left| Eright| leq frac{5}{4}n^{2}+n-2 end{equation*}% and show that leftEright/leftE(T)rightleft| Eright| /left| E(T)right| tends to 5/125/12 when nn tends to infinity

    The anti-forcing number of double hexagonal chains

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    Abstract The anti-forcing number of a graph is the smallest number of edges that have to be removed so that the remaining graph contains only one perfect matching. In this paper, the anti-forcing number of double hexagonal chains is determined and the extremal graphs are characterized