312 research outputs found

    UNIFICO: Thread Migration in Heterogeneous-ISA CPUs without State Transformation

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    Heterogeneous-ISA processor designs have attracted considerable research interest. However, unlike their homogeneous-ISA counterparts, explicit software support for bridging ISA heterogeneity is required. The lack of a compilation toolchain ready to support heterogeneous-ISA targets has been a major factor hindering research in this exciting emerging area. For any such compiler “getting right” the mechanics involved in state transformation upon migration and doing this efficiently is of critical importance. In particular, any runtime conversion of the current program stack from one architecture to another would be prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we design and develop Unifico, a new multi-ISA compiler that generates binaries that maintain the same stack layout during their execution on either architecture. Unifico avoids the need for runtime stack transformation, thus eliminating overheads associated with ISA migration. Additional responsibilities of the Unifico compiler backend include maintenance of a uniform ABI and virtual address space across ISAs. Unifico is implemented using the LLVM compiler infrastructure, and we are currently targeting the x86-64 and ARMv8 ISAs. We have evaluated Unifico across a range of compute-intensive NAS benchmarks and show its minimal impact on overall execution time, where less than 6% overhead is introduced on average. When compared against the state-of-the-art Popcorn compiler, Unifico reduces binary size overhead from ∼200% to ∼10%, whilst eliminating the stack transformation overhead during ISA migration

    Compiler-assisted Adaptive Program Scheduling in big.LITTLE Systems

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    Energy-aware architectures provide applications with a mix of low (LITTLE) and high (big) frequency cores. Choosing the best hardware configuration for a program running on such an architecture is difficult, because program parts benefit differently from the same hardware configuration. State-of-the-art techniques to solve this problem adapt the program's execution to dynamic characteristics of the runtime environment, such as energy consumption and throughput. We claim that these purely dynamic techniques can be improved if they are aware of the program's syntactic structure. To support this claim, we show how to use the compiler to partition source code into program phases: regions whose syntactic characteristics lead to similar runtime behavior. We use reinforcement learning to map pairs formed by a program phase and a hardware state to the configuration that best fit this setup. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our ideas, we have implemented the Astro system. Astro uses Q-learning to associate syntactic features of programs with hardware configurations. As a proof of concept, we provide evidence that Astro outperforms GTS, the ARM-based Linux scheduler tailored for heterogeneous architectures, on the parallel benchmarks from Rodinia and Parsec

    An OpenMP Programming Environment on Mobile Devices

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    Evaluating Performance of OpenMP Tasks in a Seismic Stencil Application

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    Simulations based on stencil computations (widely used in geosciences) have been dominated by the MPI+OpenMP programming model paradigm. Little effort has been devoted to experimenting with task-based parallelism in this context. We address this by introducing OpenMP task parallelism into the kernel of an industrial seismic modeling code, Minimod. We observe that even for these highly regular stencil computations, taskified kernels are competitive with traditional OpenMP-augmented loops, and in some experiments tasks even outperform loop parallelism. This promising result sets the stage for more complex computational patterns. Simulations involve more than just the stencil calculation: a collection of kernels is often needed to accomplish the scientific objective (e.g., I/O, boundary conditions). These kernels can often be computed simultaneously; however, implementing this simultaneous computation with traditional programming models is not trivial. The presented approach will be extended to cover simultaneous execution of several kernels, where we expect to fully exploit the benefits of task-based programming