49 research outputs found

    Ur-SprĂŒnge : Körper, Gewalt und Schrift im "Schwanritter" Konrads von WĂŒrzburg

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    Die vorliegende Studie wĂ€hlt [
] einen kleinen Ausschnitt in Gestalt eines einzelnen Textes aus: Es geht um den „Schwanenritter“ Konrads von WĂŒrzburg, weil sich hier jene historisch-anthropologischen und mediengeschichtlichen Prozesse nicht nur beobachten lassen, sondern weil diese ErzĂ€hlung sie selbst schon beobachtet. In Konrads kleinem, aber komplexem Text, so (...) [hofft Peter Strohschneider] im weiteren zeigen zu können, wird das ErzĂ€hlen vom Körper, von seinen Darstellungssystemen und von der Schrift im Medium schriftliterarischen ErzĂ€hlens in charakteristischer Weise reflexiv

    The influence of calcination temperature on structure and magnetic properties of pillared clays

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    Magnetic pillared clays (Ti-M-PILCs, Al-M-PILCs, and Zr-M-PILCs) have been prepared from montmorillonite at ambient temperature. Ferrous ions have been added by ion-exchange and reduced by sodium borohydride. The influence of the calcination temperature of the initial PILC material on the structural and the magnetic properties of the resulted M-PILCs is discussed. The sorption properties of PILCs and M-PILCs have been tested by copper adsorption

    The Cayugan 1969

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    This is the yearbook for the Ithaca College Class of 1969.https://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/cayugan_1960s/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Mapping the Fundamental Niches of Two Freshwater Microalgae, Chlorella vulgaris

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    The fundamental niche defined by five ions, NO3 −, PO4 3−, K+, Na+, and Cl−, was mapped for Chlorella vulgaris (Trebouxiophyceae) and Peridinium cinctum (Dinophyceae) growth rates and maximum cell densities in batch cultures. A five dimensional ion-mixture experimental design was projected across a total ion concentration gradient of 1 to 30 mM to delineate the ion-based, “potential” niche space, defined as the entire n-dimensional hypervolume demarcated by the feasible ranges of the independent factors under consideration. The growth rate-based, fundamental niche volumes overlapped for ca. 94% of the ion mixtures, although the regions of maximal growth rates and cell densities were different for each alga. Both C. vulgaris and P. cinctum exhibited similar positive responses to cations and negative responses to anions. It was determined that total ion concentration for these five ions, from 1 to 30 mM, did not directly affect either growth rate or maximal cell density for either alga, although it did play an interactive role with several ions. This study is the first that we are aware of to attempt the mapping of a multivariate, ion-based, fundamental niche volume. The implications of the experimental design utilized and the potential utility of this type of approach are discussed

    Aluminium-induced gene expression in sugarcane roots.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2002.Due to the increasing prevalence and severity of Al phytoxicity in certain regions of the South African sugar industry, a research programme has been initiated at SASEX to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which sugarcane detects and responds to the metal. As part of this larger investigation, the current study aimed to assess the response of a reportedly Al tolerant cultivar, Saccharum spp. hybrid cv. N12, to phytotoxic levels of Al. Hydroponically-grown plants of this commercial genotype were used in Al inhibition studies, the results of which indicated that exposure of plants to 250”M Al for 24 hours resulted in maximum reduction of root elongation. Under these conditions, root growth was inhibited by approximately 36%, compared with only 4% for the 50”M Al treatment. Subsequently, this exposure regime was used to gather the terminal 5 to 10mm of root tips, the site of the primary Al lesion, of challenged and control, unchallenged plants for molecular analysis. Total RNA was extracted from the Al challenged and control root tips, from which mRNA was subsequently isolated, reverse transcribed and converted to double-stranded cDNA. The two populations of cDNA were reciprocally subtracted from each other and used to construct subtractive cDNA libraries in Lambda ZAPŸII phages. Randomly selected clones, 576 representatives from each of the libraries, were screened using membrane-based array technology. Results indicated that only 33% (190) of the Al-treatment specific library cDNAs were found to be more highly expressed under conditions of Al stress than under control conditions. Of these potentially Al response-related cDNAs, 25 were sequenced and submitted to sequence databases for the assignment of putative identities. No genic sequences known to be directly associated with the Al stress response were identified, however, several were found to be related to pathogenesis or general stress pathways. Although further Northern hybridisation work is required to validate these results, they suggest that the induction of general stress response pathways may be involved in the aluminium stress response of this sugarcane cultivar. Such Al stress-related sequences could have applications in marker-assisted breeding programmes and as candidate genes for the genetic engineering of tolerant genotypes

    Consumer Federation of America news

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    The Consumer Federation of America (CFA) newsletter disseminates information on consumer issues.Citation: CFAnews (Mar. 1979

    The Cayugan 1967

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    Mathematische Logik

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    The Ithacan, 1968-02-16

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