37 research outputs found

    Preliminary study on restarts for CSP algorithms

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    O uso de técnicas de restarts para resolver problemas de satisfação de restrições (CSPs), utilizando algoritmos de procura com retrocesso, é considerado pouco importante. Neste artigo propomos conduzir um estudo preliminar sobre o impacto da utilização de restarts nestes algoritmos. Mostramos que o conhecido problema da n-rainhas tem uma distribuição heavy-tail. Apresentamos evidências empíricas de que os restarts podem efectivamente melhorar o tempo necessário para encontrar a solução das n-rainhas. Implementamos ainda uma heurística de decisão baseada em conflitos e mostramos empiricamente que esta heurística, em conjunto com os restarts, melhora ainda mais o tempo de execução dos algoritmos

    Variable Annealing Length and Parallelism in Simulated Annealing

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    In this paper, we propose: (a) a restart schedule for an adaptive simulated annealer, and (b) parallel simulated annealing, with an adaptive and parameter-free annealing schedule. The foundation of our approach is the Modified Lam annealing schedule, which adaptively controls the temperature parameter to track a theoretically ideal rate of acceptance of neighboring states. A sequential implementation of Modified Lam simulated annealing is almost parameter-free. However, it requires prior knowledge of the annealing length. We eliminate this parameter using restarts, with an exponentially increasing schedule of annealing lengths. We then extend this restart schedule to parallel implementation, executing several Modified Lam simulated annealers in parallel, with varying initial annealing lengths, and our proposed parallel annealing length schedule. To validate our approach, we conduct experiments on an NP-Hard scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup constraints. We compare our approach to fixed length restarts, both sequentially and in parallel. Our results show that our approach can achieve substantial performance gains, throughout the course of the run, demonstrating our approach to be an effective anytime algorithm.Comment: Tenth International Symposium on Combinatorial Search, pages 2-10. June 201

    Fine-grained Search Space Classification for Hard Enumeration Variants of Subset Problems

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    We propose a simple, powerful, and flexible machine learning framework for (i) reducing the search space of computationally difficult enumeration variants of subset problems and (ii) augmenting existing state-of-the-art solvers with informative cues arising from the input distribution. We instantiate our framework for the problem of listing all maximum cliques in a graph, a central problem in network analysis, data mining, and computational biology. We demonstrate the practicality of our approach on real-world networks with millions of vertices and edges by not only retaining all optimal solutions, but also aggressively pruning the input instance size resulting in several fold speedups of state-of-the-art algorithms. Finally, we explore the limits of scalability and robustness of our proposed framework, suggesting that supervised learning is viable for tackling NP-hard problems in practice.Comment: AAAI 201

    Restart Strategies for Constraint-Handling in Generative Design Systems

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    Product alternatives suggested by a generative design system often need to be evaluated on qualitative criteria. This evaluation necessitates that several feasible solutions which fulfill all technical constraints can be proposed to the user of the system. Also, as concept development is an iterative process, it is important that these solutions are generated quickly; i.e., the system must have a low convergence time. A problem, however, is that stochastic constraint-handling techniques can have highly unpredictable convergence times, spanning several orders of magnitude, and might sometimes not converge at all. A possible solution to avoid the lengthy runs is to restart the search after a certain time, with the hope that a new starting point will lead to a lower overall convergence time, but selecting an optimal restart-time is not trivial. In this paper, two strategies are investigated for such selection, and their performance is evaluated on two constraint-handling techniques for a product design problem. The results show that both restart strategies can greatly reduce the overall convergence time. Moreover, it is shown that one of the restart strategies can be applied to a wide range of constraint-handling techniques and problems, without requiring any fine-tuning of problem-specific parameters

    Accelerating SAT solving with best-first-search

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    Solvers for Boolean satisfiability (SAT), like other algorithms for NP-complete problems, tend to have a heavy-tailed runtime distribution. Successful SAT solvers make use of frequent restarts to mitigate this problem by abandoning unfruitful parts of the search space after some time. Although frequent restarting works fairly well, it is a quite simplistic technique that does not do anything explicitly to make the next try better than the previous one. In this paper, we suggest a more sophisticated method: using a best-first-search approach to quickly move between different parts of the search space. This way, the search can always focus on the most promising region. We investigate empirically how the performance of frequent restarts, best-first-search, and a combination of the two compare to each other. Our findings indicate that the combined method works best, improving 36-43\% on the performance of frequent restarts on the used set of benchmark problems

    Understanding heavy tails in a bounded world or, is a truncated heavy tail heavy or not?

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    We address the important question of the extent to which random variables and vectors with truncated power tails retain the characteristic features of random variables and vectors with power tails. We define two truncation regimes, soft truncation regime and hard truncation regime, and show that, in the soft truncation regime, truncated power tails behave, in important respects, as if no truncation took place. On the other hand, in the hard truncation regime much of "heavy tailedness" is lost. We show how to estimate consistently the tail exponent when the tails are truncated, and suggest statistical tests to decide on whether the truncation is soft or hard. Finally, we apply our methods to two recent data sets arising from computer networks

    On the Maximum Satisfiability of Random Formulas

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    Maximum satisfiability is a canonical NP-hard optimization problem that appears empirically hard for random instances. Let us say that a Conjunctive normal form (CNF) formula consisting of kk-clauses is pp-satisfiable if there exists a truth assignment satisfying 12k+p2k1-2^{-k}+p 2^{-k} of all clauses (observe that every kk-CNF is 0-satisfiable). Also, let Fk(n,m)F_k(n,m) denote a random kk-CNF on nn variables formed by selecting uniformly and independently mm out of all possible kk-clauses. It is easy to prove that for every k>1k>1 and every pp in (0,1](0,1], there is Rk(p)R_k(p) such that if r>Rk(p)r >R_k(p), then the probability that Fk(n,rn)F_k(n,rn) is pp-satisfiable tends to 0 as nn tends to infinity. We prove that there exists a sequence δk0\delta_k \to 0 such that if r<(1δk)Rk(p)r <(1-\delta_k) R_k(p) then the probability that Fk(n,rn)F_k(n,rn)is pp-satisfiable tends to 1 as nn tends to infinity. The sequence δk\delta_k tends to 0 exponentially fast in kk