7 research outputs found

    Healthcare Recommendations from the Personalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing (PERSSILAA) Study

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    In the face of demographic ageing European healthcare providers and policy makers are recognising an increasing prevalence of frail, community-dwelling older adults, prone to adverse healthcare outcomes. Prefrailty, before onset of functional decline, is suggested to be reversible but interventions targeting this risk syndrome are limited. No consensus on the definition, diagnosis or management of pre-frailty exists. The PERsonalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing (PERSSILAA) project (2013-2016 under Framework Programme 7, grant #610359) developed a comprehensive Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) supported platform to screen, assess, manage and monitor pre-frail community-dwelling older adults in order to address pre-frailty and promote active and healthy ageing. PERSSILAA, a multi-domain ICT service, targets three pre-frailty: nutrition, cognition and physical function. The project produced 42 recommendations across clinical (screening, monitoring and managing of pre-frail older adults) technical (ICT-based innovations) and societal (health literacy in older adults, guidance to healthcare professional, patients, caregivers and policy makers) areas. This paper describes the 25 healthcare related recommendations of PERSSILAA, exploring how they could be used in the development of future European guidelines on the screening and prevention of frailty

    Az Active Ageing és az idősellátás jövőbeni lehetőségei

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    Az idősödés globális méretűvé válása olyan tény, amelyet a témával foglalkozó számtalan, kutatás támaszt alá. A WHO adatai alapján a 2015–2050 közti időszakban kilencszázmillióról kétmilliárdra nő a hatvanéves vagy annál idősebbek száma a világon. A folyamat komoly kérdések elé állítja a nemzetállamokat, elsősorban a fenntarthatóság és a minőségi ellátások jövőbeni biztosításának témakörében. Az active ageing eszméjének megjelenése sok idősellátáshoz kapcsolódó területen indított el innovatív, új fejlesztéseket, ezen folyamatok jelenleg is zajlanak. A jógyakorlatok és fejlesztések segítségével a jövőben várhatóan még erőteljesebben jelentkező igények kiszolgálása megoldhatóvá válhat. A fogalom terjedésével pedig a fenntarthatóság mellett az idős generációról kialakított negatív sztereotípiák változása is beindulhat. A tanulmány három nagy témakört mutat be: a technikai fejlesztéseket, az idősödésbarát környezetet és települést, valamint a mobilitást, illetve az ezeken a területeken alkotott legfrissebb eredményeket. Ezek megismerése és adaptálása hozzásegítheti a kormányokat, ezen keresztül pedig az ellátórendszereket, hogy kielégíthessék a társadalom irányából érkező igényeket

    Healthcare recommendations from the Personalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing (PERSSILAA) Study

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    In the face of demographic ageing European healthcare providers and policy makers are recognising an increasing prevalence of frail, community-dwelling older adults, prone to adverse healthcare outcomes. Prefrailty, before onset of functional decline, is suggested to be reversible but interventions targeting this risk syndrome are limited. No consensus on the definition, diagnosis or management of pre-frailty exists. The PERsonalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing (PERSSILAA) project (2013-2016 under Framework Programme 7, grant #610359) developed a comprehensive Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) supported platform to screen, assess, manage and monitor pre-frail community-dwelling older adults in order to address pre-frailty and promote active and healthy ageing. PERSSILAA, a multi-domain ICT service, targets three pre-frailty: nutrition, cognition and physical function. The project produced 42 recommendations across clinical (screening, monitoring and managing of pre-frail older adults) technical (ICT-based innovations) and societal (health literacy in older adults, guidance to healthcare professional, patients, caregivers and policy makers) areas. This paper describes the 25 healthcare related recommendations of PERSSILAA, exploring how they could be used in the development of future European guidelines on the screening and prevention of frailty

    Healthcare recommendations from the personalised ict supported service for independent living and active ageing (PERSSILAA) study

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    In the face of demographic ageing European healthcare providers and policy makers are recognising an increasing prevalence of frail, community-dwelling older adults, prone to adverse healthcare outcomes. Prefrailty, before onset of functional decline, is suggested to be reversible but interventions targeting this risk syndrome are limited. No consensus on the definition, diagnosis or management of pre-frailty exists. The PERsonalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing (PERSSILAA) project (2013-2016 under Framework Programme 7, grant #610359) developed a comprehensive Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) supported platform to screen, assess, manage and monitor pre-frail community-dwelling older adults in order to address pre-frailty and promote active and healthy ageing. PERSSILAA, a multi-domain ICT service, targets three pre-frailty: nutrition, cognition and physical function. The project produced 42 recommendations across clinical (screening, monitoring and managing of pre-frail older adults) technical (ICT-based innovations) and societal (health literacy in older adults, guidance to healthcare professional, patients, caregivers and policy makers) areas. This paper describes the 25 healthcare related recommendations of PERSSILAA, exploring how they could be used in the development of future European guidelines on the screening and prevention of frailty

    ICT-Supported Interventions Targeting Pre-frailty: Healthcare Recommendations from the Personalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing (PERSSILAA) Study

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    Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 869)As society ages, healthcare systems are preparing for an increasing prevalence of frail, co-morbid and older community-dwellers at risk of adverse outcomes including falls, malnutrition, hospitalisation, institutionalisation and death. Early intervention is desirable and pre-frailty, before onset of functional decline, may represent a suitable transition stage to target, albeit evidence for reversibility and appropriate interventions are limited. No consensus on the definition, diagnosis or management of pre-frailty exists. This work describes 25 healthcare related findings from the recently completed PERsonalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing (PERSSILAA) project, funded under the 2013–2016 European Union Framework Programme 7 (grant #610359). PERSSILAA developed a comprehensive Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)-supported platform to screen, assess, intervene and then monitor community-dwellers in two regions (Enschede in the Netherlands and Campania in Italy) in order to address pre-frailty and promote active and healthy ageing, targeting three important pre-frailty subdomains: nutrition, cognition and physical function. Proposed definitions of pre-frailty, ICT-based approaches to screen and monitor for the onset of frailty and targeted management strategies employing technology across these domains are described. The potential of these 25 healthcare recommendations in the development of future European guidelines on the screening and prevention of frailty is explored.PERSSILAA (PERsonalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing) from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement (FP7-ICT- 610359). Tânia Gonçalves Albuquerque acknowledges her PhD grant (SFRH/BD/99718/2014) funded by FCT, FSE and MECinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ICT-supported interventions targeting pre-frailty: Healthcare recommendations from the personalised ICT supported service for independent living and active ageing (PERSSILAA) study

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    As society ages, healthcare systems are preparing for an increasing prevalence of frail, co-morbid and older community-dwellers at risk of adverse outcomes including falls, malnutrition, hospitalisation, institutionalisation and death. Early intervention is desirable and pre-frailty, before onset of functional decline, may represent a suitable transition stage to target, albeit evidence for reversibility and appropriate interventions are limited. No consensus on the definition, diagnosis or management of pre-frailty exists. This work describes 25 healthcare related findings from the recently completed PERsonalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing (PERSSILAA) project, funded under the 2013–2016 European Union Framework Programme 7 (grant #610359). PERSSILAA developed a comprehensive Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)-supported platform to screen, assess, intervene and then monitor community-dwellers in two regions (Enschede in the Netherlands and Campania in Italy) in order to address pre-frailty and promote active and healthy ageing, targeting three important pre-frailty subdomains: nutrition, cognition and physical function. Proposed definitions of pre-frailty, ICT-based approaches to screen and monitor for the onset of frailty and targeted management strategies employing technology across these domains are described. The potential of these 25 healthcare recommendations in the development of future European guidelines on the screening and prevention of frailty is explored

    ICT-supported interventions targeting pre-frailty: Healthcare recommendations from the personalised ICT supported service for independent living and active ageing (PERSSILAA) study

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    As society ages, healthcare systems are preparing for an increasing prevalence of frail, co-morbid and older community-dwellers at risk of adverse outcomes including falls, malnutrition, hospitalisation, institutionalisation and death. Early intervention is desirable and pre-frailty, before onset of functional decline, may represent a suitable transition stage to target, albeit evidence for reversibility and appropriate interventions are limited. No consensus on the definition, diagnosis or management of pre-frailty exists. This work describes 25 healthcare related findings from the recently completed PERsonalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing (PERSSILAA) project, funded under the 2013–2016 European Union Framework Programme 7 (grant #610359). PERSSILAA developed a comprehensive Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)-supported platform to screen, assess, intervene and then monitor community-dwellers in two regions (Enschede in the Netherlands and Campania in Italy) in order to address pre-frailty and promote active and healthy ageing, targeting three important pre-frailty subdomains: nutrition, cognition and physical function. Proposed definitions of pre-frailty, ICT-based approaches to screen and monitor for the onset of frailty and targeted management strategies employing technology across these domains are described. The potential of these 25 healthcare recommendations in the development of future European guidelines on the screening and prevention of frailty is explored