135,033 research outputs found

    Addressing Radicalisation into the Classroom - A New Approach to Teacher and Pupil Learning

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    This article examines one response to the UK Governments directive that radicalisation and extremism should be tackled in all UK secondary schools. The small scale study, which is set in the broader literature of teaching often difficult PHSE topics to young people in secondary school and also the use of simulations as tools for learning in the classroom, analyses the responses of teachers to being trained with and using ‘Zak’ a bespoke research based simulation on the radicalisation process. An analysis of the teacher’s’ responses indicated that it was recognised that the principales of adults manipulating children, whether for sexual gratification or radicalisation, are considered to be very important topics for staff working with young people in school settings to address. It was also recognised as to be a flexible learning tool which enabled various pathways to be explored with young people in lessons to explore and raise issues regarding many aspects of e- safety, not just radicalisation. Additionally, the teachers remarked that the social media ‘Facebook’ format of the simulation was appreciated by the young people and this appeal resulted in their immersion with it as a teaching aid. Also of significance was how the ‘Zak’ package was delivered into schools with the staff reporting that the inter-professional training delivered by specialist police trainers and the accompanying materials enhanced the learning and confidence of the teachers on this multi-faceted and complex topic

    Establishing the School Counseling Profession in Bhutan: Reflections from the Field

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    Counseling is a developing profession in the country of Bhutan. The National Board of Certified Counselors International (NBCC-I) has been collaborating with the leaders and counselors in the country in order to help facilitate this development and provide training to prospective counselors. As a result of this ongoing collaboration, a three-week institute in Bhutan was held in the Fall of 2011. During this institute, 12 counseling professionals traveled to the country to work and provide trainings in various settings, including schools. The authors describe the work in the schools, a personal narrative about the experiences, and the implications for future work in the country. Implications include: Understand clients/students/school systems from their internal frame of reference; Culturally responsive counseling skills and interventions are essential; Some issues are universal across cultures; Be spontaneous and creative when there are limited resources; Consider the impact of globalization when conceptualizing the clients and concerns; and Consider how counseling may need to be adapted to fit with the student’s/school’s cultural frame of reference

    The Role of the Health Care Sector in Expanding Economic Opportunity

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    This report provides an overview and critical assessment of the ways in which multinational pharmaceutical companies currently participate in expanding economic opportunities in developing countries. As pharmaceutical companies become more involved in both business and philanthropic activities in developing countries, it will be important for each company to identify the best strategies available to it to create new economic opportunities and to leverage the benefits of activities already underway. While the primary focus of the industry is, and will most likely continue to be, on increasing access to health care, the potential for expanding economic opportunities through its activities should not be overlooked as a significant outcome. The analysis and case studies contained in the report highlight companies' contributions to economic opportunity expansion through job creation, training and capacity building, and shaping public policy. The report also offers recommendations for future work to increase economic opportunities. This paper is part of the Economic Opportunity Series published by the CSR Initiative at Harvard University Kennedy School

    Education to Employment: Designing a System that Works

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    Considering the education-to-employment system as a highway with three critical intersections -- enrolling in postsecondary education, building skills, and finding a job -- this research has determined places where students take wrong turns or fall behind, and why. With increased data and innovative approaches, employers, educators, governments and youth can create a better system

    A sweetspot for innovation:developing games with purpose through student-staff collaboration

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    Within industry as well as academia, developing games that have wider impact on society has been of particular interest in the last decade. The increasing use of terms such as ‘games with purpose’, ‘serious games’ and gamification’ has been mirrored in a flurry of activity in games research. Broader applications of games beyond entertainment are now well-understood and accepted, with universities and companies excelling in creating games to serve particular needs. However, it is not explicitly clear how undergraduates of game design and development courses can be directly involved in serious game creation. With most undergraduates inspired by commercial games development, and the games industry requiring that universities teach specific technical skills in their courses, balancing the research aspirations of academics with the educational requirements of an appropriate undergraduate course can be a difficult balancing act. In this paper, the authors present three case studies of games with purpose developed through collaboration between undergraduate students and academic staff. In all cases, the educational value of the projects for the students is considered in relation to the research value for the academics, who face increasing demands to develop research outcomes despite a necessity to provide a first-rate learning experience and nurture future game developers

    Strategic principles and capacity building for a whole-of-systems approaches to physical activity

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    Performance beyond expectations

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    Annual Report: 2013

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    I submit herewith the annual reports from the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks, for the period ending December 31, 2013. This is done in accordance with an act of Congress, approved March 2, 1887, entitled, “An act to establish agricultural experiment stations, in connection with the agricultural college established in the several states under the provisions of an act approved July 2, 1862, and under the acts supplementary thereto,” and also of the act of the Alaska Territorial Legislature, approved March 12, 1935, accepting the provisions of the act of Congress. The research reports are organized according to our strategic plan and by broad subject, focusing on geography, high-latitude agriculture, forest sciences, and the interaction of humans and the environment. Research conducted by our graduate and undergraduate students plays an important role in these grants and the impact they make on Alaska.Financial Statement -- Funding & Grants -- Students -- Research at SNRAS & AFES -- Publications -- Facult

    Company-university collaboration in applying gamification to learning about insurance

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    Incorporating gamification into training–learning at universities is hampered by a shortage of quality, adapted educational video games. Large companies are leading in the creation of educational video games for their internal training or to enhance their public image and universities can benefit from collaborating. The aim of this research is to evaluate, both objectively and subjectively, the potential of the simulation game BugaMAP (developed by the MAPFRE Foundation) for university teaching about insurance. To this end, we have assessed both the game itself and the experience of using the game as perceived by 142 economics students from various degree plans and courses at the University of Seville during the 2017–2018 academic year. As a methodology, a checklist of gamification components is used for the objective evaluation, and an opinion questionnaire on the game experience is used for the subjective evaluation. Among the results several findings stand out. One is the high satisfaction of the students with the knowledge acquired using fun and social interaction. Another is that the role of the university professors and the company monitors turns out to be very active and necessary during the game-learning sessions. Finally, in addition to the benefits to the university of occasionally available quality games to accelerate student skills training, the company–university collaboration serves as a trial and refinement of innovative tools for game-based learning