5 research outputs found

    Haze and Smoke Removal for Visualization of Multispectral Images: A DNN Physics Aware Architecture

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    Remote sensing multispectral images are extensively used by applications in various fields. The degradation generated by haze or smoke negatively influences the visual analysis of the represented scene. In this paper, a deep neural network based method is proposed to address the visualization improvement of hazy and smoky images. The method is able to entirely exploit the information contained by all spectral bands, especially by the SWIR bands, which are usually not contaminated by haze or smoke. A dimensionality reduction of the spectral signatures or angular signatures is rapidly obtained by using a stacked autoencoders (SAE) trained based on contaminated images only. The latent characteristics obtained by the encoder are mapped to the R - G - B channels for visualization. The haze and smoke removal results of several Sentinel 2 scenes present an increased contrast and show the haze hidden areas from the initial natural color images


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    Abstract. Earth observation and land cover monitoring are among major applications for satellite data. However, the use of primary satellite information is often limited by clouds, cloud shadows, and haze, which generally contaminate optical imagery. For purposes of hazard assessment, for instance, such as flooding, drought, or seismic events, the availability of uncontaminated optical data is required. Different approaches exist for masking and replacing cloud/haze related contamination. However, most common algorithms take advantage by employing thermal data. Hence, we tested an algorithm suitable for optical imagery only. The approach combines a multispectral-multitemporal strategy to retrieve daytime cloudless and shadow-free imagery. While the approach has been explored for Landsat information, namely Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI, here we aim at testing the suitability of the method for Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Instrument. A multitemporal stack, for the same image scene, is employed to retrieve a composite uncontaminated image over a temporal period of few months. Besides, in order to emphasize the effectiveness of optical imagery for monitoring post-disaster events, two temporal stages have been processed, before and after a critical seismic event occurred in Lombok Island, Indonesia, in summer 2018. The approach relies on a clouds and cloud shadows masking algorithm, based on spectral features, and a data reconstruction phase based on automatic selection of the most suitable pixels from a multitemporal stack. Results have been tested with uncontaminated image samples for the same scene. High accuracy is achieved

    Haze Removal Based on a Fully Automated and Improved Haze Optimized Transformation for Landsat Imagery over Land

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    Optical satellite imagery is often contaminated by the persistent presence of clouds and atmospheric haze. Without an effective method for removing this contamination, most optical remote sensing applications are less reliable. In this research, a methodology has been developed to fully automate and improve the Haze Optimized Transformation (HOT)-based haze removal. The method is referred to as AutoHOT and characterized with three notable features: a fully automated HOT process, a novel HOT image post-processing tool and a class-based HOT radiometric adjustment method. The performances of AutoHOT in haze detection and compensation were evaluated through three experiments with one Landsat-5 TM, one Landsat-7 ETM+ and eight Landsat-8 OLI scenes that encompass diverse landscapes and atmospheric haze conditions. The first experiment confirms that AutoHOT is robust and effective for haze detection. The average overall, user’s and producer’s accuracies of AutoHOT in haze detection can reach 96.4%, 97.6% and 97.5%, respectively. The second and third experiments demonstrate that AutoHOT can not only accurately characterize the haze intensities but also improve dehazed results, especially for brighter targets, compared to traditional HOT radiometric adjustment