12 research outputs found

    Hash function requirements for Schnorr signatures

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    We provide two necessary conditions on hash functions for the Schnorr signature scheme to be secure, assuming compact group representations such as those which occur in elliptic curve groups. We also show, via an argument in the generic group model, that these conditions are sufficient. Our hash function security requirements are variants of the standard notions of preimage and second preimage resistance. One of them is in fact equivalent to the Nostradamus attack by Kelsey and Kohno (Eurocrypt, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4004: 183-200, 2006), and, when considering keyed compression functions, both are closely related to the ePre and eSec notions by Rogaway and Shrimpton (FSE, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3017: 371-388, 2004). Our results have a number of interesting implications in practice. First, since security does not rely on the hash function being collision resistant, Schnorr signatures can still be securely instantiated with SHA-1/SHA-256, unlike DSA signatures. Second, we conjecture that our properties require O(2 n ) work to solve for a hash function with n-bit output, thereby allowing the use of shorter hashes and saving twenty-five percent in signature size. And third, our analysis does not reveal any significant difference in hardness between forging signatures and computing discrete logarithms, which plays down the importance of the loose reductions in existing random-oracle proofs, and seems to support the use of "normal-size” group

    Схема Шнорра с укороченной ЭЦП и предварительным хэшированием

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    Схема Вигмана-Картера является одним из распространенных способов вычисления имитовставок - контрольных характеристик, которые определяются с использованием секретного ключа и открытых синхропосылок. Существенным недостатком схемы Вигмана-Картера является требование уникальности синхропосылок. Предлагается модификация схемы, лишенная данного недостатка

    Truncated EdDSA/ECDSA Signatures

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    This note presents some techniques to slightly reduce the size of EdDSA and ECDSA signatures without lowering their security or breaking compatibility with existing signers, at the cost of an increase in signature verification time; verifying a 64-byte Ed25519 signature truncated to 60 bytes has an average cost of 4.1 million cycles on 64-bit x86 (i.e. about 35 times the cost of verifying a normal, untruncated signature)

    The Symbiosis between Collision and Preimage Resistance

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    We revisit the definitions of preimage resistance, focussing on the question of finding a definition that is simple enough to prove security against, yet flexible enough to be of use for most applications. We give an in-depth analysis of existing preimage resistance notions, introduce several new notions, and establish relations and separations between the known and new preimage notions. This establishes a clear separation between domain-oriented and range-oriented preimage resistance notions. For the former an element is chosen from the domain and hashed to form the target digest; for the latter the target digest is chosen directly from the range. In particular, we show that Rogaway and Shrimpton’s notion of everywhere preimage resistance on its own is less powerful than previously thought. However, we prove that in conjunction with collision resistance, everywhere preimage resistance implies ‘ordinary’ (domain-based) preimage resistance. We show the implications of our result for iterated hash functions and hash chains, where the latter is related to the Winternitz one-time signature scheme.status: publishe

    Double-Odd Jacobi Quartic

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    Double-odd curves are curves with order equal to 2 modulo 4. A prime order group with complete formulas and a canonical encoding/decoding process could previously be built over a double-odd curve. In this paper, we reformulate such curves as a specific case of the Jacobi quartic. This allows using slightly faster formulas for point operations, as well as defining a more efficient encoding format, so that decoding and encoding have the same cost as classic point compression (decoding is one square root, encoding is one inversion). We define the prime-order groups jq255e and jq255s as the application of that modified encoding to the do255e and do255s groups. We furthermore define an optimized signature mechanism on these groups, that offers shorter signatures (48 bytes instead of the usual 64 bytes, for 128-bit security) and makes signature verification faster (down to less than 83000 cycles on an Intel x86 Coffee Lake core)

    High-speed high-security signatures

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    Hardening Signature Schemes via Derive-then-Derandomize: Stronger Security Proofs for EdDSA

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    We consider a transform, called Derive-then-Derandomize, that hardens a given signature scheme against randomness failure and implementation error. We prove that it works. We then give a general lemma showing indifferentiability of Shrink-MD, a class of constructions that apply a shrinking output transform to an MD-style hash function. Armed with these tools, we give new proofs for the widely standardized and used EdDSA signature scheme, improving prior work in two ways: (1) we give proofs for the case that the hash function is an MD-style one, reflecting the use of SHA512 in the NIST standard, and (2) we improve the tightness of the reduction so that one has guarantees for group sizes in actual use

    Faster Complete Formulas for the GLS254 Binary Curve

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    GLS254 is an elliptic curve defined over a finite field of characteristic 2; it contains a 253-bit prime order subgroup, and supports an endomorphism that can be efficiently computed and helps speed up some typical operations such as multiplication of a curve element by a scalar. That curve offers on x86 and ARMv8 platforms the best known performance for elliptic curves at the 128-bit security level. In this paper we present a number of new results related to GLS254: - We describe new efficient and complete point doubling formulas (2M+4S) applicable to all ordinary binary curves. - We apply the previously described (x,s) coordinates to GLS254, enhanced with the new doubling formulas. We obtain formulas that are not only fast, but also complete, and thus allow generic constant-time usage in arbitrary cryptographic protocols. - Our strictly constant-time implementation multiplies a point by a scalar in 31615 cycles on an x86 Coffee Lake, and 77435 cycles on an ARM Cortex-A55, improving previous records by 13% and 11.7% on these two platforms, respectively. - We take advantage of the completeness of the formulas to define some extra operations, such as canonical encoding with (x, s) compression, constant-time hash-to-curve, and signatures. Our Schnorr signatures have size only 48 bytes, and offer good performance: signature generation in 18374 cycles, and verification in 27376 cycles, on x86; this is about four times faster than the best reported Ed25519 implementations on the same platform. - The very fast implementations leverage the carryless multiplication opcodes offered by the target platforms. We also investigate performance on CPUs that do not offer such an operation, namely a 64-bit RISC-V CPU (SiFive-U74 core) and a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller. While the achieved performance is substantially poorer, it is not catastrophic; on both platforms, GLS254 signatures are only about 2x to 2.5x slower than Ed25519

    Critical Perspectives on Provable Security: Fifteen Years of Another Look Papers

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    We give an overview of our critiques of “proofs” of security and a guide to our papers on the subject that have appeared over the past decade and a half. We also provide numerous additional examples and a few updates and errata