39 research outputs found

    The Politics of Becoming:Anonymity and Democracy in the Digital Age

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    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 25. Number 2.

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    Az internet és a közösségi média jogi kihívásai – Konferenciakötet

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    A tematikus nemzetközi online konferenciára 2022. 04. 27.-én került sor, amely a „Teams” alkalmazáson keresztül valósult meg. A konferenciára 17 fő jelentkezett számos országból, akik között találkozhatunk professzorokkal, adjunktusukkal, doktoranduszokkal. Az előadók a kutatáshoz kapcsolódó előadásaikat magyar, angol és német nyelven adhatták elő. A prezentációkat követően a résztvevőknek lehetőségük volt kérdéseket és hozzászólásokat megfogalmazni. A konferencia teljes programjának a kötet végén található meg mellékletben. Az „Az internet és a közösségi média jogi kihívásai” című konferenciának a célja az volt, hogy a témával foglalkozó kutatókat a jog minden területéről arra hívja, hogy bemutassák eredményeiket és a közös eszmecsere révén elősegítsék egymás kutatómunkáját. Az internet és közösségi média alapjaiban változtatta meg az emberek életét és ez új kihívásokat teremt a jog minden területén. A technológia fejlődése hatással van a közjogi és magánjogi jogágakra, új lehetőségeket és új problémákat teremtve. A konferencia résztvevőiből tizenegyen járultak hozzá közleményükkel e könyv megvalósulásához. A jövőben a téma iránt érdeklődő olvasók és kutatók számára egy hivatkozási mű lehet. Szerkesztőként ezúton is köszönöm az előadóknak és a szerzőknek a munkájukat. A konferenciakötet az Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium ÚNKP-21- 4- II-PTE-962 kódszámú Új Nemzeti Kiválóság Programjának a Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Alapból finanszírozott szakmai támogatásával készült.A konferenciakötet az Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium ÚNKP-21- 4-II-PTE-962 kódszámú Új Nemzeti Kiválóság Programjának a Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Alapból finanszírozott szakmai támogatásával készültAz internet és a közösségi média jogi kihívásai2022.04.27.onlin

    The Whitworthian 1995-1996

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    The Whitworthian student newspaper, September 1995-May 1996.https://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/whitworthian/1079/thumbnail.jp

    Examining Stage Theories and the Predisposition to Lead within the Homosexual Community

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    An application of homosexual stage-based self-integration theory suggests that until gay individuals have become fully self-integrated, their capacity for leadership within the community is diminished. Unfortunately, now more than ever before, leadership is needed in dealing with such pressing community issues as the disproportionately high suicide rate among gay teens, the ongoing struggle for gays to become fully self-integrated individuals, bringing equal rights to the gay population, and of course, developing a base of strong gay leaders to meet the ongoing challenges facing this population. To test the self-integration-leadership hypothesis, this study surveyed 150 men in gay Internet chat rooms across the United States in an effort to measure the extent of their identity development as well as their propensity for leadership within the community. This was accomplished through the construction of a 26 question survey, based on the homosexual stage development models of Cass (1984), Griffin (1992), and D\u27Augelli (1994), and consisted of 18 Likert-scale questions designed to measure identity development and leadership propensity, five open-ended questions to help triangulate the final stage assessment, and three demographic questions. This information was then used to produce a final stage assignment for each of the respondents, which, together with the demographic information, was used in regression analyses designed to explain variation in the leadership propensity of community members. Results suggest that the final stage assignment for each individual, which reflects the extent to which they have become self-integrated, was a powerful factor in explaining an individual\u27s propensity for community leadership. For example, the results of the regression analysis show an almost one-to-one correspondence between the stages of identity development and an increasing propensity for leadership; specifically, a movement of one stage in identity development is associated with an almost one-point increase (.96) in the likelihood of displaying leadership (on a five-point Likert scale). Interestingly, none of the demographic measures used were significant predictors of leadership behavior, suggesting that age, race/ethnicity, and religious affiliation may work in less direct ways in influencing the practice of leadership, something that can be explored by future researchers in the area of gay/queer studies

    Australian National Audit Office: Evaluating Australian Army Program Performance

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    The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) evaluates the management and financial performance of Australian government programs for the Australian Parliament, Australian government agencies, Australian taxpayers, and individuals interested in the performance of these programs globally. This article examines how ANAO has examined the performance of Australian Army programs and strengths and weaknesses found in these programs while recommending changes to improve program performance. It also examines how government agencies and corporations which have been the subject of ANAO analyses have reacted to ANAO findings. This assessment also examines how Plan B (the possibility that Australia might have to rely less on the U.S. for its national security requirements) may impact Australian military strategy and force structure which would have significant budgetary implications on Australian defense spending. It concludes by stressing the value of ANAO reports for Australian policymakers, the Australian public, and for external audiences interested in Australian Army policymaking

    The socio-economic impacts of the genocide and current developments in Rwanda : case studies of the towns of Butare and Cyangugu.

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    Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2008.World history has been punctuuted by cycles of violence, regardless of time, region or race. Genocide. which is the worst form of violence has always led to horrible impacts of a social, economic and environmental nature. The last decade of the 20th Century was the most turbulent Rwanda has ever seen. The country was ravaged by civil war,genocide, mass migration. economic crisis. diseases, return of refugees and deforestation. Almost all Rwandan families were affected wherever they were and at multiple levels, by outcomes such as death, disease, disability, poverty, loss of dignity and imprisonment. Fortunately, the people of Rwanda have chosen the path of peace. but arc still faced with a huge task of dealiing with the impacts or the genocide and prior conflicts in the region. This dissertation attempts to investigate the socio-economic impacts of the genocide on current development in Rwanda using primClry and secondary data obtained from fieldwork undertaken in Cyangugu and Rutare Towns. The conceptual basis for the study was the Geography of Conflict, The general conclusion reached was that the causes and consequences of the Rwandan genocide are multidimensional. The Rwandan genocide did not originate from the "ancient hatred" between Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups, but from the manipulation of history and bad leadership. Also. the main impacts of genocide in Rwanda are the destruction of human resources. social and cultural structures in the country, especially the relationship between the Hutus and Tutsis ethnic groups. In the same way the genocide resulted in destruction of infrastructure. development facilities and natural resources, However. the effort for reconstruction and development undertaken after the genocide shows that rcconciliation is possible in long term despite what happened. The lasting solution for Rwanda is definitely national reconciliation and its success will depend mainly on good governance, human resource development and poverty alleviation

    Murray Ledger and Times, April 6, 2006

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    The Art of Adaptation in Film and Video Games

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    This Special Issue of Arts explores the art and practice of adaptation in several different mediums with a focus on film and video games. The topics covered include experimental game design, narrative design, film and trauma, games adapted from literature, video game cinema, film and the pandemic, film and the environment, film and immigration, and film and culture

    Pensiuni in Romania: Rediscovering and Reinventing the Countryside through Tourism

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    Rural tourism is a long-established practice in the industrialised West, but it is a comparatively recent and on-going development in postsocialist contexts. This thesis examines the development of rural tourism in Romania and draws on fieldwork carried out in one of the oldest and most popular destinations of the country, as well as in a newer and less visited location. As homestays are central to rural tourism, my research has an extensive focus on what happens with guesthouses and their owners. Countryside tourism is a practice grounded in a discourse that praises images of unspoilt nature, close-knit communities, material and cultural heritage and natural healthy food. Discourses about rurality also suggest that for city dwellers, village stays in their own countries can provide a way of getting in touch with their national identity, building, at the same time a sense of belonging. In Romania, such discourses are promoted by NGOs, state institutions and tour operators that aim to develop rural tourism. In spite of their efforts, in the destinations that I studied, rural tourism has strayed away from the ideal model. Instead of bucolic cottages inspired by the vernacular architecture of the region, hosts welcome their guests into large, modern villas equipped with state-of-the art amenities. Tourists too show a strong concern with material aspects of their accommodation, they rarely venture in outdoor pursuits and have little interest in notions of ‘heritage’ or ‘traditions’. My findings show that the lived experiences of local entrepreneurs have shaped worldviews that in many respects are at odds with the ideal models and best tourism practices promoted by various institutions. I also show how hosts and guests share similar notions of achievement and success and how this has turned rural tourism into a house-centred event. In explaining why discourses have little grounding in reality, I pay close attention to the economics of tourism, trying to understand guesthouses as businesses interlinked both with the wider forces of the market and with the socio-economic history of rural Romania. I show how the development of pensiuni was influenced by specific material and social constraints, arguing that a long history of living under oppressive regimes actually endowed locals with qualities that made them ready to embark on entrepreneurial pursuits. I also examine how kinship can be both a catalyst for growth and a factor that contributes to the stagnation or decline of businesses. Most notably, however, it was the unstable and burdensome legislative environment that had perhaps the strongest impact over the evolution of guesthouses, determining over half of the owners to stay in the shadow economy. My findings raise questions about the effectiveness and utility of many of the norms currently imposed on tourist entrepreneurs and I conclude by discussing a few ways in which institutions could respond better to the needs of guesthouse owners