177 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Knowledge Management Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan di PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pengaruh pelatihan knowledge management terhadap kinerja karyawan PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah (1) ada perbedaan kinerja karyawan setelah pelatihan antara kelompok eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol, (2) ada perbedaan kinerja karyawan pada kelompok eksperimen antara sebelum pelatihan knowledge management dengan setelah pelatihan knowledge management, (3) ada perbedaan gain score kinerja karyawan pada kelompok eksperimen sebelum pelatihan dengan kinerja karyawan setelah pelatihan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pimpinan dan karyawan sebanyak 60 orang yang akan menjadi knowledge management agent atau pimpinan yang mengelola knowledge management dalam unit kerja PT Semen Indonesia. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala kinerja karyawan, observasi dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah sample T-Test untuk melihat perbedaan kinerja karyawan sebelum dan setelah pelatihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kinerja karyawan sebelum dan setelah pelatihan. Knowledge management didasarkan pada teori berbasis sumber daya yang menganggap pengetahuan itu merupakan aset strategis yang berharga. Dengan demikian, perusahaan harus berinvestasi dalam bentuk sistem pengetahuan untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan

    Moving KM to the next generation: The contribution of critical systems thinking

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    Knowledge Management (KM) is multifaceted and grounded in various disciplines including psychology, strategy, organizational behavior, economics, and management. It is therefore not surprising that KM has developed rapidly as a field with a myriad of frameworks designed to address KM needs in organizations. The emphasis of studies tends to be on the application of KM with paucity in the discussion of its theory and underpinning philosophy. As a result, KM is varied in definition and application. The range of KM tools and practices has caused some concern with authors suggesting that there is need for KM to be applied in an integrated manner. Systems Thinking (ST) is the conceptual framework for problem solving that views situations holistically. Critical Systems Thinking (CST) is the latest movement in ST that was born from the need to appreciate the diversity in approaches so as to identify the most suitable methodology for a problem context. CST is described by the commitments of critical awareness, sociological awareness, pluralism, complementarity and human emancipation. The application of CST is said to have reformed ST through its commitments and brought synthesis through the provision of a rational approach of combining system methodologies. Activities that create, capture and utilize knowledge are inherent in systems methods thus indicating a similarity between ST and KM. Authors have as such, called for the use of CST to underpin KM theory and practice. This paper highlights the contribution of CST to the maturity of Systems Thinking as a discipline. Potential use of CST in developing more unified, systemic and holistic approaches to handling KM is put forward. The aim is to spark conversation on the need for a new generation of KM that is grounded theoretically and philosophically, and based on more than practical case studies

    The professionalization of festival organizations : A relational approach to knowledge management

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    In this article we examine the emergence of knowledge management (KM) within the professionalisation of festivals and events. The growing complexity of festival management places pressure on organisations to effectively manage ‘knowledge’ in order to succeed. Knowledge is commonly conceptualised as information that can be stored or itemised through checklists. We offer an alternative conceptualisation of KM as a relational construction shaped by the organisational culture and structure. We develop this relational approach through a case study of the Queensland Music Festival (QMF) to examine the construction of KM roles and responsibilities. Our ethnographic research and qualitative analysis identifies how QMF implicitly utilises chief knowledge officer, knowledge broker, and knowledge worker roles. These roles were successfully performed over a short duration and yet they were not defined or explicitly stated. We discuss how the culture and spatial organisation of work teams contributed to a collective understanding of the value of sharing and creating knowledge. With growing professionalisation we argue that festival organisations will increasingly develop a more self-conscious awareness of the significance of KM language and practice. The findings will enable festival managers to better understand how KM processes are embedded within an organisational culture and contribute to organisational learning.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    A Framework to support aerospace knowledge transfer to developing countries via collaborative projects

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    There are economic, strategic and technological needs for establishing a national aerospace sector in many developing countries. This is to support the growing demands for aerospace related products and to encourage international collaborations. International collaboration projects can cost billions of US dollars, but provide opportunities to access and gain aerospace knowledge in terms of skills, technologies and infrastructure related to the purchased aerospace systems. While there are several options for international technology transfer, there are currently no effective approaches, specifically in aerospace knowledge transfer, for international collaboration projects between developed and developing countries. There is a need for a specific framework to guide developing countries in this task and to overcome different transfer challenges. This paper presents an aerospace knowledge transfer framework (Aero-KT) to effectively manage knowledge transfer into developing countries during international aerospace collaboration projects

    Knowledge Creation Within the Automobile Industry

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    Research has identified the enabling factors and inhibitors for successfully implementing knowledge creation and accomplishing its strategic objectives. It is important to understand how these factors interact with each other to improve or inhibit performance. This empirical research presents a framework for finding the fundamental relations between these factors. It proposes strategies for implementing knowledge creation initiatives. The framework mainly focuses on the "what factor" with respect to people and identifies the vital characteristics for the knowledge creation process. It mainly illustrates the parameters of knowledge transfer, which supports knowledge creation, thereby improving organizational performance


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    This paper aims to present an integrated outlook of knowledge performance by reviewing the linkage between knowledge management (KM) infrastructure and organizational learning dimensions. The study endorses infrastructure capabilities i.e. culture, structure, technology and human resource to influence learning which subsequently leads to enhance knowledge performance within organizational context. A systematic review has been applied to assess KM literature including prior conceptual and research studies that help to substantiate the linkages among KM infrastructure, organizational learning and knowledge performance. The proposed conceptual model provides insights for managers and strategists to analyze the role of KM infrastructure in improving learning practices and knowledge performance. Furthermore, this study emphasizes on enabling learning processes and knowledge infrastructure dimensions, particularly mentioned by Lee and Choi (2003). In spite of various researches in KM there is still a need to review the linkages among the key elements which may affect knowledge performance. This paper contributes to the KM literature by adjoining KM infrastructure to organizational learning and visualizes the integrative effect that may enhance knowledge performance. Study limitations and future scope of the study has also been discussed in the later section

    Contributos para a otimização da gestão do sucesso em projetos através de práticas de gestão do conhecimento – research-in-progress

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    It is imperative for an organization that its software development projects succeed. However, these projects have often been termed as “problematic endeavors”. This paper presents the preliminary results of a research work conducted to characterize the success of software development projects in Portugal. The results obtained reveal high levels of success, which is contrary to the idea of failure that in the last decades has prevailed. It contributes, therefore, with a new and updated perspective of this phenomenon.It is imperative for an organization that its software development projects succeed. However, these projects have often been termed as “problematic endeavors”. This paper presents the preliminary results of a research work conducted to characterize the success of software development projects in Portugal. The results obtained reveal high levels of success, which is contrary to the idea of failure that in the last decades has prevailed. It contributes, therefore, with a new and updated perspective of this phenomenon.Este trabalho foi apoiado pela FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia no âmbito do Projeto UID/CEC/00319/2019

    The Times They are (Not?) A-Changing: Recent Trends of Knowledge Management Literature

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    After almost 3 decades, the literature on knowledge management (KM) has gained importance. Today, many journals and international conferences are explicitly oriented to KM research, and many others propose special issues or special tracks on KM. The increasing number of studies and publications raises the question of what direction KM research is taking. This paper aims to explore the current trends in KM research by providing an analysis of the literature. It is based on two sources of data: first, some existing reviews of the KM literature, with the goal to analyse if these studies converge towards consistent conclusions; second, the proceedings of a long-running and popular international Conference on KM (the European Conference on Knowledge Management), where a quantitative analysis was carried out to understand the main streams in this field of study. The overall picture is that of a field of study with a flourishing literature and lively debate, but that it is still struggling to define its \u201cidentity\u201d