2 research outputs found

    Generating pointing motions for a humanoid robot by combining motor primitives

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    The human motor system is robust, adaptive and very flexible. The underlying principles of human motion provide inspiration for robotics. Pointing at different targets is a common robotics task, where insights about human motion can be applied. Traditionally in robotics, when a motion is generated it has to be validated so that the robot configurations involved are appropriate. The human brain, in contrast, uses the motor cortex to generate new motions reusing and combining existing knowledge before executing the motion. We propose a method to generate and control pointing motions for a robot using a biological inspired architecture implemented with spiking neural networks. We outline a simplified model of the human motor cortex that generates motions using motor primitives. The network learns a base motor primitive for pointing at a target in the center, and four correction primitives to point at targets up, down, left and right from the base primitive, respectively. The primitives are combined to reach different targets. We evaluate the performance of the network with a humanoid robot pointing at different targets marked on a plane. The network was able to combine one, two or three motor primitives at the same time to control the robot in real-time to reach a specific target. We work on extending this work from pointing to a given target to performing a grasping or tool manipulation task. This has many applications for engineering and industry involving real robots

    Dual-arm dexterous mobile manipulator with new omnidirectional wheels

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    [ES] Este artículo describe un manipulador móvil, bimanual y con capacidad de manipulación diestra denominado MADAR (de Mobile Anthropomorphic Dual-Arm Robot). Básicamente puede dividirse en dos partes, una base móvil y una estructura superior portando dos brazos en configuración antropomorfa con manos mecánicas diestras equipadas con sensores táctiles. La base, completamente de desarrollo propio, es de forma circular y tiene tres ruedas con un diseño novedoso que permiten una movilidad omnidireccional. La estructura superior integra elementos comerciales, como los brazos, las manos y distintos sensores, que han sido adaptados para su funcionamiento conjunto. El artículo incluye tanto la descripción de los principales elementos del hardware como del software desarrollado para su control y uso.[EN] This article describes a mobile manipulator, equipped with two arms with dexterous capabilities, called MADAR (from Mobile Anthropomorphic Dual-Arm Robot). Basically, the manipulator can be divided into two parts, a mobile base and an upper structure that includes two arms with dexterous hands equipped with tactile sensors. The base, completely self-developed, is circular in shape and has three wheels with a novel design that allow omnidirectional mobility. The upper structure integrates commercial elements, such as the arms, the hands and dierent sensors. The article includes the description of the main elements of the hardware and the software developed for its control and use.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el gobierno español mediante el proyecto DPI2016-80077-R.Suárez, R.; Palomo-Avellaneda, L.; Martínez, J.; Clos, D.; García, N. (2020). Manipulador móvil, bibrazo y diestro con nuevas ruedas omnidireccionales. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 17(1):10-21. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2019.11422OJS1021171ABB, Jan. 2018. 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