2 research outputs found

    Optimal clustering of a pair of irregular objects

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    Cutting and packing problems arise in many fields of applications and theory. When dealing with irregular objects, an important subproblem is the identification of the optimal clustering of two objects. Within this paper we consider a container (rectangle, circle, convex polygon) of variable sizes and two irregular objects bounded by circular arcs and/or line segments, that can be continuously translated and rotated. In addition minimal allowable distances between objects and between each object and the frontier of a container, may be imposed. The objects should be arranged within a container such that a given objective will reach its minimal value. We consider a polynomial function as the objective, which depends on the variable parameters associated with the objects and the container. The paper presents a universal mathematical model and a solution strategy which are based on the concept of phi-functions and provide new benchmark instances of finding the containing region that has either minimal area, perimeter or homothetic coefficient of a given container, as well as finding the convex polygonal hull (or its approximation) of a pair of objects

    A tale of two packing problems : improved algorithms and tighter bounds for online bin packing and the geometric knapsack problem

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    In this thesis, we deal with two packing problems: the online bin packing and the geometric knapsack problem. In online bin packing, the aim is to pack a given number of items of different size into a minimal number of containers. The items need to be packed one by one without knowing future items. For online bin packing in one dimension, we present a new family of algorithms that constitutes the first improvement over the previously best algorithm in almost 15 years. While the algorithmic ideas are intuitive, an elaborate analysis is required to prove its competitive ratio. We also give a lower bound for the competitive ratio of this family of algorithms. For online bin packing in higher dimensions, we discuss lower bounds for the competitive ratio and show that the ideas from the one-dimensional case cannot be easily transferred to obtain better two-dimensional algorithms. In the geometric knapsack problem, one aims to pack a maximum weight subset of given rectangles into one square container. For this problem, we consider online approximation algorithms. For geometric knapsack with square items, we improve the running time of the best known PTAS and obtain an EPTAS. This shows that large running times caused by some standard techniques for geometric packing problems are not always necessary and can be improved. Finally, we show how to use resource augmentation to compute optimal solutions in EPTAS-time, thereby improving upon the known PTAS for this case.In dieser Arbeit betrachten wir zwei Packungsprobleme: Online Bin Packing und das geometrische Rucksackproblem. Bei Online Bin Packing versucht man, eine gegebene Menge an Objekten verschiedener Größe in die kleinstmögliche Anzahl an Behältern zu packen. Die Objekte müssen eins nach dem anderen gepackt werden, ohne zukünftige Objekte zu kennen. Für eindimensionales Online Bin Packing beschreiben wir einen neuen Algorithmus, der die erste Verbesserung gegenüber dem bisher besten Algorithmus seit fast 15 Jahren darstellt. Während die algorithmischen Ideen intuitiv sind, ist eine ausgefeilte Analyse notwendig um das Kompetitivitätsverhältnis zu beweisen. Für Online Bin Packing in mehreren Dimensionen geben wir untere Schranken für das Kompetitivitätsverhältnis an und zeigen, dass die Ideen aus dem eindimensionalen Fall nicht direkt zu einer Verbesserung führen. Beim geometrischen Rucksackproblem ist es das Ziel, eine größtmögliche Teilmenge gegebener Rechtecke in einen einzelnen quadratischen Behälter zu packen. Für dieses Problem betrachten wir Approximationsalgorithmen. Für das Problem mit quadratischen Objekten verbessern wir die Laufzeit des bekannten PTAS zu einem EPTAS. Die langen Laufzeiten vieler Standardtechniken für geometrische Probleme können also vermieden werden. Schließlich zeigen wir, wie Ressourcenvergrößerung genutzt werden kann, um eine optimale Lösung in EPTAS-Zeit zu berechnen, was das bisherige PTAS verbessert.Google PhD Fellowshi