3 research outputs found

    CSP-Completeness And Its Applications

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    We build off of previous ideas used to study both reductions between CSPrefutation problems and improper learning and between CSP-refutation problems themselves to expand some hardness results that depend on the assumption that refuting random CSP instances are hard for certain choices of predicates (like k-SAT). First, we are able argue the hardness of the fundamental problem of learning conjunctions in a one-sided PAC-esque learning model that has appeared in several forms over the years. In this model we focus on producing a hypothesis that foremost guarantees a small false-positive rate while minimizing the false-negative rate for such hypotheses. Further, we formalize a notion of CSP-refutation reductions and CSP-refutation completeness that and use these, along with candidate CSP-refutatation complete predicates, to provide further evidence for the hardness of several problems

    Efficient Learning with Arbitrary Covariate Shift

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    We give an efficient algorithm for learning a binary function in a given class C of bounded VC dimension, with training data distributed according to P and test data according to Q, where P and Q may be arbitrary distributions over X. This is the generic form of what is called covariate shift, which is impossible in general as arbitrary P and Q may not even overlap. However, recently guarantees were given in a model called PQ-learning (Goldwasser et al., 2020) where the learner has: (a) access to unlabeled test examples from Q (in addition to labeled samples from P, i.e., semi-supervised learning); and (b) the option to reject any example and abstain from classifying it (i.e., selective classification). The algorithm of Goldwasser et al. (2020) requires an (agnostic) noise tolerant learner for C. The present work gives a polynomial-time PQ-learning algorithm that uses an oracle to a "reliable" learner for C, where reliable learning (Kalai et al., 2012) is a model of learning with one-sided noise. Furthermore, our reduction is optimal in the sense that we show the equivalence of reliable and PQ learning

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum