965 research outputs found

    Hardness of Function Composition for Semantic Read once Branching Programs

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    In this work, we study time/space trade-offs for function composition. We prove asymptotically optimal lower bounds for function composition in the setting of nondeterministic read once branching programs, for the syntactic model as well as the stronger semantic model of read-once nondeterministic computation. We prove that such branching programs for solving the tree evaluation problem over an alphabet of size k requires size roughly k^{Omega(h)}, i.e space Omega(h log k). Our lower bound nearly matches the natural upper bound which follows the best strategy for black-white pebbling the underlying tree. While previous super-polynomial lower bounds have been proven for read-once nondeterministic branching programs (for both the syntactic as well as the semantic models), we give the first lower bounds for iterated function composition, and in these models our lower bounds are near optimal

    Satisfiability Algorithm for Syntactic Read-kk-times Branching Programs

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    The satisfiability of a given branching program is to determine whether there exists a consistent path from the root to 1-sink. In a syntactic read-k-times branching program, each variable appears at most k times in any path from the root to a sink. We provide a satisfiability algorithm for syntactic read-k-times branching programs with n variables and m edges that runs in time Oleft(poly(n, m^{k^2})cdot 2^{(1-mu(k))n}right), where mu(k) = frac{1}{4^{k+1}}. Our algorithm is based on the decomposition technique shown by Borodin, Razborov and Smolensky [Computational Complexity, 1993]

    Reasoning About Strategies: On the Model-Checking Problem

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    In open systems verification, to formally check for reliability, one needs an appropriate formalism to model the interaction between agents and express the correctness of the system no matter how the environment behaves. An important contribution in this context is given by modal logics for strategic ability, in the setting of multi-agent games, such as ATL, ATL\star, and the like. Recently, Chatterjee, Henzinger, and Piterman introduced Strategy Logic, which we denote here by CHP-SL, with the aim of getting a powerful framework for reasoning explicitly about strategies. CHP-SL is obtained by using first-order quantifications over strategies and has been investigated in the very specific setting of two-agents turned-based games, where a non-elementary model-checking algorithm has been provided. While CHP-SL is a very expressive logic, we claim that it does not fully capture the strategic aspects of multi-agent systems. In this paper, we introduce and study a more general strategy logic, denoted SL, for reasoning about strategies in multi-agent concurrent games. We prove that SL includes CHP-SL, while maintaining a decidable model-checking problem. In particular, the algorithm we propose is computationally not harder than the best one known for CHP-SL. Moreover, we prove that such a problem for SL is NonElementarySpace-hard. This negative result has spurred us to investigate here syntactic fragments of SL, strictly subsuming ATL\star, with the hope of obtaining an elementary model-checking problem. Among the others, we study the sublogics SL[NG], SL[BG], and SL[1G]. They encompass formulas in a special prenex normal form having, respectively, nested temporal goals, Boolean combinations of goals and, a single goal at a time. About these logics, we prove that the model-checking problem for SL[1G] is 2ExpTime-complete, thus not harder than the one for ATL\star

    Algebraic Methods in Computational Complexity

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    From 11.10. to 16.10.2009, the Dagstuhl Seminar 09421 “Algebraic Methods in Computational Complexity “ was held in Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    On SAT representations of XOR constraints

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    We study the representation of systems S of linear equations over the two-element field (aka xor- or parity-constraints) via conjunctive normal forms F (boolean clause-sets). First we consider the problem of finding an "arc-consistent" representation ("AC"), meaning that unit-clause propagation will fix all forced assignments for all possible instantiations of the xor-variables. Our main negative result is that there is no polysize AC-representation in general. On the positive side we show that finding such an AC-representation is fixed-parameter tractable (fpt) in the number of equations. Then we turn to a stronger criterion of representation, namely propagation completeness ("PC") --- while AC only covers the variables of S, now all the variables in F (the variables in S plus auxiliary variables) are considered for PC. We show that the standard translation actually yields a PC representation for one equation, but fails so for two equations (in fact arbitrarily badly). We show that with a more intelligent translation we can also easily compute a translation to PC for two equations. We conjecture that computing a representation in PC is fpt in the number of equations.Comment: 39 pages; 2nd v. improved handling of acyclic systems, free-standing proof of the transformation from AC-representations to monotone circuits, improved wording and literature review; 3rd v. updated literature, strengthened treatment of monotonisation, improved discussions; 4th v. update of literature, discussions and formulations, more details and examples; conference v. to appear LATA 201

    Black-Box Hypotheses and Lower Bounds

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    What sort of code is so difficult to analyze that every potential analyst can discern essentially no information from the code, other than its input-output behavior? In their seminal work on program obfuscation, Barak, Goldreich, Impagliazzo, Rudich, Sahai, Vadhan, and Yang (CRYPTO 2001) proposed the Black-Box Hypothesis, which roughly states that every property of Boolean functions which has an efficient "analyst" and is "code independent" can also be computed by an analyst that only has black-box access to the code. In their formulation of the Black-Box Hypothesis, the "analysts" are arbitrary randomized polynomial-time algorithms, and the "codes" are general (polynomial-size) circuits. If true, the Black-Box Hypothesis would immediately imply NP ? ? BPP. We consider generalized forms of the Black-Box Hypothesis, where the set of "codes" ? and the set of "analysts" ? may correspond to other efficient models of computation, from more restricted models such as AC? to more general models such as nondeterministic circuits. We show how lower bounds of the form ? ? ? ? often imply a corresponding Black-Box Hypothesis for those respective codes and analysts. We investigate the possibility of "complete" problems for the Black-Box Hypothesis: problems in ? such that they are not in ? if and only if their corresponding Black-Box Hypothesis is true. Along the way, we prove an equivalence: for nondeterministic circuit classes ?, the "?-circuit satisfiability problem" is not in ? if and only if the Black-Box Hypothesis is true for analysts in ?
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