1,367,449 research outputs found


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    The objective of this research study was to develop a suitable set of English tasks for the fifth grade students of Nogopuro Elementary School. Four research questions were on how: (1) the need analysis of interactive tasks was conducted, (2) the course grid of interactive tasks was organized, (3) the developed interactive tasks were presented in the material, and (4) the developed interactive tasks were being implemented, evaluated, and revised. This study was a Research and Development (R & D). The subjects of this study were the fifth grade students of Nogopuro Elementary School. The instruments used in the study were questionnaires and an observation guide. The data gathered were in the form of quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data were obtained by using the questionnaires while qualitative data were obtained by analyzing the results of the questionnaires and the observation guide. The procedure of developing tasks in this study consisted of eight steps (1) conducting needs analysis, (2) writing course grid, (3) developing the first draft of the interactive tasks, (4) trying out the first draft of the interactive task, (5) evaluating and revising the first draft of the interactive tasks to produce the second draft, (6) trying out the second draft of the interactive tasks, (7) evaluating and revising the second draft of the interactive tasks to produce the final draft, and (8) writing the final product of interactive tasks. Four findings are obtained. First, the fifth grade students of Nogopuro Elementary School need to improve their English. They need to develop their speaking skills. They need tasks that can provide adequate opportunities to interact with others. They need group work activities like games with familiar themes like public places, around the school, and animals. Second, the course grid of interactive tasks is based on the curriculum 2006 (the standard of competences and basic competences) and the results of the needs analysis. Third, the interactive tasks are well developed. The task components (goal, input, activities, teacher‟s role, learners‟ role, and setting) are built up in the tasks based on the course grid. Fourth, the interactive tasks meet the requirements of good and appropriate English learning tasks (The mean scores range from 4.2 to 4.7 meaning good and very good)

    Jurisdiction Under the Sherman Act: The “Interstate Commerce” Element and the Activities of Local Real Estate Boards and Brokers

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    To increase performance, modern processors employ complex techniques such as out-of-order pipelines and deep cache hierarchies. While the increasing complexity has paid off in performance, it has become harder to accurately predict the effects of hardware/software optimizations in such systems. Traditional microarchitectural simulators typically execute code 10 000×–100 000× slower than native execution, which leads to three problems: First, high simulation overhead makes it hard to use microarchitectural simulators for tasks such as software optimizations where rapid turn-around is required. Second, when multiple cores share the memory system, the resulting performance is sensitive to how memory accesses from the different cores interleave. This requires that applications are simulated multiple times with different interleaving to estimate their performance distribution, which is rarely feasible with today's simulators. Third, the high overhead limits the size of the applications that can be studied. This is usually solved by only simulating a relatively small number of instructions near the start of an application, with the risk of reporting unrepresentative results. In this thesis we demonstrate three strategies to accurately model multicore processors without the overhead of traditional simulation. First, we show how microarchitecture-independent memory access profiles can be used to drive automatic cache optimizations and to qualitatively classify an application's last-level cache behavior. Second, we demonstrate how high-level performance profiles, that can be measured on existing hardware, can be used to model the behavior of a shared cache. Unlike previous models, we predict the effective amount of cache available to each application and the resulting performance distribution due to different interleaving without requiring a processor model. Third, in order to model future systems, we build an efficient sampling simulator. By using native execution to fast-forward between samples, we reach new samples much faster than a single sample can be simulated. This enables us to simulate multiple samples in parallel, resulting in almost linear scalability and a maximum simulation rate close to native execution.CoDeR-MPUPMAR

    Happy is as Happy Does

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    Although Lykken & Tellegen (1996) have shown that the stable component of happiness or subjective well-being is strongly influenced by genetic factors, One needn't permit one's own or one's child's genetic steersman have his head. One can combat the "happiness thieves" (depression, fear, irritability) and one can achieve happiness increments through a varied diet of constructive activity

    Phenomenology of two texture zero neutrino mass in left-right symmetric model with Z8Ă—Z2Z_8 \times Z_2

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    We have done a phenomenological study on the neutrino mass matrix MνM_\nu favoring two zero texture in the framework of left-right symmetric model (LRSM) where type I and type II seesaw naturally occurs. The type I seesaw mass term is considered to be following a trimaximal mixing (TM) pattern. The symmetry realizations of these texture zero structures has been realized using the discrete cyclic abelian Z8×Z2Z8\times Z2 group in LRSM. We have studied six of the popular texture zero classes named as A1, A2, B1, B2, B3 and B4 favoured by neutrino oscillation data in our analysis. We basically focused on the implications of these texture zero mass matrices in low energy phenomenon like neutrinoless double beta decay (NDBD) and lepton flavour violation (LFV) in LRSM scenario. For NDBD, we have considered only the dominant new physics contribution coming from the diagrams containing purely RH current and another from the charged Higgs scalar while ignoring the contributions coming from the left-right gauge boson mixing and heavy light neutrino mixing. The mass of the extra gauge bosons and scalars has been considered to be of the order of TeV scale which is accessible at the colliders.Comment: 33 pages, 21 figures, 10 table

    Improving The Mathematic Critical And Creative Thinking Skills In Grade 10th SMA Negeri 1 Kasihan Bantul On Mathematics Learning Through Problem-Based Learning

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    This research aims to describe: (1) implementation of the PBL that improve the mathematic critical and creative thinking skills and (2) improvement the mathematic critical and creative thinking skills of students with PBL. The research is Classroom Action-Research, which is consisted of two cycles. The research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Kasihan Bantul in August until December 2010. The subjects were all of the students in class X D which consist of 33 students. The data was obtained from observation sheet, field notes, documentation, interviews, and tests of critical and creative thinking skills in mathematics learning. The data validation has done by triangulation. The results shows that the implementation of the PBL which can improve the students’ mathematics critical and creative thinking skills consist of four steps: (1) engagement, (2) inquiry and investigation, (3) performance, and (4) debriefing. Keyword: critical thinking, creative thinking, problem based learnin
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