9 research outputs found

    Vehicle Teleoperation Interfaces

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    Human - Robot Interfacing by the Aid of Cognition Based Interaction

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    From teleoperation to the cognitive human-robot interface

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    Robots are slowly moving from factories to mines, construction sites, public places and homes. This new type of robot or robotized working machine – field and service robots (FSR) – should be capable of performing different kinds of tasks in unstructured changing environments, not only among humans but through continuous interaction with humans. The main requirements for an FSR are mobility, advanced perception capabilities, high "intelligence" and easy interaction with humans. Although mobility and perception capabilities are no longer bottlenecks, they can nevertheless still be greatly improved. The main bottlenecks are intelligence and the human - robot interface (HRI). Despite huge efforts in "artificial intelligence" research, the robots and computers are still very "stupid" and there are no major advancements on the horizon. This emphasizes the importance of the HRI. In the subtasks, where high-level cognition or intelligence is needed, the robot has to ask for help from the operator. In addition to task commands and supervision, the HRI has to provide the possibility of exchanging information about the task and environment through continuous dialogue and even methods for direct teleoperation. The thesis describes the development from teleoperation to service robot interfaces and analyses the usability aspects of both teleoperation/telepresence systems and robot interfaces based on high-level cognitive interaction. The analogue in the development of teleoperation interfaces and HRIs is also pointed out. The teleoperation and telepresence interfaces are studied on the basis of a set of experiments in which the different enhancement-level telepresence systems were tested in different tasks of a driving type. The study is concluded by comparing the usability aspects and the feeling of presence in a telepresence system. HRIs are studied with an experimental service robot WorkPartner. Different kinds of direct teleoperation, dialogue and spatial information interfaces are presented and tested. The concepts of cognitive interface and common presence are presented. Finally, the usability aspects of a human service robot interface are discussed and evaluated.reviewe

    Evaluation of gaming environments for mixed reality interfaces and human supervisory control in telerobotics

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    Telerobotics refers to a branch of technology that deals with controlling a robot from a distance. It is commonly used to access difficult environments, reduce operating costs, and to improve comfort and safety. However, difficulties have emerged in telerobotics development. Effective telerobotics requires maximising operator performance and previous research has identified issues which reduce operator performance, such as operator attention being divided across the numerous custom built interfaces and continuous operator involvement in a high workload situation potentially causing exhaustion and subsequent operator error. This thesis evaluates mixed reality and human supervisory control concepts in a gaming engine environment for telerobotics. This concept is proposed in order to improve the effectiveness of current technology in telerobotic interfaces. Four experiments are reported in this thesis which covers virtual gaming environments, mixed reality interfaces, and human supervisory control and aims to advance telerobotics technology. This thesis argues that gaming environments are useful for building telerobotic interfaces and examines the properties required for telerobotics. A useful feature provided by gaming environments is that of overlying video on virtual objects to support mixed reality interfaces. Experiments in this thesis show that mixed reality interfaces provide useful information without distracting the operator from the task. This thesis introduces two response models based on the planning process of human supervisory control: Adaptation and Queue response models. The experimental results show superior user performance under these two response models compared to direct/manual control. In the final experiment a large number of novice users, with a diversity of backgrounds, used a robot arm to push blocks into a hole by using these two response models. Further analyses on evaluating the user performance on the interfaces with two response models were found to be well fitted by a Weibull distribution. Operators preferred the interface with the Queue response model over the interface with the Adaptation response model, and human supervisory control over direct/manual control. It is expected that the increased sophistication of control commands in a production system will usually be greater than those that were tested in this thesis, where limited time was available for automation development. Where that is the case the increases in human productivity using human supervisory control found in this experiment can be expected to be greater. The research conducted here has shown that mixed reality in gaming environments, when combined with human supervisory control, offers a good route for overcoming limitations in current telerobotics technology. Practical applications would benefit by the application of these methods, making it possible for the operator to have the necessary information available in a convenient and non-distracting form, considerably improving productivity

    Application of neuroergonomics in the industrial design of mining equipment.

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    Neuroergonomics is an interdisciplinary field merging neuroscience and ergonomics to optimize performance. In order to design an optimal user interface, we must understand the cognitive processing involved. Traditional methodology incorporates self-assessment from the user. This dissertation examines the use of neurophysiological techniques in quantifying the cognitive processing involved in allocating cognitive resources. Attentional resources, cognitive processing, memory and visual scanning are examined to test the ecological validity of theoretical laboratory settings and how they translate to real life settings. By incorporating a non-invasive measurement technique, such as the quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG), we are able to examine connectivity patterns in the brain during operation and discern whether or not a user has obtained expert status. Understanding the activation patterns during each phase of design will allow us to gauge whether our design has balanced the cognitive requirements of the user.Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Natural Resources Engineerin

    pm Hands-free Operation of a Small Mobile Robot* (2 "23Q

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    Abstract The Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center of Sandia National Laboratories has an ongoing research program in advanced user interfaces. As part of thk research, promising new transduction devices, particularly handsfree devices, are being explored for the control of mobile and floor-mounted robotic systems. Brainwave control has been successfully demonstrated by other researchers in a variety of fields. In the research described here, Sandia developed and demonstrated a proof-of-concept brainwave-controlled mobile robot system. Preliminary results were encouraging. Additional work required to turn this into a reliable, fieldable system for mobile robotic control is identified. Used in conjunction with other controls, brainwave control could be an effective control method in certain circumstances