6 research outputs found

    A Collaborative Augmented Reality System Based On Real Time Hand Gesture Recognition

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    Human computer interaction is a major issue in research industry. In order to offer a way to enable untrained users to interact with computer more easily and efficiently gesture based interface has been paid more attention. Gesture based interface provides the most effective means for non-verbal interaction. Various devices like head mounted display and hand glove could be used by the user but they may be cumbersome to use and they limits the user action and make them tired. This problem can be solved by the real time bare hand gesture recognition technique for human computer interaction using computer vision Computer vision is becoming very popular now a days since it can hold a lot of information at a very low cost. With this increasing popularity of computer vision there is a rapid development in the field of virtual reality as it provides an easy and efficient virtual interface between human and computer. At the same time much research is going on to provide more natural interface for human-computer interaction with the power of computer vision .The most powerful and natural interface for human-computer interaction is the hand gesture. In this project we focus our attention to vision based recognition of hand gesture for personal authentication where hand gesture is used as a password. Different hand gestures are used as password for different personals

    A Computer Vision Based Collaborative Augmented Reality Method For Human-Computer Interaction

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    Computer vision is becoming very popular now a days since it can hold a lot of information at a very low cost. With this increasing popularity of computer vision there is a rapid development in the field of virtual reality as it provides an easy and efficient virtual interface between human and computer. At the same time much research is going on to provide more natural interface for human-computer interaction with the power of computer vision .the most powerful and natural interface for human-computer interaction is the hand gesture. Hand replaces the currently used cumbersome and inefficient devices like mouse and keyboard and with the bare hands one can easily communicate with the computer. This paper explores a system where hand gesture can be effectively used as a password in the login process for authentication of a person using just a simple web camera. Also this technique does not need any special device like head-mounted display, gloves or any special camera that operates beyond visible spectrum. So with this idea, with a simple video camera and bare hands, a person can interact with computer

    Real-Time Markerless Tracking the Human Hands for 3D Interaction

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    This thesis presents methods for enabling suitable human computer interaction using only movements of the bare human hands in free space. This kind of interaction is natural and intuitive, particularly because actions familiar to our everyday life can be reflected. Furthermore, the input is contact-free which is of great advantage e.g. in medical applications due to hygiene factors. For enabling the translation of hand movements to control signals an automatic method for tracking the pose and/or posture of the hand is needed. In this context the simultaneous recognition of both hands is desirable to allow for more natural input. The first contribution of this thesis is a novel video-based method for real-time detection of the positions and orientations of both bare human hands in four different predefined postures, respectively. Based on such a system novel interaction interfaces can be developed. However, the design of such interfaces is a non-trivial task. Additionally, the development of novel interaction techniques is often mandatory in order to enable the design of efficient and easily operable interfaces. To this end, several novel interaction techniques are presented and investigated in this thesis, which solve existing problems and substantially improve the applicability of such a new device. These techniques are not restricted to this input instrument and can also be employed to improve the handling of other interaction devices. Finally, several new interaction interfaces are described and analyzed to demonstrate possible applications in specific interaction scenarios.Markerlose Verfolgung der menschlichen Hände in Echtzeit für 3D Interaktion In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Verfahren dargestellt, die sinnvolle Mensch- Maschine-Interaktionen nur durch Bewegungen der bloßen Hände in freiem Raum ermöglichen. Solche "natürlichen" Interaktionen haben den besonderen Vorteil, dass alltägliche und vertraute Handlungen in die virtuelle Umgebung übertragen werden können. Außerdem werden auf diese Art berührungslose Eingaben ermöglicht, nützlich z.B. wegen hygienischer Aspekte im medizinischen Bereich. Um Handbewegungen in Steuersignale umsetzen zu können, ist zunächst ein automatisches Verfahren zur Erkennung der Lage und/oder der Art der mit der Hand gebildeten Geste notwendig. Dabei ist die gleichzeitige Erfassung beider Hände wünschenswert, um die Eingaben möglichst natürlich gestalten zu können. Der erste Beitrag dieser Arbeit besteht aus einer neuen videobasierten Methode zur unmittelbaren Erkennung der Positionen und Orientierungen beider Hände in jeweils vier verschiedenen, vordefinierten Gesten. Basierend auf einem solchen Verfahren können neuartige Interaktionsschnittstellen entwickelt werden. Allerdings ist die Ausgestaltung solcher Schnittstellen keinesfalls trivial. Im Gegenteil ist bei einer neuen Art der Interaktion meist sogar die Entwicklung neuer Interaktionstechniken erforderlich, damit überhaupt effiziente und gut bedienbare Schnittstellen konzipiert werden können. Aus diesem Grund wurden in dieser Arbeit einige neue Interaktionstechniken entwickelt und untersucht, die vorhandene Probleme beheben und die Anwendbarkeit eines solchen Eingabeinstruments für bestimmte Arten der Interaktion verbessern oder überhaupt erst ermöglichen. Diese Techniken sind nicht auf dieses Eingabeinstrument beschränkt und können durchaus auch die Handhabung anderer Eingabegeräte verbessern. Des Weiteren werden mehrere neue Interaktionsschnittstellen präsentiert, die den möglichen Einsatz bloßhändiger Interaktion in verschiedenen, typischen Anwendungsgebieten veranschaulichen