3,624 research outputs found

    Review on Classification Methods used in Image based Sign Language Recognition System

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    Sign language is the way of communication among the Deaf-Dumb people by expressing signs. This paper is present review on Sign language Recognition system that aims to provide communication way for Deaf and Dumb pople. This paper describes review of Image based sign language recognition system. Signs are in the form of hand gestures and these gestures are identified from images as well as videos. Gestures are identified and classified according to features of Gesture image. Features are like shape, rotation, angle, pixels, hand movement etc. Features are finding by various Features Extraction methods and classified by various machine learning methods. Main pupose of this paper is to review on classification methods of similar systems used in Image based hand gesture recognition . This paper also describe comarison of various system on the base of classification methods and accuracy rate

    Thai Finger-Spelling Recognition Using a Cascaded Classifier Based on Histogram of Orientation Gradient Features

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    Hand posture recognition is an essential module in applications such as human-computer interaction (HCI), games, and sign language systems, in which performance and robustness are the primary requirements. In this paper, we proposed automatic classification to recognize 21 hand postures that represent letters in Thai finger-spelling based on Histogram of Orientation Gradient (HOG) feature (which is applied with more focus on the information within certain region of the image rather than each single pixel) and Adaptive Boost (i.e., AdaBoost) learning technique to select the best weak classifier and to construct a strong classifier that consists of several weak classifiers to be cascaded in detection architecture. We collected 21 static hand posture images from 10 subjects for testing and training in Thai letters finger-spelling. The parameters for the training process have been adjusted in three experiments, false positive rates (FPR), true positive rates (TPR), and number of training stages (N), to achieve the most suitable training model for each hand posture. All cascaded classifiers are loaded into the system simultaneously to classify different hand postures. A correlation coefficient is computed to distinguish the hand postures that are similar. The system achieves approximately 78% accuracy on average on all classifier experiments

    Indian Sign Language Recognition System for Differently-able People

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    Sign languages commonly develop in deaf communities, that can include interpreters and friends and families of deaf people as well as people who are deaf or hard of hearing themselves. Sign Language Recognition is one of the most growing fields of research today. There are Many new techniques that have been developed recently in these fields. Here in this paper, we will propose a system for conversion of Indian sign language to text using Open CV. OpenCV designed to generate motion template images that can be used to rapidly determine where that motion occurred, how that motion occurred, and in which direction it occurred. There is also support for static gesture recognition in OpenCV which can locate hand position and define orientation (right or left) in image and create hand mask image. In this we will use image processing in which captured image will be processed which are digital in nature by the digital computer. By this we will enhance the quality of a picture so that it looks better. Our aim is to design a human computer interface system that can recognize language of the deaf and dumb accurately

    Comparative analysis of Tesseract and Google Cloud Vision for Thai vehicle registration certificate

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    Optical character recognition (OCR) is a technology to digitize a paper-based document to digital form. This research studies the extraction of the characters from a Thai vehicle registration certificate via a Google Cloud Vision API and a Tesseract OCR. The recognition performance of both OCR APIs is also examined. The 84 color image files comprised three image sizes/resolutions and five image characteristics. For suitable image type comparison, the greyscale and binary image are converted from color images. Furthermore, the three pre-processing techniques, sharpening, contrast adjustment, and brightness adjustment, are also applied to enhance the quality of image before applying the two OCR APIs. The recognition performance was evaluated in terms of accuracy and readability. The results showed that the Google Cloud Vision API works well for the Thai vehicle registration certificate with an accuracy of 84.43%, whereas the Tesseract OCR showed an accuracy of 47.02%. The highest accuracy came from the color image with 1024×768 px, 300dpi, and using sharpening and brightness adjustment as pre-processing techniques. In terms of readability, the Google Cloud Vision API has more readability than the Tesseract. The proposed conditions facilitate the possibility of the implementation for Thai vehicle registration certificate recognition system

    Machine learning methods for sign language recognition: a critical review and analysis.

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    Sign language is an essential tool to bridge the communication gap between normal and hearing-impaired people. However, the diversity of over 7000 present-day sign languages with variability in motion position, hand shape, and position of body parts making automatic sign language recognition (ASLR) a complex system. In order to overcome such complexity, researchers are investigating better ways of developing ASLR systems to seek intelligent solutions and have demonstrated remarkable success. This paper aims to analyse the research published on intelligent systems in sign language recognition over the past two decades. A total of 649 publications related to decision support and intelligent systems on sign language recognition (SLR) are extracted from the Scopus database and analysed. The extracted publications are analysed using bibliometric VOSViewer software to (1) obtain the publications temporal and regional distributions, (2) create the cooperation networks between affiliations and authors and identify productive institutions in this context. Moreover, reviews of techniques for vision-based sign language recognition are presented. Various features extraction and classification techniques used in SLR to achieve good results are discussed. The literature review presented in this paper shows the importance of incorporating intelligent solutions into the sign language recognition systems and reveals that perfect intelligent systems for sign language recognition are still an open problem. Overall, it is expected that this study will facilitate knowledge accumulation and creation of intelligent-based SLR and provide readers, researchers, and practitioners a roadmap to guide future direction

    A review of temporal aspects of hand gesture analysis applied to discourse analysis and natural conversation

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    Lately, there has been a\ud n increasing\ud interest in hand gesture analysis systems. Recent works have employed\ud pat\ud tern recognition techniques and have focused on the development of systems with more natural user\ud interfaces. These systems may use gestures to control interfaces or recognize sign language gestures\ud , which\ud can provide systems with multimodal interaction; o\ud r consist in multimodal tools to help psycholinguists to\ud understand new aspects of discourse analysis and to automate laborious tasks.\ud Gestures are characterized\ud by several aspects, mainly by movements\ud and sequence of postures\ud . Since data referring to move\ud ments\ud or\ud sequences\ud carry temporal information\ud , t\ud his paper presents a\ud literature\ud review\ud about\ud temporal aspects of\ud hand gesture analysis, focusing on applications related to natural conversation and psycholinguistic\ud analysis, using Systematic Literature Revi\ud ew methodology. In our results, we organized works according to\ud type of analysis, methods, highlighting the use of Machine Learning techniques, and applications.FAPESP 2011/04608-

    Effects of cultural characteristics on building an emotion classifier through facial expression analysis

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Facial expressions are an important demonstration of humanity's humors and emotions. Algorithms capable of recognizing facial expressions and associating them with emotions were developed and employed to compare the expressions that different cultural groups use to show their emotions. Static pictures of predominantly occidental and oriental subjects from public datasets were used to train machine learning algorithms, whereas local binary patterns, histogram of oriented gradients (HOGs), and Gabor filters were employed to describe the facial expressions for six different basic emotions. The most consistent combination, formed by the association of HOG filter and support vector machines, was then used to classify the other cultural group: there was a strong drop in accuracy, meaning that the subtle differences of facial expressions of each culture affected the classifier performance. Finally, a classifier was trained with images from both occidental and oriental subjects and its accuracy was higher on multicultural data, evidencing the need of a multicultural training set to build an efficient classifier. (C) 2015 SPIE and IS&TFacial expressions are an important demonstration of humanity's humors and emotions. Algorithms capable of recognizing facial expressions and associating them with emotions were developed and employed to compare the expressions that different cultural gro24219FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)FAPESP [2011/22749-8, 2014/04020-9]CNPq [307113/2012-4]2011/22749-8; 2014/04020-9307113/2012-