314 research outputs found

    Perfect state transfer, graph products and equitable partitions

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    We describe new constructions of graphs which exhibit perfect state transfer on continuous-time quantum walks. Our constructions are based on variants of the double cones [BCMS09,ANOPRT10,ANOPRT09] and the Cartesian graph products (which includes the n-cube) [CDDEKL05]. Some of our results include: (1) If GG is a graph with perfect state transfer at time tGt_{G}, where t_{G}\Spec(G) \subseteq \ZZ\pi, and HH is a circulant with odd eigenvalues, their weak product G×HG \times H has perfect state transfer. Also, if HH is a regular graph with perfect state transfer at time tHt_{H} and GG is a graph where t_{H}|V_{H}|\Spec(G) \subseteq 2\ZZ\pi, their lexicographic product G[H]G[H] has perfect state transfer. (2) The double cone K2+G\overline{K}_{2} + G on any connected graph GG, has perfect state transfer if the weights of the cone edges are proportional to the Perron eigenvector of GG. This generalizes results for double cone on regular graphs studied in [BCMS09,ANOPRT10,ANOPRT09]. (3) For an infinite family \GG of regular graphs, there is a circulant connection so the graph K_{1}+\GG\circ\GG+K_{1} has perfect state transfer. In contrast, no perfect state transfer exists if a complete bipartite connection is used (even in the presence of weights) [ANOPRT09]. We also describe a generalization of the path collapsing argument [CCDFGS03,CDDEKL05], which reduces questions about perfect state transfer to simpler (weighted) multigraphs, for graphs with equitable distance partitions.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Packing Strong Subgraph in Digraphs

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    In this paper, we study two types of strong subgraph packing problems in digraphs, including internally disjoint strong subgraph packing problem and arc-disjoint strong subgraph packing problem. These problems can be viewed as generalizations of the famous Steiner tree packing problem and are closely related to the strong arc decomposition problem. We first prove the NP-completeness for the internally disjoint strong subgraph packing problem restricted to symmetric digraphs and Eulerian digraphs. Then we get inapproximability results for the arc-disjoint strong subgraph packing problem and the internally disjoint strong subgraph packing problem. Finally we study the arc-disjoint strong subgraph packing problem restricted to digraph compositions and obtain some algorithmic results by utilizing the structural properties

    New bounds on even cycle creating Hamiltonian paths using expander graphs

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    We say that two graphs on the same vertex set are GG-creating if their union (the union of their edges) contains GG as a subgraph. Let Hn(G)H_n(G) be the maximum number of pairwise GG-creating Hamiltonian paths of KnK_n. Cohen, Fachini and K\"orner proved n12no(n)Hn(C4)n34n+o(n).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-o(n)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{3}{4}n+o(n)}. In this paper we close the superexponential gap between their lower and upper bounds by proving n12n12nlognO(1)Hn(C4)n12n+o(nlogn).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-\frac{1}{2}\frac{n}{\log{n}}-O(1)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{1}{2}n+o\left(\frac{n}{\log{n}} \right)}. We also improve the previously established upper bounds on Hn(C2k)H_n(C_{2k}) for k>3k>3, and we present a small improvement on the lower bound of F\"uredi, Kantor, Monti and Sinaimeri on the maximum number of so-called pairwise reversing permutations. One of our main tools is a theorem of Krivelevich, which roughly states that (certain kinds of) good expanders contain many Hamiltonian paths.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e; v2: updated Footnote 1 on Page 5; v3: revised version incorporating suggestions by the referees (the changes are mainly in Section 5); v4: final version to appear in Combinatoric

    New bounds on even cycle creating Hamiltonian paths using expander graphs

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    We say that two graphs on the same vertex set are GG-creating if their union (the union of their edges) contains GG as a subgraph. Let Hn(G)H_n(G) be the maximum number of pairwise GG-creating Hamiltonian paths of KnK_n. Cohen, Fachini and K\"orner proved n12no(n)Hn(C4)n34n+o(n).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-o(n)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{3}{4}n+o(n)}. In this paper we close the superexponential gap between their lower and upper bounds by proving n12n12nlognO(1)Hn(C4)n12n+o(nlogn).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-\frac{1}{2}\frac{n}{\log{n}}-O(1)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{1}{2}n+o\left(\frac{n}{\log{n}} \right)}. We also improve the previously established upper bounds on Hn(C2k)H_n(C_{2k}) for k>3k>3, and we present a small improvement on the lower bound of F\"uredi, Kantor, Monti and Sinaimeri on the maximum number of so-called pairwise reversing permutations. One of our main tools is a theorem of Krivelevich, which roughly states that (certain kinds of) good expanders contain many Hamiltonian paths.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e; v2: updated Footnote 1 on Page 5; v3: revised version incorporating suggestions by the referees (the changes are mainly in Section 5); v4: final version to appear in Combinatoric

    Research problems

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