8 research outputs found

    Preface Int'l Workshop on Dynamic Process Management (DPM'06)

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    The aim of the DPM’06 workshop, which took place in Vienna on September 4th, 2006, was to provide a forum wherein challenges and paradigms for dynamic process management could be debated. The workshop brought together researchers and practitioners from different communities and application domains who share an interest in dynamic process support

    On Formal Specification of Maple Programs

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    This paper is an example-based demonstration of our initial results on the formal specification of programs written in the computer algebra language MiniMaple (a substantial subset of Maple with slight extensions). The main goal of this work is to define a verification framework for MiniMaple. Formal specification of MiniMaple programs is rather complex task as it supports non-standard types of objects, e.g. symbols and unevaluated expressions, and additional functions and predicates, e.g. runtime type tests etc. We have used the specification language to specify various computer algebra concepts respective objects of the Maple package DifferenceDifferential developed at our institute

    Using ATL to define advanced and flexible constraint model transformations

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    Transforming constraint models is an important task in re- cent constraint programming systems. User-understandable models are defined during the modeling phase but rewriting or tuning them is manda- tory to get solving-efficient models. We propose a new architecture al- lowing to define bridges between any (modeling or solver) languages and to implement model optimizations. This architecture follows a model- driven approach where the constraint modeling process is seen as a set of model transformations. Among others, an interesting feature is the def- inition of transformations as concept-oriented rules, i.e. based on types of model elements where the types are organized into a hierarchy called a metamodel

    Quality Measures of Parameter Tuning for Aggregated Multi-Objective Temporal Planning

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    Parameter tuning is recognized today as a crucial ingredient when tackling an optimization problem. Several meta-optimization methods have been proposed to find the best parameter set for a given optimization algorithm and (set of) problem instances. When the objective of the optimization is some scalar quality of the solution given by the target algorithm, this quality is also used as the basis for the quality of parameter sets. But in the case of multi-objective optimization by aggregation, the set of solutions is given by several single-objective runs with different weights on the objectives, and it turns out that the hypervolume of the final population of each single-objective run might be a better indicator of the global performance of the aggregation method than the best fitness in its population. This paper discusses this issue on a case study in multi-objective temporal planning using the evolutionary planner DaE-YAHSP and the meta-optimizer ParamILS. The results clearly show how ParamILS makes a difference between both approaches, and demonstrate that indeed, in this context, using the hypervolume indicator as ParamILS target is the best choice. Other issues pertaining to parameter tuning in the proposed context are also discussed.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.116

    Combining Brain-Computer Interfaces and Haptics: Detecting Mental Workload to Adapt Haptic Assistance

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    In this paper we introduce the combined use of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) and Haptic interfaces. We propose to adapt haptic guides based on the mental activity measured by a BCI system. This novel approach is illustrated within a proof-of-concept system: haptic guides are toggled during a path-following task thanks to a mental workload index provided by a BCI. The aim of this system is to provide haptic assistance only when the user's brain activity reflects a high mental workload. A user study conducted with 8 participants shows that our proof-of-concept is operational and exploitable. Results show that activation of haptic guides occurs in the most difficult part of the path-following task. Moreover it allows to increase task performance by 53% by activating assistance only 59% of the time. Taken together, these results suggest that BCI could be used to determine when the user needs assistance during haptic interaction and to enable haptic guides accordingly.Comment: EuroHaptics (2012