12 research outputs found

    Hamilton cycles in highly connected and expanding graphs

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    In this paper we prove a sufficient condition for the existence of a Hamilton cycle, which is applicable to a wide variety of graphs, including relatively sparse graphs. In contrast to previous criteria, ours is based on only two properties: one requiring expansion of ``small'' sets, the other ensuring the existence of an edge between any two disjoint ``large'' sets. We also discuss applications in positional games, random graphs and extremal graph theory.Comment: 19 page

    On covering expander graphs by Hamilton cycles

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    The problem of packing Hamilton cycles in random and pseudorandom graphs has been studied extensively. In this paper, we look at the dual question of covering all edges of a graph by Hamilton cycles and prove that if a graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta satisfies some basic expansion properties and contains a family of (1o(1))Δ/2(1-o(1))\Delta/2 edge disjoint Hamilton cycles, then there also exists a covering of its edges by (1+o(1))Δ/2(1+o(1))\Delta/2 Hamilton cycles. This implies that for every α>0\alpha >0 and every pnα1p \geq n^{\alpha-1} there exists a covering of all edges of G(n,p)G(n,p) by (1+o(1))np/2(1+o(1))np/2 Hamilton cycles asymptotically almost surely, which is nearly optimal.Comment: 19 pages. arXiv admin note: some text overlap with arXiv:some math/061275

    Hamilton cycles in highly connected and expanding graphs

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    In this paper we prove a sufficient condition for the existence of a Hamilton cycle, which is applicable to a wide variety of graphs, including relatively sparse graphs. In contrast to previous criteria, ours is based on two properties only: one requiring expansion of "small” sets, the other ensuring the existence of an edge between any two disjoint "large” sets. We also discuss applications in positional games, random graphs and extremal graph theor

    Master index to volumes 251-260

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    On the Number of Hamilton Cycles in Sparse Random Graphs

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    Expanders Are Universal for the Class of All Spanning Trees

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    Given a class of graphs F, we say that a graph G is universal for F, or F-universal, if every H in F is contained in G as a subgraph. The construction of sparse universal graphs for various families F has received a considerable amount of attention. One is particularly interested in tight F-universal graphs, i.e., graphs whose number of vertices is equal to the largest number of vertices in a graph from F. Arguably, the most studied case is that when F is some class of trees. Given integers n and \Delta, we denote by T(n,\Delta) the class of all n-vertex trees with maximum degree at most \Delta. In this work, we show that every n-vertex graph satisfying certain natural expansion properties is T(n,\Delta)-universal or, in other words, contains every spanning tree of maximum degree at most \Delta. Our methods also apply to the case when \Delta is some function of n. The result has a few very interesting implications. Most importantly, we obtain that the random graph G(n,p) is asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) universal for the class of all bounded degree spanning (i.e., n-vertex) trees provided that p \geq c n^{-1/3} \log^2n where c > 0 is a constant. Moreover, a corresponding result holds for the random regular graph of degree pn. In fact, we show that if \Delta satisfies \log n \leq \Delta \leq n^{1/3}, then the random graph G(n,p) with p \geq c \Delta n^{-1/3} \log n and the random r-regular n-vertex graph with r \geq c\Delta n^{2/3} \log n are a.a.s. T(n,\Delta)-universal. Another interesting consequence is the existence of locally sparse n-vertex T(n,\Delta)-universal graphs. For constant \Delta, we show that one can (randomly) construct n-vertex T(n,\Delta)-universal graphs with clique number at most five. Finally, we show robustness of random graphs with respect to being universal for T(n,\Delta) in the context of the Maker-Breaker tree-universality game.Comment: 25 page

    Pseudo-random graphs

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    Random graphs have proven to be one of the most important and fruitful concepts in modern Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science. Besides being a fascinating study subject for their own sake, they serve as essential instruments in proving an enormous number of combinatorial statements, making their role quite hard to overestimate. Their tremendous success serves as a natural motivation for the following very general and deep informal questions: what are the essential properties of random graphs? How can one tell when a given graph behaves like a random graph? How to create deterministically graphs that look random-like? This leads us to a concept of pseudo-random graphs and the aim of this survey is to provide a systematic treatment of this concept.Comment: 50 page

    Hamilton Cycles in Random Subgraphs of Pseudo-Random Graphs

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    Given an r-regular graph G on n vertices with a Hamilton cycle, order its edges randomly and insert them one by one according to the chosen order, starting from the empty graph. We prove that if the eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of G with the second largest absolute value satises = o(r 5=2 =(n 3=2 (log n) 3=2 )), then for almost all orderings of the edges of G at the very moment when all degrees of the obtained random subgraph H of G become at least two, H has a Hamilton cycle. As a consequence we derive the value of the threshold for the appearance of a Hamilton cycle in a random subgraph of a pseudo-random graph G, satisfying the above stated condition. Key-words Pseudo-random Graphs, Hamilton Cycles, Random Graphs. 1 Introduction Pseudo-random graphs (sometimes also called quasi-random graphs) can be informally dened as graphs whose edge distribution resembles closely that of truly random graphs on the same number of vertices and with the same edge ..