27 research outputs found

    Hamilton cycles in highly connected and expanding graphs

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    In this paper we prove a sufficient condition for the existence of a Hamilton cycle, which is applicable to a wide variety of graphs, including relatively sparse graphs. In contrast to previous criteria, ours is based on only two properties: one requiring expansion of ``small'' sets, the other ensuring the existence of an edge between any two disjoint ``large'' sets. We also discuss applications in positional games, random graphs and extremal graph theory.Comment: 19 page

    Hamilton cycles in highly connected and expanding graphs

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    In this paper we prove a sufficient condition for the existence of a Hamilton cycle, which is applicable to a wide variety of graphs, including relatively sparse graphs. In contrast to previous criteria, ours is based on two properties only: one requiring expansion of "small” sets, the other ensuring the existence of an edge between any two disjoint "large” sets. We also discuss applications in positional games, random graphs and extremal graph theor

    Hamilton cycles in quasirandom hypergraphs

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    We show that, for a natural notion of quasirandomness in kk-uniform hypergraphs, any quasirandom kk-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices with constant edge density and minimum vertex degree Ω(nk−1)\Omega(n^{k-1}) contains a loose Hamilton cycle. We also give a construction to show that a kk-uniform hypergraph satisfying these conditions need not contain a Hamilton ℓ\ell-cycle if k−ℓk-\ell divides kk. The remaining values of ℓ\ell form an interesting open question.Comment: 18 pages. Accepted for publication in Random Structures & Algorithm

    Optimal covers with Hamilton cycles in random graphs

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    A packing of a graph G with Hamilton cycles is a set of edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in G. Such packings have been studied intensively and recent results imply that a largest packing of Hamilton cycles in G_n,p a.a.s. has size \lfloor delta(G_n,p) /2 \rfloor. Glebov, Krivelevich and Szab\'o recently initiated research on the `dual' problem, where one asks for a set of Hamilton cycles covering all edges of G. Our main result states that for log^{117}n / n < p < 1-n^{-1/8}, a.a.s. the edges of G_n,p can be covered by \lceil Delta(G_n,p)/2 \rceil Hamilton cycles. This is clearly optimal and improves an approximate result of Glebov, Krivelevich and Szab\'o, which holds for p > n^{-1+\eps}. Our proof is based on a result of Knox, K\"uhn and Osthus on packing Hamilton cycles in pseudorandom graphs.Comment: final version of paper (to appear in Combinatorica

    On covering expander graphs by Hamilton cycles

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    The problem of packing Hamilton cycles in random and pseudorandom graphs has been studied extensively. In this paper, we look at the dual question of covering all edges of a graph by Hamilton cycles and prove that if a graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta satisfies some basic expansion properties and contains a family of (1−o(1))Δ/2(1-o(1))\Delta/2 edge disjoint Hamilton cycles, then there also exists a covering of its edges by (1+o(1))Δ/2(1+o(1))\Delta/2 Hamilton cycles. This implies that for every α>0\alpha >0 and every p≄nα−1p \geq n^{\alpha-1} there exists a covering of all edges of G(n,p)G(n,p) by (1+o(1))np/2(1+o(1))np/2 Hamilton cycles asymptotically almost surely, which is nearly optimal.Comment: 19 pages. arXiv admin note: some text overlap with arXiv:some math/061275

    Sharp threshold for embedding combs and other spanning trees in random graphs

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    When k∣nk|n, the tree Combn,k\mathrm{Comb}_{n,k} consists of a path containing n/kn/k vertices, each of whose vertices has a disjoint path length k−1k-1 beginning at it. We show that, for any k=k(n)k=k(n) and Ï”>0\epsilon>0, the binomial random graph G(n,(1+Ï”)log⁥n/n)\mathcal{G}(n,(1+\epsilon)\log n/ n) almost surely contains Combn,k\mathrm{Comb}_{n,k} as a subgraph. This improves a recent result of Kahn, Lubetzky and Wormald. We prove a similar statement for a more general class of trees containing both these combs and all bounded degree spanning trees which have at least Ï”n/log⁥9n\epsilon n/ \log^9n disjoint bare paths length ⌈log⁥9n⌉\lceil\log^9 n\rceil. We also give an efficient method for finding large expander subgraphs in a binomial random graph. This allows us to improve a result on almost spanning trees by Balogh, Csaba, Pei and Samotij.Comment: 20 page