55,772 research outputs found

    De encomenderos y hacendados: un acercamiento a la ordenación del territorio a través del paisaje cultural de las haciendas cafeteras en Viotá, Cundinamarca

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    En el departamento de Cundinamarca, en Colombia, desde el periodo anterior a la conquista española se habían establecido algunas formas de ordenación y explotación del territorio. Con el pasar de los años la más importante de ellas sería la encomienda, un modelo de administración y explotación de la tierra que, al menos en el municipio de Viotá, se perpetuó con la creación de haciendas. Con el tiempo las encomiendas pasaron a ser haciendas y los encomenderos hacendados. Estas haciendas se instalaron en el territorio como una forma de consolidación del mismo a lo largo del siglo XIX, constituyéndose al mismo tiempo como un paisaje cultural rural y productivo, pues se dedicaron exclusivamente al cultivo del café. Las haciendas cafeteras se encumbraron como uno de los pilares básicos que llevaron al fortalecimiento de las actividades económicas en la región, la migración de población a sus tierras y por supuesto la ordenación del municipio como tal.In the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, from the period before the Spanish conquest some forms of land management and exploitation had been established. Over the years the most important of these would be the encomienda, a model of land administration and exploitation that, at least in the municipality of Viotá, was perpetuated with the creation of haciendas. Over time the encomiendas became haciendas and encomenderos hacendados. These haciendas settled in the territory as a form of consolidation of the same throughout the nineteenth century, constituting at the same time as a rural and productive cultural landscape, since they were dedicated exclusively to the coffee cultivation. The coffee plantations became one of the basic pillars that led to the strengthening of economic activities in the region, migration of population to their lands and of course the management of the municipality as such

    An analysis of the Bolivian land reform by means of a comparison between Peruvian haciendas and Bolivian ex-haciendas

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    In April of 1952, the Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario, seized power in Bolivia and in August of the following year passed the Decreto de la Reforma Agraria and proceeded to redistribute the land of the latifundios to the former Indian laborers. This paper intends to analyze the economic and socio-economic consequences of this Bolivian revolutionary land redistribution by means of a comparative study of Peruvian haciendas and Bolivian ex-haciendas in the Lake Titicaca region. The present study will follow the plan thus indicated. The first section introduces the subject of land reform with a review of the literature and the description of a land reform situation. The second provides background to the Bolivian land reform. The third and fourth describe the area of study am the research methods used. The fifth and sixth sections analyze the Bolivian land reform by comparing haciendas and ex-haciendas in the Lake Titicaca region. The seventh section gives the analysis a national perspective by briefly investigating the impact of the land reform upon Bolivia\u27s major agricultural regions. The last section summarizes the findings of this comparative study and attempts an evaluation of the Bolivian land reform

    Human capital and other determinants in the life cycle of the price of a slave: The case of spanish america in the eighteenth century

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    This paper analizes the determinants of the price life cicle of a slave, dealing particularly with the impact of the human capital, both with respect to skills and health. The paper details the source of the sample -including more than two thousand Spanish American Slaves of the 18th Century-and discusses its reliability, moving on to a descriptive analysis in the geographic and historical context. Later on it looks at the factors influencing price in several types of economic activity, and ends by comparing the conclusions with those obtained in other studies


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    En el presente trabajo se analizan los factores determinantes de los gastos de capital de las Comunidades Autónomas (CCAA) en el período 1984-1996. Tras una descripción de los principales rasgos que definen su dinámica, procedemos a analizar la importancia relativa de las distintas fuentes de financiación y la existencia de preferencias dispares entre las CCAA sobre el reparto de fondos disponibles entre consumo e inversión pública. Classification-JEL :Gastos de capital, Haciendas Autonómicas, Financiación autonómica.

    Popular War: Gauchos and the Challenge to Elite Power in Northern Rio de la Plata in the Revolutionary Period

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    A Guerra da Independência provocou a mobilização popular no norte da Argentina. Logo que a guerra foi travada nas províncias de Salta e Jujuy, a população rural se alistou em batalhões da milícia desde 1814. Os regulamentos das milícias no Rio da Prata conclamaram na extensão da jurisdição militar (Fuero) seus soldados, e também uma compensação pela sua mobilização para o combate. A mobilização popular no norte de Rio de Prata representou uma ameaça ao poder da elite à medida em que desafiava hierarquias e padrões sociais estabelecidos de longa data desde os tempos coloniais. Ações como a intimidação, a apreensão de gado, e as ocupações de terra foram comumente tomadas pelos gaúchos como atos de justiça social. A elite via-as como atos arrogantes e violentos que visavam cercear seu poder e tirá-los de propriedade e poder.The War for Independence brought about popular mobilization in northern Argentina. As the war was waged in the provinces of Salta and Jujuy, rural population enlisted in militia battalions since 1814. Militia regulations in the Rio de la Plata area called for the extension of military jurisdiction (fuero) to all soldiers as well as for compensation when mobilized for combat. Popular mobilization in Northern Rio de la Plata posed a threat to elite power as it challenged long-held hierarchies and patterns of social deference dating from colonial times. Actions such as intimidation, seizure of livestock, and land occupations were commonly taken by gauchos and regarded by them as acts of social justice. The elite regarded them as arrogant and violent acts aimed at curtailing their power and strip them from their property and power.Fil: Paz, Gustavo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana ; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero; Argentin

    Las Haciendas del Rosario

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    Santiago Luque, autor del libro “Historia del patrimonio rural y urbano del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario” explica que entre 1650 y 1870, el patrimonio rural y urbano de la Universidad del Rosario estuvo conformado por las haciendas rurales Calandayma, Mesa de Yeguas y San Antonio, y por las propiedades urbanas y suburbanas de La Hacienda del Rosario de Bosa (Tintal), San Vicente, La Fiscala, El Chircal de las Nieves, el Solar del Claustro, las tiendas de las calles de la Universidad Florián y las casas de las calles delColiseo y de las Águilas.Nuestro fundador se encargó de comprar terrenos bien valorizados, según los criterios de la época y con características productivas importantes para lograr la sostenibilidad del Colegio. Mucho ha sucedido en los terrenos de estas haciendas después de que la Universidad decidiera venderlos, entre1834 y 1856

    Land Reform in the Lake Titicaca Region

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    Bolivia\u27s National Revolutionary party (MNR) seized power in April 1952 and a year and a half later in August 1953 promulgated the agrarian reform law, which redistributed the land of the haciendas to the former Indian tenants and others. This comparative economic study of the haciendas and ex-haciendas in the Lake Titicaca region of Bolivia and Peru was undertaken to answer three important, but largely unresolved, questions about land reform: (1 ) Which land-tenure system-large estates or small peasant farms-affords the agriculture laborers and cultivators the greater freedom of mobility, opportunity, income, and education? (2) Did the Land-tenancy conditions of a typical latifundio ( large landed estate ) land-tenure system border on serfdom and preclude freedom and was this system largely responsible for the low standard of living and education of the rural population in a traditional agrarian economy? (3) Is there any validity to the contention that land reform is not only a reform of the way land is held but just as much reform of the man who tills the land